Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5908, a sword round

The figure is straight into it.

"What is this?" The Shenmu Wang, which was rushing!

The power of life is already very precious.

However, another power is actually death.

Life is precious!

What about death?

If life is a hijacitive life, it is the peak of all things.

So die, is the end of all things.

The starting point and the collision of the end point.

The strength of the condensed.

It is not a simple peer.

The power reversed by both sides is enough to shock all eight hobbies.

Shen Mu Wang's eyes flashed and looked at the sword.

In addition to amazing, it is surprised!

There is also luck.

Fortunately, he is now unparalleled to work with the sword.

Otherwise, this trick is falling on his head.

The old monk is different from the king of Shenmu. When he saw this strength, the first thing I thought was Ren.

Because it is more known to the god of life.

I thought of the god of God than the god of life.


If the sword is unparalleled, it is really the same as Visse.

God is not single, the sword is unparalleled and there is hope.

This is the best proof.

A sword round.

Let you be born, let you die.

Are under this sword.

The redness of the vortex center is completely trapped.

Life and death, they have made swords and shadows, constantly rotating around Red Jiuyi.

It is not possible to break the attack on how to destroy the attack.

After the Barbi saw it, it was completely stunned.

Not because Red Jijiu is trapped.

Instead, surprising swords have not mastered the power of death, they will develop a moment of reincarnation.

In fact, this reincarnation is not pure.

Because now the power of the sword is too strong, the power of the death of the death of the death, and it is very weak.

I want to converge into the power of the reincarnation, and the power of the two will be unified.

Simply put, it is the same forces to fuse.

If one is strong, one is weak.

It will fail.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is equally powerful with life.

Then the reincarnation of him.

Don't say that Red Jiuyi.

It's God, I have to kneel.

But that is a very long way.

At least it is still unable to solve it.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you swallow your life?" Babi did not dare to ask.

In his opinion, only to swallow the life, it can condense the turn back!

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no merger.

I have time to explain this to Babi Em.

His sword is forcibly improved.

It is not because of the power of the source, and you will die.

Fortunately, the San Hui Xingyun of Denbao has been shining, and he can insist that now.

"Danbao, how long have you needed!" He bite his teeth and turned his head to Denbao.

The other party is still condense the source of life.

But he is not yet.

This sword, can't kill Red Jijiu.

He can only trap each other.

The sword with limited power is unparalleled, and it is difficult to do it.

"Ethlet, even though let him come!" Danbao held a scepter, the face was light, and there was no fear.

It seems that this moment is really a god of life.

Seeing the other party such calm, swords are unparalleled, and they don't want to hard.

However, it is possible to take the opportunity to truly condense the rotation sword.

See how power is.

He cheered two swords and shadows, and forgive mergers.

Vortex also disappears at this moment.

Red Jiuyi rushed.

However, this time he will face it without a vortex.

It is a real turn back sword.

The turn in the vortex is destroyed, just some sundries.

This is the real turn back sword.

Huge swords and shadows, straight face.

The strong power is strong, it can kill the eight knobs.

Shen Mu Wang and the old monk have felt a brilliant halver.

But the red nine is raised his hand, and I want to open the sword.

Just a blocked, but it is burned his arm.

"Well!" Red Jiuyi stunned.

This is the first time, let him hurt.

Then I'm serious.

Hold the reincarnation sword directly.

The power broke out, and it was forcibly stopped the reincarnation.

"Ah !!" A bursting, shaking nine days.

Those who are still rushing, they are all being hired.

Side views to Wanliu God.

Nothing strong in nine days, I also heard this roar.

Dark sky.

The number of eight porsts is out, and the vibration from the ancient wood continent.

"I have already sent it to God Mu Wang, the other party has not returned!"

"It seems that it is Wanliu out!"

"Hey, Wanliu is very big, the old man is going to see it, this time the closed customs are so long, just go out to stroll!"

"Night Lord, you can go in person?"


Nine days the most.


The base camp of ancient moon god.

After the vibration from the ancient wood continent, the contemporary Pope also gone from the closed door.

The Pope of this generation is a woman.

The color is not satisfactory.

There is no majesty in the face.

It can be a different temperament.

She slowly walked toward the peak of the Juyue Shenshan, and he hoped to have a hint of the ancient wood.

The things see.

Not Wanliu.

It is a horror that is growing slowly.

"Who is shrouded in ancient wood mainland?"

The ancient pope shook his head and sighed, even she couldn't see it.

She is the Lord of the Badbera Universe.

Almost the invincible existence of ancient times.

Even she can't see!

If the outside is aware, it will definitely cause panic.

The vibration in nine days, printing a lot of old guys.

In ten places, the same.

The ancient moon remains!

Hui Qing in the core place also felt that the horror at the bottom of the trend, the bottom of the heart was uneasy.

"Hey, there is no double brother, I really can't come here!" Hui Qing shook his head, playing with beads in his hand.

It is still not a robbery.

Still a emperor.

Not only don't grow, but it is still weak.

The whole person is somewhat.

The ancient times, the other of the top three terrorist remains.

"Umarine Middle Achievement!"

There is also one person noticed in the ancient wood mainland.

He looked at the direction of the ancient wood mainland, and he also had a disturbing.

After his body, there is a man with a yellow robe high-crowned, while drinking, I am appreciating: "The king of the king, after the closed custom, there is no new thing in the outside world, such as where I am unparalleled Brother, how are he! "


If it is aware of the ancient times of the outside world, I am afraid it will be scared.

Which yellow robe high crown men actually called the old man.

"Hey, your little brother is now not good, and there is a terrorist existence in the ancient wood mainland. This horror is constantly growing, and will be the threat of the whole ancient times, your kid is still hurry. Through the practice, I have to leave the ancient times of time! "

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