Shenmu Wang looked at the sky in the sky and the unparalleled sword and the old monk, whispered: "Maybe this is a life!"

The sword is strong, it is a good time.

Also master the strength of the innate life.

With such a chance, it must be a look at the high rules.

There is such a charm of the sky, there is no guardian.

Everyone's eyes are envious and embarrassing.

Two people looking to the interlaced in the sky.

The righteous mouth of the sword is so smiling, stretching to the old monk.

And the old monk has also stretched his hand, grining his mouth.

When the two is about to meet, the sword is unparalleled.

Old monk and its subtle gestures, bypass him, go to Denbao and Bruce.

This scene makes everyone amazed.

I thought that the old monk was joking.

How can I get around the sword and unparalleled, go to Denbao?

A dragon descendant?

How could it be related to the caregiver of life.

Bruce is also very nervous, but he can see that the other party is not malicious from the eyes of the old monk, so it is slowly moving.

Danbao looked at the old monk, and his eyes were simple. I didn't know what to say.

"Old ..." old monk stands in front of Dan Bao, first wiped some dirty paws, then hold Danbao's hands, just want to open, old characters hang it. On the side of the mouth, I think of someone else's explanation, immediately changed: "The old man, the cloth monk, met the little master!"

Such a polite name, let everyone shocked.

Is this still a big monk just that hang?

All people's eyes are gathered in Danbao.

I haven't forgotten the sword without double.

The poor sword is unparalleled in the air. It is extremely embarrassing.

How is a good thing, you have to pass it with him.

When Wu Li, I also got off and came to the sword.

It's hard to see an acquaintance, I want to mitigate the embarrassment.

Whoever thought, Wu Li grinned, and went around him and went to Denbao.

"Oh, this is a trouble, the original is a person, Danbao small brother!" Wu Li said, I wanted to go to the front case.

I haven't arrived around Danbao, I was taken out by the old monk.

It was better to control the force, Wu Li was only a half-faced, and did not hurt.

If the old monk really wants to do it, this slap can shoot the seven hobbies.

After Wu Li was taken off, he didn't dare to go up.

"Hey, you can't get a countertop!" The sword didn't have a passion, taking advantage of this opportunity, relaxing, turning his body, looking toward Danbao, and got a look in Bruce.

Tell the other party, everything is nothing.

Although Danbao is a little, some of the emotions of the old monk, let Dan Bao understand a probably.

After taking the point, Dan Bao is very respectful to the old monk.

The old monk quickly slammed, saying: "The little master can't be given!"

Seeing the other party is difficult, Dan Bao has only got up.

"Master, I will call me Dan Bao, and I will introduce you, this is the perfect warrior of my Way Rong, and my benefactor, sword is unparalleled!" Dan Bao pointed to I also looked at the sword.

The old monk laughed in Bruce, and then looked at the sword and unparalleled, but the eyes were there in a murder.

The sword that you want to rely on is unparalleled, you can only stay in place.

"Danbao can meet you, is Dan Bao's blessing!" The sword was free.

The bottom is extremely uncomfortable.

Why is Dan Bao's caregiver.

He has mastered the strength of the purest life.

Why is someone else, not him.

Just when he is doubtful.

The old monk said: "The sword is unparalleled, you are not very confused now, why you have mastered the purest congenital power, but lost to others!"

"This?" The sword is unparalleled, and the face of so many people will not play his face.

Say it is not, no one believes.

The key is that he just is really confused.

Said, don't you lose.

Danbao also felt that the old monk said, some aggressive, even busy the old monk.

When the old monk looked at Dan Bao, the face was slow, comfortable: "Little master is rest assured, he is a small master, just like the old man, I naturally won't be difficult, but his doubts do not release, but Will be unfavorable to him. "

The sword is unparalleled, since the other party said so, he can only admit it.

It is not shackled.

Gentleman, frank.

There is a sorry.

"The old seniors, it is indeed a little confused, I know that there is a natural thing in Danbao body, but also to become a life of life, but I can be very different from me. You are the caregiver of life. Why choose Danbao? "

In this sentence, the rest of the people have spacked.

What is the situation would like to listen?

The face of HSI is very embarrassing.

He didn't expect the old monk to become Danbao's caregiver.

At the same time, I also have a guess.

Just this guess, he didn't want to admit it.

God Mulu Wang is okay, as long as it is not a sword unparalleled guardian, then he also enters the possibility of entering Wanliu.

This is good for him.

And he is also very curious, why don't you choose a better sword, but choose a small person who doesn't see the brick.

An ordinary robbery.

It turned out to master the innate objects, and it was also able to convert to the power of life, and it was magical.

But it is still much poor than the strength of the sword unparalleled innate life.

The old monk saw that people were also gone, and they also opened the gold mouth.

"You think so, in fact, it's right. After all, this world is weak, and the strong can dominate everything, but this is your idea, but not the high rule of Rule!"

This sentence makes everyone a shock.

The idea of ​​strong people!

The master's master!

Isn't it right?

Under the high rules, isn't it strong to survive?

Seeing the doubts of everyone, the old monk once again said: "I have used you like you, I think it is the weak, and the strong people will be in the sky, but I have encountered a unable to exist. He is able to go to the high rule, is the real god, is his view of my education, and let me see the essence of the world. "


Everyone took a deep breath again.

"The robbery of the high rules, you are all clear, can be clear, there is no difference between the weak, there is no difference, this is the fair to the high rules, there is no weak meat in the eyes of the highest rules, that set is only mortal The evil excuse! "

This time everyone's eyes are rolled.

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