Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5905, Babi's Drainow

The sword is unparalleled.

The other party is addicted when the dog is addicted!

However, it is the worst plan.

Barbi will not move him.

But others will not say it.

I didn't come out in Pakistani, he wanted to pass the sound to the old monk and the king of Shenmao.

But you have not yet waiting for him.

The other party has found him.




The tripartite instantly reached a consistent.

Then he also looked at the Lord of Hengmu.

Also nodded.

He pulled Danbao toward the old monk.

An old monk does not care about how Danbao's caregiver, he is also willing to believe the other party.

Shen Mu Wang and the Lord of Hengmu, also told people.

Heijiu is not ignored, his task is to stop fighting.


The cabin door of the universe booth opened.

! ! !

The number of shadows came out of the hatch, and then stood into two factions.

Quiet is waiting for Babi's appearance.

There is no other person to do this.

Seeing these people, the elders of the ancient mouse couldn't stand.

Everything is acquaintance.

And I feel the breath of their body, the face is more solidified.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled.

"Is it, the Secrets have been created?" He couldn't believe it.

If it is really created, all of them will become Babi's dog.

At the same time, he also thought of Vis.

And the old monk said.

The road to God.

It seems that it is not alone.

There is also Babi!


When people have not come out, they have issued a strange laughter.

As a result, a small elf with thin heads, walked out of the cabin.

But under his feet, there is a suspended flying drive.

This person does not have to say more, it is Babi.

There is also a golden light shining on the body.

It is a powerful cover.

There is also a familiar Dillen with Babi.

But now Dilen, the power is not weak, the soul of the soul.

It has become a tested product of Babii, and the first person on the resurgery road.

It's a forerunner!

"I see this guy is also average!" The old monk did not read the Babi Emperor, but it was the most joking against the nine.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not asked.

The Lord of Hengmu should be aware of, not surprising.

Although Shenmu Wang is slightly known, it is also a thing before the Babi did not recover Red Jiuyi.

I thought that the disappearance of the eternal kingdom was just a small matter.

Unexpected, but there is such a character.


Shenmu King is .

This kind of thing, some people can do it!

Isn't it a god?

The sword is unparalleled, it regrets, he is really afraid that Shen Mu Wang is in order to resurgiver, rejunetrate the road, and teamed up with Babi to deal with them.

But he still looked at Shenmu King.

Shen Mu Wang wants to think about this.

It's just that he didn't have a Babi Pattern.

Reprincinal, just think about itself can be reborn, and can also become God.

"Dear, this matter, or not to say good, otherwise we are with all the scatters!" The sword is unparalleled.

The old and still is very good: "Not so exaggerated, the rebirth can be not so easy, only if you can do it, the breath of the Babi is very general, it should not be God!"

"Now, it is not that it doesn't mean!" Hengmu's Lord said: "Babi is going to go, in fact, it is very simple. He is half a god, thinking that the demon relies on beliefs to become a half god, so I will think of the rushing road. "

The sword is unparalleled, and I have heard something that I have never heard of it.

There is still half God.

But think about it.

Babi did not have a life.

There is no relationship with the god of life.

The god of life, master life, naturally can be regenerated.

Now there is no life in the north time and space, so the road to scatter is broken.

So, the road is complete.

Shen Mu Wang is also in the amount of himself.

If it is related to the god of life.

He is now turning to Denbao, isn't it the best plan.

I am fighting, I hope it is.

Now there is a common enemy.

A person, you can play all of them.

How to compete for it.

It is better to follow the old monk, wait for Dan Bao Cheng to groom, he can also reignite the road.

Just give up your own plan, he can only practice again.

The main thing of HSI is a special life, not the owner of the universe.

Naturally does not need to be reborn.

He follows pure belongs to toss, but he is not willing to have a treasure.

I also have a shake in my heart.

But if you invest in Babi, he is not a way out.

Babi will not help him.

And his chips are not enough!

For a time, everyone will give a nostalgia.

Only swords are unparalleled.

He doesn't know that he is in this.

If these people need his life, go to open Wanliu.

He is willing to cooperate.

Then give them a lot of life to each of them, I only hope that I can leave safely.

But this idea is too true.

Babi Emperor has brought the crowd, and he came to everyone, just like the clown, staring at everyone: "I will give you two roads, one cooperate, one to die."

This sentence is very familiar.

It is said that there is a might of the same work in the same time of Shenmao Wang.

It's more over overbearing.

"Do you have a few a few?" The temper of the old monk burst, he can't hear it, and he returned it directly.

The Babi brow wrinkled, and the red nine aside next to him rushed.

The old monk suddenly broke out, more than 10 million power, hard to resist red.

But I just insisted on the moment, I was flying out by Red Jiuyi.

Shenmu Wang quickly helped.

Can now be seen now, can't be broken one by one.

Hengmu Wang is the stereotype, let the right eye to help God Milk King and the old monk.

It took the left night as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as as ash.

At the same time, I still called Bruce.

Bruce gave the sword without double a look, indicating to protect Dan Bao.

Direct avatar, eruption, exceeding two million power, attacking Babi.

The sword is unparalleled but secretly shook his head.

He always pays attention to the power of the Pakistani.

Can be so stood in front of them, definitely.

It is not so easy to sneak attack.

The light is the soul of the soul, and the two of the two eight puffs of Dilong, it is a difficult relationship.

Barbi saw that the mainman of Hengmu was rushed, and it didn't panic. He said: "You let it open, let him hit!"

Heroni and Bruce will be almost.

It is more than two million things.

The shield against the Babi is not much.

Left night gray, the top of the top of the border, the attacking shield is also no reaction.

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