Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5884, the ninth robbery, I can summon you.

Can they die.

The sword is unparalleled but lives.

Still constantly become stronger.

It is so powerful now that the universe is so powerful, and it has been controlled the universe.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and I don't know what to do.

I looked down at Vis.

The other party nodded and reminded: "You only have to be confident, my ninth robbery can help you!"

This sentence makes him scared, and quickly sway: "No, it is enough to take it once!"

He also has the limit.

Distinguished the sixth robbery, he didn't have the strength.

A five robbery is his bottom line.

The limit is six robbery.

"Then start!" Vissered out of the scepter, changing the sky, and the robbery again gathered again.

The sword is unparalleled to start seriously.

Taking advantage of such a small meeting, quickly swallow the treasures in the mustard.

His origin has been in the limit state, and it is impossible to improve.

Every robbery makes his origin once, becoming more powerful, and it is more fast than the swallowing treasure.

But the power, the increase is really small.

Now the foundation is 800,000.

Five puffs 800,000.

Ordinary people are peaks in the eyes of ordinary people.

Can be in his eyes, this is not eating a meal.

I am going to swallow all the treasures, except Dongjun's skeleton.

After all treasures got in the infinite world, after all, he found that he added a few hundred power.

It seems that those treasures are too rubbish.

The sixth quantity of robbery is required to take up to 800,000.

If you want to steady, you have to increase the power.


"The power of the beast!"

"three times!"

His power began to soar, and it broke millions in an instant.

The origin of the beast god soldiers is also washed underward and went to the five knocked level.

Now you don't need to use it, you can display five times the power of the beast.

However, he feels millions of power, enough to cope with the sixth robbery.

If millions of power, you can't pass the sixth robbery, it is too scream.


The mass robbed his body, leaving a lot of injuries.

This is the first injury when he ferried.

The power of life is running again to return to the peak.

Quantity, it is a steady cross.

The strong people in the outside world have been relieved.

Once again, I saw the strength of the congenital life, and these people were more crazy.

"The most important thing is the sixth supreme robbery. He is enough for these mixed yuan.

Cold words from the beginning.

Go to the current refueling.

They just like the swords, from the first robbery to the sixth robbery.

Serious faces.

In the mouth, "over! Over!"



For a time, a low voice is able to listen to the whole holy area.

It is still very urgent to destroy the Shenmu Wang et al.

I am afraid that the sword is not doubled, and it has become a waste.

Now the sword is unparalleled, and it is hoped.

In the face of the sixth robbery, his confidence is very big.


The universe is divided, countless strength aggregation.

I have a few cave in an instant.

The sixth robbery is indeed.

This time he felt the terrible of the highest rule.

As long as it is a robbery, no matter how strong, it will be suppressed by the high rule.

No one can avoid it.

Which girl is falling under the robbery of ancient times.

That is, God, can jump into this constraint.

"come on!"

The sword has no pair of hands open, although there is no real universe.

But he has an increase in the universe.

Also let his strength have improved.

A total of the entire universe should be handled.

It is also the robbery of him.

The storm of the gathering, shutting through each place of the universe.

The wings behind him continue to earthquake, and rescue their universe around him.

Mixed omestal stone is also consumed, and the universe is restored.

But its universe is too big.

It is ten times that of the main five hobby universe.

The mixed omestical stone consumed is more.

Fortunately, the universe is coming to condense, and he can also use his mental to repair the universe.


Another secret situation began to collapse.

Still the most important Ski Mountain in his universe.

Vis is above.

He rescued below, Visseed on the sun, drinking a small wine.

Form a distinct contrast with him.

No way, this is the gap.

Who will make his strength?

The sixth robbery, the source of the universe, thoroughly became the sea.

There is no connection in land.

Only the five secrets of suspension!

100,000 black holes, only five secrets.

It is obviously not enough, this robbery is the support of his universe.

It is not supported by this robbery. How to give birth to a stronger life, it is better to die.

"No, I am busy alone!" The sword has shaken his head and clearly clear the situation.

One can't do, then 10,000.

He can also face it.

Everything is extremely strong, you can give birth to countless fresses!


One minute, two, four, quad eight!

It's just a situation, there will be more than 10,000 points, and I will run away from all walks.

Stake a seat black hole, the timeline of the connection is also fixed.

This is the opening of the universe.

The disorder of space is because of time.

Time and space are as long as stable.

Then there is no problem.

The sword is unparalleled now, but it is not the previous comprehension time.

Instead, it is necessary to establish a time that belongs to his own universe.

This is completely two yards.

"This world, there must be light!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the huge sun at the center of the universe is extinguished.

Only one piece of darkness can be confirmed to prove the existence of light.


Heaven and earth from white.


Yin and yang have been formed, the remaining is all things.

One minute and two are yin and yang, two students three, three thousand things.

Time and space, have a firing to stabilize.

What he has to do is to complete your universe, completely build it.

The five secrets are simultaneously pulled.

Take Sky Mountain as the core.

In the flash, the entire universe was completely stabilized.

The sixth robbery is also solved.

This moment is also a true true to his universe.


A heavy breathing allows the sword without double-finish.

He can feel the breath from the universe.

The first life is about to be born.

In your own universe, swords are unparalleled, ignorant.

The figure flashed and has reached the depths of the sea.

His people's own eyes have a strong force, and a strain of life-free plants.

The first life is special life.

Not a proliferable ethnic group.

This is normal.

Now let him create a group of ethnic groups, it is also difficult for him.

However, it is true that you can make a special life, you represent your universe.

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