Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5896 Torn face

Because he has been staring at the altar, he didn't feel it with Hengmu.

Still, Danbao found the inconsistency of things, and quickly shouted around the two: "Those statues, it seems to be alive!"

"What?" This time, he did not hesitate, and quickly brought the power of the life of the life, stopped.

It turned out in turn.

The statue of the outside world has changed.

Look, just really moved.

The Lord of Hengmu, Some anxious, and quickly urged: "Don't go to those statues, now it is a little, even if they are alive, it doesn't matter, as long as they are completely recovered, we will go in!"

The more you say, the sword is unparalleled.

This can give the Lord of Hengmu.

I quickly greeted Wu Li in front of it.

"Warrior brother, when this time is not a small sex, wait for the people to take people, we are finished!" Wu Li worked hard.

The sword is unparalleled, slowly turning to look at Wu Li, said: "What is the benefit of you?"

This sentence, I will ask Wu Li directly.

The Lord of Hengmu is his master. When he is still a crowd, he has got a branch, and it has embarked on the road.

I have done all the things under the time.

Old Wujia, Guangzong Yaozu.

He became an immortal.

It is an additional Wu family to the back, and you will be an old ancestor.

Almost arrived at the Lord of the Universe.

His dreams have long been achieved.

Now it is just to be happy, and there is also what he also wants to go up.

There are not many plans for the mainstay of Hengmu.

But after he arrived at the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Hengmu was long to instill the things about Wanliu Shenmu.

This matter, I have a root in his heart.

Don't enter the Wanliu, this life seems to have regrets.

Now that the sword is unparalleled so, I really ask him.

"I!" Wu Li turned his head and looked at the constant wood. He looked again in the sword. He said: "Of course, it is necessary to become strong, the sword is not a child, why bother to invest too much, as long as you enter Wanliu Shenmu , My master will not lose you! "

In the middle of the sword, there is a choice, Wu Li must be the latter.

Say this, the sword is unparalleled.

But this kind of words, some people say from the vanithic period.

Now the sword is unparalleled, just like the air.

If there is no change in this place, he will also believe it.

When you enter Wanliu Shenmu, you will not take each other.

However, there is no such thing as it hasn't entered Wanliu Shenmu.

The engraving of the outside world has recovered.

Each strength is powerful.

Why don't you let the sword are unparalleled.

In case his power, it is not a passage of Wanliu Shenmu at all.

But to recover these statues.

That is a big fool.

Who knows what these engraving becomes.

Who will listen after the recovery.

On both sides of the altar, three statues above, at least seven robbery, and even the gums.

This is alive, it is unfavorable to them, and he will be able to live on the spot.

So he did not dare to continue to push the altar into the power of life.

Unless it is the Lord of Henghuang, it can be said that a reason can be said.

Or can explain the current situation.

There is no trace of traces, and there is no sign.

Instead, the engraving begins to recover.

"Hengju, you now have the right to vow, to ensure that I entered the Wanliu, and I don't hurt the people, I will continue to inject the power of life, don't think about it!" The sword is unparalleled. From the distance, Know that the delay is delayed, not good.

You can only choose to avoid risks.

Let the hosted of Hengmu under this vow.

He can see that the status of the mainstream of Hengmu is not weak, and it is the scattering of seven-robbery.

There are at least two million in terms of power.

If he is still an emperor, I am afraid it will be taken by the other person.

The oath under Wu Li Li was against Wu Li.

He has no vows with Honthmu.

Wu Li saw it, and turned to look at the Lord of Hengmu, respectd: "Master, it is better to set up the vows first, let the unparalleled brothers are in peace!"

"You give me a chapter!" Hengwood's main role.

This sound of anger, will be scared by Wu Li.

I don't know why, the Lord of Hengmu will be so angry.

"I blame you to sweep the stars, I don't want to help the sword, there is no double buffore, or if he ferries the robbery, do I need to ask you?" The main thing of Hengmu no longer hidden, and the body has turned directly. Like, the body of the original green tree, turned into a dark red trunk armor.

The breath is also constantly improving, and this breath is no longer the power of life, but a horrible destruction.

After Wu Li saw this scene, he felt incredible.

The gap can be too big to see the masters who have seen him.

One time, I can't accept it.

"I finally leaked your true face, two vows are so simple, you don't want to stand, I am afraid I have never thought about bringing us into Wanliu, this place is not access to Wanliu channel?" The sword was unpaired.

Moreover, the main business of Hengmu is not in the face, but it is probably he pays attention to his attention and the treasure in Danbao.

When I thought that Wu Li was in front of the sea, the sword didn't feel disgusting.

Wu Li is also a little inseparable from the sword at this time. It can be accompanied by cold eyes.

Bruce and Danbao must believe that the sword is unparalleled.

The Lord of Hengmu, said: "I wanted to take advantage of you again. I didn't expect you to see the problem so soon, then I only sent you to the road!"

"Good tone!" Brui immediately walked forward, breath a shock, and two million power broke out.

The sword is unparalleled, and the super ancient changes are also.

I am ready to shoot.

Wanliu Shenmu's plan has become a joke.

"Hengju, you will not think that there are a few stinky fish, you can take us!"

He pulled out of the rushed sword, the horror of the stars suddenly rose.

This force makes everyone are gallbling.

"Yes?" Hengmu's Lord waved his hand, and heavily said: "Left night!"


A vibration began in the mountains.

The sword is unparalleled to the carvings on the left side of the altar.

The ink green stone shell on the carving begins to fall off, and a horrible deceased began to recover.

"Not good, retreat!" The sword has no double one hand, pulling Dan Bao and Brui, rushing out of the mountain, and the figure is on the valley.

At this time, Shenmu Wang et al. Also arrived.

I saw the sword who fled the rupture and escape. Shen Mu Wang was unimacued, but she said: "Where is it?"

The sword is unparalleled and also seen the king of Shenmu.

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