Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5879 Impact Robbery

The sword has no double shape unconsciously.

His spirit and its origin began to rise.

There is no to the high rule.

He has no limit on any realm.

Can cultivate crazy.

Robbery! "

The sword is unbeaten and looking at the sky.

Then I said: "I only need to stop the rules instantly, this robbery I have to follow."

Obtained by the old man's intention, he does not need to cope with the first difficulty of the robbery.

But now, he thinks there is no need.

The clouds that are gathered in the sky, from being broken to the agglomeration.

It is brewing a risk that is unhappy.

I was destroying the heart of the world of the world, I was stunned.

Suddenly I can't destroy the array.

The entire endless world is isolated from the outside world.

"It is the old guy!" Shenmu is embarrassing.

I thought of the old man of the pulley.

The world is the world, the world, the world, the most special.

This holy club is chosen in the infinity world.

In fact, there is still a conspiracy.

Otherwise, it will not let the ancient latter.

I have already went to pick up Guula.

Think of the bulk, although it can't come, but in order to destroy the array of universe, it is not what is it.

Or the ancient martial art has concealed, so there is no rescue.

Instead, it also adds to the arch.

Their purpose is not a practitioner.

But Guula!

If someone can beat the ancient ru, it is not very good.

The real goal, or the nine dragon balls.

Go to open a treasure.

The treasure is related to Wanliu.

All this is a bureau.

From the beginning, it is buckled on the ring.

The position of the saints, who can sit.

But the opportunity of Wanliu opened, just once.

As for why you don't want to make it yourself.

This is related to the vows in Dragon.

At the beginning of the dragon god, the oath was oath.

Only the long-term older old of the pulsuit can open.

Guula is just a scorpion.

They want to let the bars increase the elders to open nine dragon boars.

Regardless of the purpose.

Which of the treasures will be taken out.

Only the appearance of the sword is unparalleled, disrupted the layout of the ancient mouse.

It is also a double happiness.

Two benefits, in the eyes of Shenmu Wang, is related to Wanliu.

Today, he will have.

Isolated to high rules.

Then explain that Dragon Ball plays a role.

Unfortunately, they have not yet entered the infinity world.

This, so that God's heart is somewhat unstable.

Feeling a threat is slowly close.

This threats, he thought in infinity world.

Actually, not this.

This threat comes from Babi.

It is also just right.

Just give the sword without double delay time.

The bias of steamer is coming.

Dragon Mountain.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first is the first difficult.

This is a difficulty of impacting the robbery.

It is also robbery!

"Don't you really need to block?" The biggest old man below hesitated, and I feel that it is not a hero now.

He believes that the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is gentle, and there is no threat, and it said: "I have to take this difficult, otherwise I can't master the time."


The big old is stunned.

Although I don't understand, this sword is unparalleled.

Not saying anything.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the clouds that are gathered in the sky.

Both eyes are like a wave, watching the past, the clouds dissipate.

Instead, it is a macro.

It took him directly.

Time rules are also falling.

This is hard to say that there is no pair of swords, just like drinking water.

The clouds in the sky disappeared.

Isolated to high rules come again.

The outside world can also see the situation below.

Shen Mu Wang et al, just seeing the sword in the sky.

"This kid, in impact robbery?"

"He is afraid not to be crazy, now impact the robbery, not afraid of Guula to destroy!"

Shenmu Wang Xian is a look at the pulley to increase the old, then look at Guula, say: "Guula was stopped, and checked Wu Li's, it was related to Hontan."

The current surprise is more and more.

The constant of the year, it seems to be rolled into this battle.

The treasures got from Hengmu were originally ambitious.

There is also confidence from the new and Jiu Xing Zongmen ancient times.

The big husband, will be squatting.

The ancient wood holy land, those who are still troublesome, have planned to attack.

I will wait for an eight hobbies to lead.

Stone Country's eight-pocked old ancestors will come immediately.

At the same time, the bulk of the big force is also coming.

At that time, the ancient mouse, can't flicker again.

While waiting for people, they also look at the sword.

Just a short interval, I saw the sword when I was unparalleled, I found that the sword was unparalleled in the hijacking.

Obviously, these people also don't understand the sword unparalleled operation?

"This kid, will not think that it is a robbery, can you defeat Guola?"

"Tianjiao is like this, always thinking that he can match everything, waiting, he will soon be desperate!"

These seven-robbery, each of which is more than one million.

I didn't put the sword in my eyes at all.

Although I have seen the sword where the sword is unparalleled, 800,000 will, but think that the power is not a sword.

Otherwise, how can I get a good gas in advance, there is still a time limit.

Even if it breaks through the robbery.

They don't think the sword is unparalleled to increase the power to million in a short time.

Don't mention how much treasures needed.

Just say this time, getting more and more.

In the rear of these people, the alcine star stared at the sword of the impact, secretly passing: "Little guy, the secret on you is too much, I hope you can spend this crisis."

The refining star is not like other bulbs.

Although the time with the sword is very short, it is the most understanding of the strength of the sword.

A dazzling of a time.

The sword is unparalleled is like the most shining stars in the night sky.

Maybe it will become a meteor.

Maybe it will become an ancient sun moon!

No matter how he is still a sword.

Didn't go to the sword because of the power of life.

If you need this kind of life, he only needs to say, there will be someone to send it.

The sword is unparalleled to spend this crisis.

The same is true.

If he needs, the sword will give him unparalleled.

So there is no need to go to this water.

It's good to look at it.

It will be stunned again if you say that there is no double.

The sword that impacts the robbery is unparalleled.

Then I don't think this.

Instead, the entry into the time rule.

Integration with time is integrated.

At the same time, I also left a minor mark.

Time Avenue has been formed.

He has gone.

Time and space in Moos, or the original universe.

He is already a robbery.

Just now he is in ancient times.

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