His own path is not because of others.

But for yourself.

Maybe he really has to end.

The god after the robbery is his direction.

"Okay, I have finished, you can continue to play!" Vissered, the body shape was confident, with spatial assimilation.

Completely disappear.

Standing in front of them, I can't feel the breath of Visse.

Don't say it later.

No one knows how to go.

But they know, the sword is unparalleled with Vis.

"There is no pair of friends, this kind of great god, do you know?" Shen Mu Wang now somewhat believes that the sword is not simple.

Although the old monk has some mouth hard 1, this time, Vissen, it is a good thing, but also the sword is unparalleled.

Visse is not wrong.

It is the information he accepts a single one.

The sword is unparalleled, then looks to everyone, smiles, say: "You don't have to be nervous, he will not come out again, just accidentally met."

He didn't want his face to get to Navis.

When Wiis walked, he said.

Just shot.

The people here, they are dead, and he will not care.

Just just correct the words of the old monk.

At the same time, it also mentioned the title of the king.

This is the first time the sword is heard.

Shen Mu Wang is early to know.

The Lord of Hengmu also knows.

They are not ready to shoot now.

It is discussing about God's things.

"Dear, I propose, let all things about God, all said, exchange information about each other, and then talk about the rest!" Shen Mu Wang took the lead.

The old monk is even promised.

The Lord of Hengmu hesitated, but also borders.

Then I looked at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled naturally no reason.

He also wants to know the rumors of God.

And he knows Vis, this is the largest chip.

"The Lao Zi said, I have a confirmation of the king of the world who has just been a big population, that is in the Wanliu, I originally drilled the rules of the nine knocked resistance, causing the attention of the king of the king .. .... "

The old monk said very delicate.

Everyone also listened to God.

The old monk was originally a strong person in Wanliu Shenwei, which is itself a special life.

It doesn't need to be robbed.

Therefore, it is possible to study the rules of the nine robbery and want to break through.

What is so easy.

Can't find a breakthrough.

He has been crazy, and he is a strong life in Wanliu Shenmu, plundering all resources.

I want to break the way.

This scene is just seen by the king of the king.

I will remind him about him.

Also appointed the guardian of the god of life.

North Time Space.

Encircle in nine short time and space.

Lack of the god of life.

This location will appear in the future.

It was the future of that time.

Just right.

Then there is something now.

After the old monk finished, it was forwarded to the Lord of Hengmu.

He didn't know much about God.

But the road to God is aware of some.

The road to God.

Just in the Wanliu Shenmu.

However, the Lord of Hengmu, is obviously not very firm for this.

I didn't think about my god.

Just want that will be treated by Shenmu Wang.

This treasure is talking to the road to God.

It was that he was in the Wanliu, and found this treasure.

Later, this treasure is used, with old monk and two war beasts, there are thousands of people left Wanliu Shenmu.

From the main words of the hengwood.

The sword is unparalleled, and the main trend of HSI is the power of Wanliu.

Just use the name of a small butter fish in the outside.

There were many strong people who entered the Wanliu domain.

A three-knocked universe, followed by the large team to enter the Wanliu domain.

Then fallen down.

The main top of the current constant is instead.

Shen Mu Wang and the old monk are already known.

The sword has also guess.

When Wu Li is the last one to react.

To put it, he is also a power in Wanliu.

It is the Lord of Hengmu, he is a child, no left.

Old monk arranged in the combo.

After the main remarks of Hengmu, it turned around to look at Shenmao Wang.

As ancient times, the oldest gossip is one of the monks.

It should be the most recognized.

"Hey, the old man knows the matter, in fact, knowing with Hengmu knows almost, but there are some rumors, you may not know!"

Shenmu Wangton took a look, then said: "The opening of the ancient month, you should clear, it is the Tianshi, the nine knocked strong, you said that she is God, I also believe that it should be a creation of God. Although it did not face, I was at the beginning of the first generation of the ancient moon gods, and I entered the core of Time and Space. I saw the girl's body, she didn't really fall, but my own business The original source of ancient times, belongs to the world integration. "

This matter is actually in the high level, it belongs to the people who know the people.

It is satisfied that the sword is unparalleled.

From the first time I entered ancient times, he met the women's blocked them.

There is a guess that the other party may not fall.

Even the seven robbery can plan a death.

Don't say that a nine knocked resistance is very powerful.

There must be some secrets that do not speaking.

I will be very casual after Shen Mu Wang.

When the day, he only told them that there was a god in the nine robbery.

And God does not light.

Still level.

Just this level, how to divide, I don't know.

After listening to the king of Shenmu, they feel that Shen Mu Wang said.

Since it is a wave of exchange information before the war, it is completely sincere.

No one is not good.

Maybe you are waiting for you to live.

The last person's eyes, gathered to the sword and unparalleled here.

The sword is not a two-hearted background.

Seeing everyone looked at themselves, coughing twice, said: "My story ..... I know is not much, you will be clear, I am not ancient times, the local power, I From the other side of the stars, where is the land of God, closer to some, under the chance of a chance, encounter ....... "

His story is some outrageous.

The audience is no doubt.

There is also a good taste.

The sword is unparalleled to admire his own ability.

In short, he encounters Visse, because of his future, there is a lot of achievements, and Vis is a state in investing him in advance.

Just on demand him a few.

Shen Mu Wang listened to the god, some curiosity asked: "There is no double friends, I don't know this Vista, can you say where your arrival is?"

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