Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5904 This dead oppression

"This is not saying that he will come after all!" The sword is unparalleled.

Everyone nodded.

Present in the field.

The Lord of Hengmu is for the treasure.

Shenmu King is for God.

The old monk is a guardian, in order to take care.

It has a clear purpose.

It's gone to the sword.

I want to leave this place now.

Let them go!

Danbao has a guardian, nor does it require him to protect it.

Wu Li is looking for a pro.

Although I don't know if this is a monk, I can finally have a big riser.

Instead, he is this time, it is not yet.

But before the goal of Wanliu, he was completed in advance.

Improving the hobbies, becoming the Lord of the Universe, can be said to be a lotus.

This is also earned.

The old monk saw that the saying said, and waved his hand to withdraw the nephew.

The elders of those ancient mutons, but they don't know.

I thought these big men were talking about.


The king next to the monks is frightened.

The main movement of Hengmu, can be the same as his own power, even if it returns to the peak, it will not hold the old monk now.

"Hey, I should take you to kill you!" The old and angered, and the figure was pulled.

The radiance of the body, shrouded the whole world.

Left night as a right eye, just by the main side of Hengmu, I quickly helped the mainstay of Hengmu hit the attack from the old monk.

The sword is unparalleled in order not to be affected, and it will be quickly retreat.

Wu Li, on the side, is a hand-made eye, follow him.

There is also Bruce with Danbao.

The king of the reacted, it is to look at Danbao, and look at the old monk.

I don't know what to plan.

Old monk is unilaterally suppressed two major wars.

The two watches couldn't hold on.

The Lord of Hengmu is also panicked, and the heart is very chaotic.

He doesn't understand, the old monk is so hated him.

Slave is actually personal hate.

Now the old monk is already a caregiver, there is no need to kill him.

"No!" The main reaction of Hengmu came over.

The mysterious treasure in Danbao has resonates with his treasures.

A little guy can't find it, it doesn't mean that the old monk is not known.

When he thought, he would want to pass, rushing to Shenmu Wang, shouted: "Shen Mu Wang, this big monk is for the treasure of my body, I am dead, you must never be an opponent."

This sentence will wake up the king of Shenmu King.

He is also treasure on hengmi, to open Wanliu, walk into the road of God.

After the reaction came over, the face leaked a smile, and immediately rushed to the sword unparalleled.

The old monk will stop this side.

His plan is still some grass.

I thought I could quickly solve the henglousi, or I watched the two glasses.

Have to come back to protect Danbao.

It can be at this time.

A residual shadow was drawn through the sky and then a huge cosmic boat came.

Just still residual, instantly turned true.

At the bottom of the universe, standing with a master behemoth.


In the ancient bell, accompanied by the , as well as the deafening roar.

On the occasion of Shenmu Wang, I have not arrived in front of the sword.

The old monk is only one step when they are in front of them.

Which with a strong beast of the oppressed, I was in an instant.

The red skin, the chest is also the line of the rules, as well as horror.

Just instantly, it is in front of the sword.

Shen Mu Wang also stunned at this time, but how can I get it back?

I want to directly attack the mysterious power of the insertion.

The power also broke out in an instant. It was originally paid to the sword and unparalleled and others. He didn't need such a powerful power.

So directly show the peak power.

But in such a box, I am in the face of the mysterious, but the other party is not moving.

Shenmu King was completely stayed.


A flavor, the mysterious strong, and the mysterious power broke out directly.

Even the old monk rushing, and it was also shocked.

He is inevitably shocked.

Just from those exchanges, he is roughly aware of the pattern of today's ancient times.

Shenmu Wang is already a strong peak, and the more powerful of those eight hobby universe.

The main strength of the universe is that the universe of the origin, and the eight knobs can take the universe of the origin, and there is more than one way.

God is multiplied.

But what he saw, it can't see this place.

And the other party, but an angry, he also returned him with Shenmu Wang.

Everyone is shocked.

Especially Wu Li, how invincible just stealing his proximity.

When I saw this scene, my face was stiff.

The Lord of the hengwood protected by the two wars, but the universe boat stared at the top of the top, this breath he is familiar.

And still old acquaintances.

I didn't expect that this old man will have such a powerful helper.

At the beginning of the eternal nation, he clearly only felt a breath of an octacocus, how to get it now, it is so strong.

Obviously, it exceeds the power of Eight.

Bruala with Danbao and is equally tight.

Today, there are too many things happening.

The old man is falling.

He was forced to be in exile with Danbao.

Just have a caregiver, I thought it would be too peaceful.

But the follow, is a more powerful threat.

It is now a perfect dragon warrior.

But in the face of the back, he still can't breathe.

Strong compression, don't say that it is Brui, the sword is unparalleled.

The face is even iron green.

That back.

Behind there is sharp long thorn.

He can't forget.

"It's over!"

This time is completely played.

I forgot the most difficult person in the time.

He knew that Babi was coming.

Because the appearance appears here.


Death gods.

He didn't have any hesitation, and he was turned to use the three-earth universe to escape, but he was blocked by another familiar figure.

"Soul Tian Di!"

Seeing the eyes of the sword unparalleled, the soul of the soul is disdain: "The sword is unparalleled, I have been admired, but how can you do this, dare to betray the Palestinian!"

I just finished, I went up.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power is more than 2 million, and the hands are guarded in the chest.


Dragonfly, the body has started rupture.

Fortunately, he does not need to conceal the power of life, you can recover quickly by no one.

"Hey, the power of life, there is magical!" After the soul of the soul, he did not shoot, but it was back to the edge of the universe, and he looked at the door.

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