Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5899 Wu Li's pro

Wu Li also returned to reality from depends at this time, but he is now more dementia, standing in the place, do not dare to move.

The old monk is angry, but the war is extremely horrible.

Come to Wu Li, the dirty arm, directly to Wu Li's neck, then said: "Little guy, oh, you are also old guy, I see your skeleton, very good, very good, Do you want to follow me in the future! "

"You are right!" Wu Liqi did not dare to breathe, only kitakan.

It is right to think that the old monk is right.

"You don't want to be afraid, you can't make this bone, I'm sincerely take you as a son, don't live up to me!"

Old and Shangzheng pulled hard to pull Wu Li out the mountain.

The Lord of Hengmu also climbed up, full of horror!

"How can this, I have already controlled him, how can I attack me!"

He is not understanding.

After he took these guys from the Wanliu, he used the altar to become a statue, and then slavered the secret.

When you need it, you will recover!

How to recover now, other people are good, they are not controlled.

And I also attacked him.

Seeing the other party also sat down Wu Li, he instantly understood it.

And when you recover, it is useless.

It seems that it is a matter of secret law.

When you think of this, he regrets the original choice.

All this is because of Wu Li.

When the target was originally selected, he would not choose from the people in Wanliu.

As a result, because Wu Li is alone, he is full of money.

"Hengju, you put me this cheap son, cultivated very good, so I decided to let you die late!" The old monk said or crazy.

But Wu Li found the focus from this sentence.


"Who is your son?"

However, he didn't dare to say that it was only complained.

Then I think it back and I will think about him.

Born in a vulgar family, the old man is a carpenter, and the ancestors have no more than a monk.

How to discuss, I feel that the other party is talking.

But the old and still don't care.

He turned his head and looked at Wu Li and said: "Do you have not believed?"

Wu Li took a nod and shook his head.

If you really give him a strong affected, he should be happy!

Thinking of this, he called directly.

"Father is on, please be worshiped by children!"

The old monk listened to this sentence, very happy, raised his hand and slap in the head of Wu Li.

Wu Li, a five-knocked universe, that is, the body shape has fallen below.

At the same time, the bottom is also dark, this Laozi may not be a good person.

The old monk saw the shape, smashed his trousers, hippie smile: "Sorry, just recover, strength is not good!"

Said your finished shadow, followed by Wu Li.

Looking at the half-dead Wu Li, the old monk scratched and scratched in the crotch, and the kung fu, I took a black sphere.

Wu Li is half-eyed, and it has seen this scene.

I quickly stop the old monk from doing.

But his strength has a big monk.

So you can only close your mouth and don't eat.

"Oiss, otherwise the old man will have to lose their temper!" The old monk blindly, almost scared Wu Li, and finally unwilling to open his mouth.

The old monk saw it, said: "This is right, I will be your pro, who is bullying you, you will report my name!"

"Well!" Wu Li also didn't know if he had an old monk, or he swallowed a black ball.

At the throat, it is like a card.

Talk is a little bad.


However, after that, after the east, he entered his own source, his face suddenly watched.

A power from the highest rule began to condense in his own.

This scene also happened in Vietnam.

Vietnam Wu family is only medium.

Wu Li's original universe is here.

But it is in the air.

Corresponding to the ground.

In his local universe, it began to gather together.

This is the sixth robbery.

Because it is a black ball, he actually began to ferry.

Just a black sphere, you can make him instantly ferment.

At this moment, he really wants to eat a black sphere.

Although that is from the old monk's crotch, he also wants to eat.

This sixth robbers are so easy.

And it is also very easy.

Whether it is suggesting, or the mass robbery.

Power Millions of Wu Li, I will pick it up easily.

Someone is lucky, some people are unlucky.

For example, the Lord of Hengmu.

Although he controlled the left night as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as ash.

Unfortunately, I have not fully taken the old monk, which is still unfavorable.

Shenmu King is entangled with two Taiwan Beasts.

The Lord of Hengmu can only face the old monk one person.

The battle in the valley, after the old monk appeared, it slowed down.

The face of Shenmu King is very embarrassing, two Taiwan beasts can also deal with it, but after the old monk, there is some difficult to control.

"Hey, why don't you fight?" The old monk sat in a mess, Wu Li is still standing behind him.

The sword in the sky is unparalleled.

He didn't think of it, Wu Li's identity is so complicated.

From an abandonment, it becomes a key person to control the situation.

Sometimes, luck is such a wonderful.

One more and then three transitions.


After receiving the command of the Lord of Hengwood, he stopped, and he became a human shape.

"You have an old thing, I can't get you out!" Hengmu's main is willing to defeat, and regret that the old monk is not leaving from the Wanliu, and Wu Li should do a chess piece.

Shen Mi King has got a treasure of the main treasure of Hengmu, and the investigation of these years has also been a probably understanding of this matter.

I thought that the old monk was the Lord of Hengmu, and now it seems that the old monk is not controlled by the constant.

This is good for him.

It is much better than making the host of Hanhang.

In particular, it is better to see two people.

"The outside air is good, finally let Laozi escape from inside, don't want to have left to me again!" The old monk slowly stood up, and the breath also suddenly broke out.

The powerful power, the vague room exceeded the King of God.

Everyone in the air is also shocked.

Especially Bruce and Denbao.

They have not much understanding of the outside world.

I didn't expect to have just followed the sword where there is no longer away from the infinity world, I have encountered a strong stronger than a strong than a hundred times more than a hundred times.

For a time, some are somewhat.

The sword is unparalleled.

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