Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5909, Wu Zhi, King!

The Huangna high crocked man stunned, frowned: "How horror, do you have to hijack?"

"Small, the pattern is small, I am the king of the king transcend the existence of the nine robbery. I said that he will say he will say hello!" The king is somewhat speechless. I feel that I have received a piece of the terrier. I don't understand.

And this apprentice is from Wu Zuo from the Shenshen Temple.

From entering the ancient times, it is trapped in the mystery of the Umoon, and the king came into contact with the king, soon became the Lord of the universe.

In the spiritual time of the king, it is a talent to cultivate millions of era, and now it is the Lord of the five knocked universe.

In addition to the sword, it is the fastest in this ten people.

And luck is also a good one.

Although the sword is unparalleled faster.

Whhab is to change it.

Wu Zuo follows the kings, not a closed custom, just follow the king to hunt, eat and drink, do not live.

Playing with a five-knocked border playing with playing.

"You will blow it, the last time I met the desert beasts of a five-knocked level, you can't solve it, I have to take me!" Wu Zuo hair short-term knowledge, completely did not take the king.

I thought that the other party is a true spirit, or a strong force that has fallen, leaving a sense.

There is no combat power.

Although it is a teacher's relationship, it can be two people without any shelves. It is nothing to come.

"Oh, that's because I didn't make it!" The king of the king is red and the big is very uncomfortable.


For a time, all the strong people of the ancient times, all of them looked at the ancient wood continent.

There is also a lot of strong, have begun to start, I want to go to ancient wood mainland.

However, these people feel the breath.

Not from Red Jiuyi.

It is not a sword.

It can even be said that it is not in Wanliu.

Instead, in the Chirand of the grass.


There are no smoke in thousands of miles.

There is no comprehension in hundreds of millions.

Become an empty city.

There is still stone country!

After the ancestors of Shi State were dispatched, there were not a few strong people in the town.

There is only one hobby of death.

Which of the died of death is now completely dead.

Stepping on this seven-robbery body, a monster, is growing.

In addition to the daughter's state-owned Yunzhi country, the 16th Country is unlikely.

"Hey, I will go to the secret!"

Because he can feel that there is countless eyes, it is staring at him.

It's all rushing him.

However, it is necessary to have some time to arrive.

The monster retreated a heavy shell before leaving the Sixteen countries of the grass.

The appearance is also new.


Wanliu domain.

The sword is unparalleled back to a sword, and the redness is blocked again.

However, because of the subsequent origin, it will eventually be attached to the nine.

The purpose has been reached, and the rest is given to Danbao.

After returning to the sword behind the people, I looked at Denbao.

The bottom is also very curious, now Danbao will have more powerful.

Also think about watching God's power, what is it?

The god he saw, also in Vis.

At the beginning of the robbery, Visa had two hands, but he looked at him.

If Dan Bao has that thing, he can really walk.

Red Jiji is striking, one hand is claw, caught Danbao.

Everyone is not retreat, all in the static and other Danbao shots.


The giant claws have not touched Denbao, and they were blocked by a shield.

That is a shield that is green.

A steady attainted this claw.

"Return!" Danbao waved, and the scepter fell to the nine.

The other party actually retreated half a step.

However, then it will attack again.

Claw constantly bombards the shield.

The foot of Barbiei in the distance.

I thought that Red Jiuyu came to solve everything.

I didn't expect to be stopped by a little boy, stopped.

"Don't worry about him, go to kill others!" Babi Emperor had to change attention again.

The current red is enough to kill the rest, just need some time.

There is no hesitant hesitation of Red Jijiu, which is received.

The turn is rushed to the sword.

This can be scared in the sword, and I am busy hiding.

At this time, Danbao's shield is directly expanded.

Wrap all them all.

Aijiu once again hit the shield again.

"Can you still do this?" The sword didn't look at an eye shield.

Ability to block the Shield of Red Jiuyi.

That is not invincible.

There is no way to come on the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

The old monk is also very excited, saying loudly: "You can rest assured that the little Lord has mastered the way to become the gods.

Bruce that heard this sentence is very happy.

This time they have the truncation, which can be existed.

Don't have to rely on others' shelters.

The Lord of Shenmao and Hengmu is some.

The former is envious.

The latter is a jealous.

Envy the other party can become God.


It is better to get the appropriate benefits.

Although the Lord of Hengmu is embarrassed, he didn't want to be a god, of course, never want to look at others.

His original pursuit is the nine hobbies.

There is a treasure of Danbao's refining, he has the opportunity to become a nine hobby.

It is not good now, but I have a goddess position, it is not bad.

It is barely considered no loss.

It's just a bit bad.

Looking at others is powerful, it is harder than yourself.

Especially Danbao, this little boy.

Compared with the Lord of Hengmu, the pattern of Shenmu King is very big.

God of life.

That is the god of the life of the north time!

The life of the nine-day time and space is owned by Danbao.

Even if you don't do what God, you can also rely on the relationship between Dan Bao, separated from the ancient moon god.

The chance of regeneration can be obtained from the portal.

And the opportunity is almost the top of the board.

He is still more happy.

The most uncomfortable in the field is Mo Babi, and he also pursues the gods.

However, it is not true God, but a half god.

Just master the reincarnation secret law.

Regardless of the god of life.

With the law of regeneration, he can indirectly control all of the bulk.

Do you have to dominate the nine time and space?

"Oh, it's evil!" Barbi bite to teeth, but there is no way.

At present, he has been behind.

Even if you enter the godside ladder of Wanliu, it is not as good as Danbao.

But now it has been on this stove, I have to go forward, there is no return!

And this road is not what he wants to go.

Now, initiative, completely in Danbao.

Everything is because of that treasure.

The green sphere on the strip.

Danbao looked down in the living, and it took place to open: "I have no desire to fight, but the road is pressed!"

"In this case, then enter the Wanliu, step on the ladder!"

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