Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5897 Shenmu King

The nine is too old, and each two million will.

The 18th core is old, and the power is at one hundred or eight million.

Don't say that Shen Mu Wang is, these people are siege, they are enough to drink a pot.

This is really finished.

I knew it, he didn't ran, and he took directly to Hanhang.

He still thinks too simple.

It feels that the Lord of Hengmu is no longer, and it can take them into Wanliu Shenmu.

What kind of calculation is there, and you can escape.

Who can think of it, say that long plan, and finally become a joke.

The main root of Hengmu is thinking about bringing them into Wanliu.

Or, Wanliu may not be able to enter.

It is just a scorpion that the main machine of Hengmu came to this place.

Everyone of them was played.

"Shen Mu Wang, Hengmu's Lord is below, he is quickly entering Wanliu Shenmu, why don't you stop him?" The sword wanted to borrow the master's plan of Hengmu, and went to flicker some Shenmu King.

Since Shen Milu Wang and Hengmu have grievances, it is sure that the Lord of Hengmu enters Wanliu.

Just let them two people fight.

But he just said, but caused the mock of Shenmao Wang.

A look at the fool looks at him.

"The old man is sitting in the town of Wanliu Long, or heard so ridiculous things!"

Shen Mu Wang turned his head and went to see a few times, then he looked at the sword. He said: "Don't take these three-year-old child, come to the old man, enter Wanliu, don't want you to think Simple, you have the strength of the congenital life, how can you still have such innocent, working with Hengmu Waste, why not come to the old man! "

"Looking for you!" The sword was unbound: "I am not dead faster."

I want to turn over white, but I don't dare.

The other party said that he broke his plan.

Just as Shen Mu Wang said.

Sitting in the town of hundreds of millions, no one knows that Wanliu Shenmu is more than him.

Will it be as simple as Hengmu.

I will go in.

What is Wanliu when it is.

Shenmao Wang sitted in the town for so many years, I am afraid I have already said that I have turned over.

I am afraid this place also knows.

I really want to enter, and he is estimated to go in.

Need a congenital life force, great not to sacrifice.

Although a large number of numbers, the ancient muto controls so much wild world.

It can also make it out.

Why didn't you do this?

The sword is unparalleled and hated, and it should be thought of before he enters.

At that time, he fled and there may be hope.



"The sword is unparalleled, now there are two roads in front of you. Treasure, I will take you into Wanliu, the opportunity is only once, you have to try again! "

God Mu Wang is given to him.

On behalf of, these two things don't want outsiders to know.

And these two options are to be brought to Shenmu King.

That's not equal to it?

Sword is unparalleled!

When Shenmao Wang opened again, the high voice: "No you, I can do the second one, just waste some time, and you just wast some source of life, I suggest you choose the latter, and I can have an oath to protect you safe, you can walk in the ancient wood mainland! "


This time the sword has no double.

Wasting some life, you can enter Wanliu Shenmu.

Isn't this the same as the plan before Honthmus?

It's just some of the power of life, nothing to him.

It also guarantees his safety.

This condition, it sounds, much more than constant wood.

And the words of Shenmu king also have trustworthiness.

Just when he was ready to promise, in the valley below, it broke out an amazing atmosphere.


A loud loud look.

The ancient mutagen of the ancient mouse in the valley is old.

With that, there is still a terrorist wasteland.

"Left night!" The sword said that the other's name is said with the emotion of Shenmu Wang.

This is a statue from the main recovery of Hengmu.

Shenmu Wang turned his head and saw a sword and unparalleled, hurriedly asked: "How much life is injecting it in the altar?"

This question put him.

For a time, how much is it?

It can only be included in the confused: "Almost able to recover a dead border!"

"Your courage is really not small, didn't you see the embarrassment of this place?" Shen Mu Wang was amazed in the sword.

He has already discovered this place.

It is formed after the mainstream of the Wanliu God.

These statues are originally living.

And it is life in Wanliu Shenmu.

It is the main hometown of hengwood.

After brought out, the main use of the HSI from the altar to absorb all the lives of these deceased beasts into their own body.

These powerful deceased becomes a statue.

Now the plan of Hengmu's main plan, it is not to enter Wanliu Shenmu, but the statue of the recovery, looking for Shenmu Wang.

God's king is also this, and immediately asked directly: "The right eye is white with that monks will not recover."

"This is not!" The sword didn't even think about it.

A carvings around the altar.

On the altar, there is a wooden monk with a tanneous dew milk.

These two, can be thicker.

Looking at the expression of Shenmu King, it is obvious that these statues are very jealous.

"Fortunately, just a left and night gray, the old man can deal with it, if the old white and the old man is still recovering, then you have a big disaster, it seems that your life is indeed, such a short time, Can give the left night to the recovery! "Shen Mu Wang's face recovered, and did not forget to boast the power of sword unparalleled life.

When the left night is empty, it is hovering in the air, but it is a human shape, a gray dress, a gray dress, a lime, and finally leaking a white eyes, staring at the people, watching a circle, eyes in Shenmu The king's body stopped.

"These years, are you peek at me?"

Shenmu King nodded, she laminated: "Yes, guys who have taken out in these willows, of course, to be optimistic, or give you some messy, I can't take place!"

"Do you think it is going to take the scene now?" The left night was shaped, and I was in front of Shenmu King.

I said half of it, I will do it.

No wonder Godmark will let them go back.

The two people are very intense.

It is good here to domain.

Otherwise, you can ruin this place.

It can be such that it is still ruined half of the valley.

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