Seeing this, the sword is also expected.

"It seems that this time I have to go out!" He turned his palm, took out a token, loudly said: "Red Jiuyi, you can know this thing!"

This token is the original Frosta to him.

As long as you encounter a giant nation.

I don't know if I was controlled, I will not recognize it.

When he took out the token, the Red Jiuyi stunned and immediately stopped the attack.

Shen Mu Wang and the old monk did not dare to take the opportunity to attack, it is really that they can't shake the redness.

Also, look at the sword.

"Hey!" The moment of Red Jiuyin saw the token, the eye hole burst, and then hiring his head pain.

There is a consciousness, and he is torn.

The original Thai's self-proclaimed Babi is seen here, and suddenly panic.

His biggest base card is the red nine.

He is a problem, he can do it.

"Red Jiuyi!" Babi didn't care directly to the nine.

But the madness of the nine, but it suddenly improved the breath, it broke through the nine hobbies.

Shen Mu Wang and the old monk have retreats later.

The Babi, who was rushed forward, but was louder by Red Jijiu, shocked.

Cracks have occurred on the shield.

Babi, who was aware of the serious situation, shouted with the soul of the soul of the soul: "Come and kill the sword."

The soul of the soul is naturally not hesitating, and immediately rushed over.

But I was stopped alone left.

One person hit the soul of the soul and others.

"Waste!" Babi screamed.

Shen Mu Wang and the old monk have also turned their shape at this time and rush to Babi.

They also know that killing Babii, the threat of Red Jijiu is gone.

"Well!" The sword was unparalleled, but found a token, it seems like a mark.

"not good!"

He is busy collecting the token.

But it is still late.

Red Jiuyi will completely remove its own giant people, completely from the toy.

This is not because he is controlled by him.

But there is a cause of giant gods.

He wants to cancel the cause.

Causal is now released.

Will not be restricted.

The order of Babii also entered the consciousness of Red Jiuyi.

"Kill everyone!"


In an instant in the sky.

One of the hands of Jijiu, directly put Shenmao Wang with the old monk.

The sword has no double gallow, dark road: "Will not be killed!"

He has now felt that it is finished.

It is completely free to use it.

Escape and can't escape.

"Vis!" The last life of the straw!

The Sky Mountain of the Oromen's Universe.

Sword is unparalleled.

I haven't waited for him, and Vis said his idea.

"I won't help anyone!"

Decisive rejection, let the sword have no double thoroughly.

There is no room for companies.

Visse saw the face of the face into the pig liver, the words said: "However, I can give you an idea. Which candidate is the god of life, he is your life-saving straw!"

"How do you say this?" The sword is busy close.

"It's very simple, you will tell the Babi, as long as you help Dan Bao become the god of life, you can create a perfect resurrection road. This is in other time and space, it is very normal!" Vissered said, But it is hard to stop the sword.

This kind of thing, he said, he did not believe it.

How can Barbi will believe.

And still protect Danbao.

That is why you don't try it?

"No, this old fox will definitely not believe what I said!" The sword was unparalleled.

Vissed also closed his mouth and took him out.

"I ..." The sword is unparalleled is speechless.

This is his universe!

As a result, like an outsiders, it was moved out.

However, when you go out, Vis' s voice is in his ear.

"Before you die, I will move you out!"

This is a fast-effective saving pill.

In this sentence, it is equal to the life.

The whole person is relaxed in an instant.

However, the back of Visse has added another sentence.

"My appearance fee is very expensive, help you once, you need to fall a realm!"

This sentence says, maybe someone does not believe, but the sword is a hundred percent, this is not a joke.

Just succumbed, I willed in an instant.

However, from Vis, you are aware of a thing.

That is Dan Bao Cheng's grooming, perhaps the power of the regeneration can be automatically expanded.

If you tell Babi Emperor, it is true.

Dan Bao became the god of life, it was able to carry out the road to restoration.

That is also Babii.

At that time, the clown is Babi.

He can only find breakthroughs from other directions.

There is no worries of the worries, which is invincible.

The old monk is still strong with Shenmu Wang, and I can't help it.

Babi is very excited, this is still the first real shot of Red Jijiu.

The past is small.

Can't open the table.

Now, the stronger of the nine is the battle, even if the Lord's Lord of the Eight Body is not.

The whole ancient times is space, no one is able to block his resurrection plan.

"Babi Di!" Hengshu's main time opened.

The sword is unparalleled, and I feel that the other party wants anti-water, ready to return.

"Hengju, you don't worry!" Babi smiled, he couldn't forget about it just sneak attack.

"Haha, I can not be anxious, I am afraid that you are anxious!"

The Lord of Hengmu is not weak, and it has also been drained in the eyes.

It's really no life now.

The right eye has been seriously injured several times, and then he is re-emerged by Denbao.

The left night is the same.

This will die, they will die.

Seeing the so confident of Hengmu, Babi also came to interested, ridiculous: "Oh, it seems that you still have a card, you may wish to shine."

"I don't know how to live!" Hengmu's main eyes are cold, and the left hand is directly pitched to his chest.

This scene is really not thinking about everyone.

The sword is unparalleled and scared.

"Hengmu, there is no need, it's big in dying, you can't use suicide!"

So crazy, the sword is unparalleled, and the rabbit is dead.

I want to persuade some.

Whoever thinks, the Lord of Hengmu, but escaped a broken sphere in the chest.

"Don't talk!" Hengshu's Lord cried, he pinched the ball in one hand, licking his wound, gasping, turned to Dan Bao: "You are a small child, in the future The god of life, must remember the sacrifice of me today, the sense of God, must give me one, otherwise I will take this treasure! "

"God," Danbao didn't know what it was.

The sword is unparalleled.

But it is obviously very special.

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