The excuse of the mortal.

Weak meat, do not exist.

This is indeed shocked them.

"The sword is unparalleled, you ask yourself, master the power of life, do you have something good, good things?"

This sentence makes the sword unparalleled.

I see!

He mastered the power of life, just thinking about making himself more powerful, there is no dying of the weak.

In other words, he has mastered the power of life is a waste.

Just because of your strength, you can't get the eyes of God.

"I am not!" His mood suddenly lost, slowly shaking his head.

Old and still face, lightly, said: "This is right, I can't see hope on you, in my life, only Dan Bao is one person, this is the reason you lose, your life is not from God's gift, but the power of stealing, in short, you don't match the power of life! "

"Yeah!" The sword quietly sighed.

He does not comply with the power of life.

When you just master your life, you will restrain yourself less killing.

But later found, it couldn't change it.

And he has never regarded his life as a final point, and he still thinks to devour the death of the death.

Go to the force of the reincarnation.

Old monk, if he is chosen, he is rubbing.

After some explanation, everyone understood.

Shen Mi Wang also stayed.

The ideal in my heart, suddenly collapsed.

He wants to be a god, but it finds that even thresholds are across.

But now the transformation is also available.

God Mu king is still a bit unwilling.

The Lord of Hengmu is okay, he didn't think of this, just refining the treasure, becoming a nine hobbian.


He didn't think about it.

The sword is unparalleled.

Haven't thought of these.

Although some lost, it was a meal.

But think about there is no reason to refute.

Danbao also looked up at the sword and unparalleled, he always believed that the sword is unparalleled is a good person.

Not because of the old monk, there is no change in the sword.

His life is the sword is unparalleled with Wu Li.

At the end of the old, he also gave him a sword with the Bruce.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, some lost, and it is also comforted.

"I am fine, I have to congratulations, there is such a seniors to guard, the old man is in the sky, if you know, you will be very happy, don't let the old age!" The sword didn't touch Danbao's head, sincere blessing .

I thought that I have already heard the big landscape from God.

Whoever is thinking, a laughter, will bring the attention of everyone, it has been introduced.

Under the shine of the sun, there is a strange young man wearing a strange, a highly erected young man, slowly coming.

There is no breath on the body.

There is no one to find someone else.

On the spot, there is two major eight-eighth-hobby.

Even if the Lord of the Eight Cobloma, it can be found.

But did not find someone in front of him.

Welcome sunshine and fall into the center of the population.

Everyone is a glimpse.

The sword is unparalleled.

The people are not someone else, it is Visse in the nine robbery.

Or from his own universe.

"How did you come out?" The sword was unparalleled and pointed at Vis!

He was originally thought that Vissed could only be in his body.

I didn't expect to come out.

After seeing the sword, Vissen, I found a familiar laughter again.

Everyone is a bit.

Only swords are unparalleled.

The old monk stared at the Dress of Vis, and there is no breath on Vis, and the face suddenly changed.

This is not a breath as he encountered in the same year.

Just when he met, it was a fat man.

In front of you, it is a high body shape, and it is not fat and thin.

"Of course, you can come out, see that you have said so much, I will be killed by it again!" Vissen said.

After the sword is unparalleled, I also reacted it.

The other party is also God.

Vis can look at him, isn't it he still saved.

It is not the mortal discarded by the high rules.

Vissed seems to be able to see his thoughts, sweeping the people, then looking to the old monk, not good tone: "You just say that, is it a blue fat man tells you!"

This sentence will scare the old monk.

Blue fat man.

That is God.

"Is there such a senior told me, do you know?" The old monk did not believe it.

I can still meet God.

And look at it, which is aware of his understanding.

After Siis heard, he nodded and said: "That is right, it should be the king of your north time, but he will be so bored, go to the mortal."

North Royal King! "

What it is?

The sword is unparalleled.

And I heard the northern time and space.

Isn't this starry sky, and it is still not in the West South China.

He thought that there was a lot of direct flow in the long river of time and space.

It is true that he is not true.

When Vis, Vissered to the sword is unparalleled, and the tone is serious: "I didn't want to come out, but this old monk, it's really too plane, put our original meaning, convey it wrong, now I have to correct it! "

After I finished, I took out a book, very an old book.

"Now my representative ....... Well, represent some of your north time and space, clearly tell you, become the road to God, not only one, life has the god of life, death has death, also The god of all things, the limited god, the successful method is also a lot, the weak meat is strong for the god of life, but it is not the same, but the god of death, it is not the same, of course, not let you go to the truth, everything They have the law, the belief is not committed, the god is, where is it, if you want to succeed, you need the price, and you need a chance! "

Vissed directly said a big string.

Tell everyone to talk.

In short, it is to refute those who have just been old monk.

Of course, it is also.

For example, the god of life, it really needs great love.

This is no way to refute.

Just like Vis, life has the god of life.

So deaths also have the god of death.

God's standard is not single.

This is a sword unparalleled to hear one thing that is the most favorable.

I am very happy to my heart.

The road at the current above is not blocked.

Until now, he is only a point in this world.

Endless starry sky, and the long river around the stars.

What else is mysterious?


Which step is there now?

How far is the future that is saying to Mystery, it is far away.

However, this way, he learned something from Xuan Yi, called insistence.

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