Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5883 has no pressure

"Close your crow mouth!"

Many people have a bad look.

The sword is unparalleled, what is the benefit of them?

Did you die, the sword of waste is unparalleled to them.

The dead sword is unparalleled, and the dead is as uncomfortable.

After all, they fully expect the sword unparalleled congenital life.

Langxing and Tongxian also saw that the sword is unparalleled and ready to be robbed, and it is excited.

"Little guy, I know you!" The refrancing star held his fist, and his eyes were light.

Although the relationship between the unparalleled swords and swords is not close, but they have a heart.

One blink, the current sword is unparalleled to be comparable to him.

Half-step seven-hidden universe of the universe, Shen Li million, and the ancient pulse that does not transform is not much.

Nowadays, the swords of robbery are unparalleled, the foundation has arrived at 700,000.

The fourth quantity robbery and turned into the past.

The rest is to the high robbery.

Everyone pinched him a cold sweat.

I hope he can successfully spend it.

There are still many people worried that the sword is not double-degree, and I have finished it again.

The fourth robbery, it is over.

There is an essential gap with the top three robbery.

This succession is unparalleled to feel the powerful "robbery"

Just like an iceberg, falling into his cosmic sea.

Still negligible!

The sword is nothing more worried, and now it seems.

"Siki!" He held his fist and wanted to manipulate the universe of his own, and found it still tough.

This is just a distant universe.

Just like Vis, just a piece of paper.

However, his paper cannot be manipulated.

Not to mention that this paper will turn this paper into a real universe.

"Prepare the fifth robbery!" Vissed looked up to sword unparalleled, and nodded.

To the high rules, run again, gather the fifth robbery.

Ancient wooden holy land.

"It seems that there is no pressure!"

At this time, many people were relieved.

"The fourth robbery has passed, or it is still unable to master the true universe. It seems that he has to cross the fifth robbery!"

"It is also similar to expectations, and it is a bit of his strength!"

Everyone nodded.

Fortunately, there is no double surface of the sword, they can respond.

The sword has no doubles back to the normal, and the power is only 700,000.

Those strong people can naturally see.

But after the sword is unparalleled, the power is more than 14 million.

This combat force is enough to make ordinary seven robbery.

Now the base is 700,000, it is not the limit.

The sword is not double yet, there is such a high infrastructure.

Once the skeleton of Dongjun is swallowed, the foundation is relaxed.

Now that he is not he calculating his own combat power, the fifth robbery is the goal of him.

After this time, he hopes to be able to successfully control the universe.


"let's start!"

The breath suddenly rises.

Quantity of robbery is the first arrival.

Seventy thousand power, resist the fifth robbery, nor is it too much effort.

However, the pressure is already coming.

The four puffs have seventy thousand power, it is already comparable to the five knocked border.

Take the fifth robbery, it is normal, but the sixth robbery is not.

The fourth time, let him have a black hole in the universe in the universe, an increase of more than 70,000.

This time I am afraid to reach 100,000.

Robbery that came out, lowered from the sky.

Directly gathered to his local universe.

This time gives him a feeling.

It is no longer an object to fall into the sea.

Instead, a storm is condensed in the universe.

The sword is unparalleled to start seriously.

"This power is actually eating!" He suddenly worched.

Only when he swallowed the part of others, there is still a power that dares to swallow his.

This has to be given to this force.

He came directly to the heart of the storm.

It is true that the storm is absorbing the power of his own universe.

Don't open the hands, can't operate the power of the entire universe. He also can't manage this more than 70,000 black holes?


The power of seven thousand black holes gathers full body.

The source of the sword is unparalleled!

The power of his current origin is not comparable to seven-hobby.

Instead, I arrived at the Eight Assault Level.

This is because the ancient month time and space is the power.

If it is converted to the original Moose time space.

His source of the origin is not a problem.

The force of seven thousand black holes, an unprecedented breath broke out.

The whole storm will be disaggregated directly.

Hard students will be talked to high robust.

Whether it is the strong man who is watching, or the old age of Longqi Mountain is very shocking.

The outside world is blown up.

They can see that the sword is unparalleled to enhance the five robbery, but I have never thought about the sword. There will be the fifth supreme, forcing to collapse.

This is the power to destroy the high rules!

It's just a mess.

Lianvis leaked a surprised expression, whispered self-prodigal: "It seems that I didn't pick the wrong person, he has a destroyed talent!"

Only the sword is unparalleled, this is normal.

Nothing is nothing.

The fifth robbery, he did not put it in his eyes.

He just wants to hit the universe.

Five robbery.

His black hole has risen directly to 100,000.

A universe, 100,000 black holes.

If it is 10,000, it is a success, the birth of the super universe.

Then the universe of the 100,000 black holes is the general universe.

Has arrived in the limit of rules.

I am afraid that the god of the rules, I can't think of the future generations.

1 yuan, 100,000 days!

This is a truth from weakness.

Now he once again verified what is the limit, what is surpassing rules.


Lift your hand, you can operate the cavity of the universe.

The past, the universe is dead, and I can't move.

Now but how to make it.

"Let me see your true appearance!" He condensed the source and began to make an universe evolution and become a real universe.



The sword has no doubles.


This is still over?

I can't control my universe.

He has collapsed.

The strong people in the outside world have also collapsed.

"This is the fifth robbery. This kid has not controlled the universe. Is it necessary to go to the nine robbery?"

"The crow mouth, I really want to get the ninth robbery, let's hit it."

"Five knobs, 800,000, the advantage is still in me!" There is a seven-bit robbery self-comfort.

There is a seven-robbery power to face the reality.

The sword of the emperor is unparalleled, and 800,000 will be burst.

Regardless of the beauty of the power.

In case you can explode.

Now doubled, it is one hundred and six hundreds of thousands.

The seven-pockets that are gathered here are not ordinary people.

The power is more than 1500,000, more than two million super powerful people.

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