Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5900 Guao

He wants to enter the Wanliu and go to hit the martyrdom.

Now that he has become the Lord of the Universe, he is actually not so forward to Wanliu Shenmu.

Mainly because of ginger.

I want to see what secrets are contained in Wanliu.

Now you are now.

The main fluttering of Hengmu is not ready to enter the Wanliu.

Instead, God Mul King has pointed him a road.

There is still a bit movement, but according to the current development, he doesn't want to enter the Wanliu.

Do not say the two war beasts around Hengwood.

Just say that old monk, that is, Wu Li's pro.

The Shenli is stronger than the peak.

He is really not confident to compete with these old guys.

At least now is not confident.

As long as he is further further, it may be possible.

Let's see how these big men are ready to do!

Anyway, he cannot reverse the current situation.

Shen Mu Wang as an ancient wood continent, there is a sense of the prince, and there is no matter how strong the old monk is still, and the personality is ignorant.

After seeing the situation in the current situation, I immediately stood up.

"You, since you say that you can escape from Wanliu, you will not have any interest to Wanliu, it is better to send you, go to see the scenery of the nine-day ten place, is not fast!"

He is said to the old monk and two bathersters.

There is no main package of hengwood.

Horizontalism must leave.

This is his bottom line.

In addition to the two warfare beasts, the old monk should not intervene.

Sure enough, as you think.

Old monk smiled: "Hey, your little doll speaks well, I like it very much! Wanliu's ghost place, I won't go in again!"

This little doll three words, extra harsh.

Let Shenmu King are very unhappy.

He is the strong border of the ancient times, even if the first generation of the ancient moon god, is not qualified to call him.

It is not a general situation, he is not to open the old monk's incomplete.

I won't really think that he is this strength!

He is indeed true that the peak power of the year.

But the peak of the year, but he is now the peak now.

No one has no big card.

Clear the other person's personality, Shenmu Wang Soge endured.

And there is also something to do with each other.

"Since this Taoist friend thinks, it is better to join hands. I will give you a constant wood, and I will have two friends, and I will be relieved!" Shen Mu Wang finished, and he looked at the left night ash. With the right eye white.

These two big beasts are troublesome.

I have no death.

If the Lord of Hengmu relying on two major wars to escape, he is also difficult to come.

The old monk nodded again, then agreed: "You are right, you are right!"

Words here.

The Lord of Hengmu is laughing.

He is best to understand the old monk.

The more you say, the more no possible possible.

"Shen Mi Wang, you want to be simple, you can know that this old monk really identity?" Hengshu's Lord couldn't help but ridicule: "He is a caregiver, the caregiver of life, I have not guess wrong If you should be tied to the sword, you don't think this old guy will work with you? "

The Lord of Hengmu lies on his stomach and said that he laughed out.

I think that Shenmu King is stupid and true.

The sword in the sky is unparalleled, but it is a big joy.

Originally thought that Wu Li was lucky enough to get a close.

I didn't expect his luck to better, and I got a corner of the guild.

This luck, I finally made him touched once.

The strength of the old monk, he witnessed it.

It is definitely the top of the eight hobbies.

There is this person to protect him. He can walk around the whole day and space.

Wanliu is not going!

Directly got a way back to the government, returned to the temple, and the destroying gave up, it was a blow.

The rear hand of the life is more, and then powerful.

In the face of the peak of the Baxum, it can be calculated.

After the old monk, Wu Li, who is still, is also one of them, and then looks at the sword in the air.

He originally thought that he had a thigh, and he didn't expect this thigh.

But you can live well.

And he has become the Lord of the universe of the six-heartedness. It is already very satisfied.

There is no interest in Wanliu.

One time.

Only God Milk King is still entangled in the main body of Wanyi, and the main body of Hanhang.

This is nothing.

The key is that there is no difference between the sword. It doesn't seem to take it.

The old monk is slowly promoted, pointing at the Lord of Hengmu, "You are also very right!"

Immediately, I went to the side of the sword, and raised his hand and waved a person's nine too old, and the eighteen core is old.

The horror of the power will completely disappear with the sword.

That is, at this time, the old monk's face is serious, the breath is gentle, and the sword is unparalleled.

Danbao after the sword is unbearable, Brui stands directly in front of Danbao.

They are difficult to understand what these people are saying.

Just feel that the old monk's breath, and threaten them, so there is some panic.

This time, the sword is unparalleled, full of sneaks, and I can't help but I can't help it. I found that Bruce and Danbao were a little panicked. I quickly reached out and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it is my own, we have the mountain!"

After that, I didn't have the initiative to go to the old monk, although I know that the other party is my own caregiver, I have to respect the respect.

Although the Lord of the Mountain Valley is not cool, it can be the fact that he can only accept it.

I thought that I hadn't so much thing, but the result is that it gave the sword to the sword.

He also has the strength of the innate life, how old does not do his caregiver.

I thought that when I left Wanliu, I couldn't see him all.

Behind the old monk and the two glasses, there are thousands of people in the Wanliu, which are trapped here.

Then the secret law of the soul slavery.

Controlled these people.

I want them to be a caregiver.

Now the plan is half a success.

Only the old and is not controlled, the rest, there is no problem.

There is also a receivable.

Shenmu King is awkward.

I lost the sword and unparalleled, and I didn't hope too much.

It can only be sent to the incomplete treasure on the main body of Hengmu, so that your combat power has improved again.

However, this also made him then lost a one-step machine.

Otherwise, he costs such a great effort to play Wanliu.

Treasures and the opportunity of Wanliu.

It's far away, there is no one knows what it is.

Shen Mi King is also aware of the treasures of Hengmu.

In Wanliu Shenmu, there is a road.

That road is the road to God.

That is to surpass the robbery, not being controlled by the high rules.

It is true God in time and space.

It is stronger than nine.

Since then it is jumped off.

High than everything.

such a pity!

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