The old monk immediately took the lead, saying loudly: "Well, I will wait for eternal life to follow the master."

Shenmu King and the Lord of Hengmu are also busy.

Wu Li is directly kneeling.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head, and it is a family.

He didn't say anything.

God, there is no relationship with him.

He just wants to leave now.

Dan Bao has so many people's protection.

You don't need him.

It is better to leave, go to Wu Zhi, true Wuyang.

He just wanted to leave the opportunity to leave, the Vissered in the body stopped him.

"You will go at this time, it is the most stupid. If you enter Wanliu, you can't do anything. You can witness a god, the most important thing is that you can get God's blessing, this is very important, there will be some Special treasures are given, you have this little guy, you can waste it. "

Vissed, let him stop.

God bless?

There is also a special treasure.

This is unclear.

However, Lianvis said it is a special treasure.

That should be very precious.

But lie down, this kind of thing, he really disdain.

Moreover, he is not short of treasures now.

God has the skeleton of Dongjun, he can also increase again.

It is necessary to fight for yourself.

Follow others, what makes it.

If it has not become the main situation of the universe, he may do this because of the pressure of the life.

But now, he is already the Lord of the Six, there is no need to do this.

He has a lot of time, do other things, to enhance your strength.

"No, I have my own way to go!"

It is surprised in the vision of Visse, and it is not discouraged, and it is stunned: "I didn't expect you to have a bone, since this, then help me, to Wanliu, help me find something, After the event, I will give you the first half of the very powerful skill! "

"It's very big!"

The sword is unparalleled, I can't believe it: "I don't want to be a nine robbery, how can I send it!"

"Page, I am God, I can't do it!" Viscina smiled.

"Since you are God, how can I need treasures in Wanliu?"

This problem, I really let Visten, think about the truth after a moment: "I don't have the treasure, but I need this cat!"

Finished, the low hand touched the purple kitten in the touch.

"Is this also?"

He didn't understand, what type of God in Vissen.

Not only can you change to a high rule, but also for a cat, let him go to Wanliu to find treasures.

That purple kitten is very thin, there is no breath, but he can be sure, this cat is not God.

It may be a common cat, just the skin is purple.

And there is still no hair.

"This cat, but the first life purified from your universe, you can help it, it is equal to helping you!"

"You have to say this, isn't it that I still take you?"

The sword is unparalleled, although there is a bit hard, but heard this cat is after the life of the universe, there is also a joy.

Although now your universe is completely played by Vis.

But the other party is God, how to play, is good for him.

As for going to Wanliu.

He is still some entangled.

Turning a look at Danbao, from the other party simple eyes, he seems to see the Wake Qing.

The two are very similar.

Good, simple!

Nor fighting.

Such a person becomes a god, and he is also a more comfortable gas.

Just now he enters Wanliu, don't say the opportunity, you will drag the legs.

Now that the power of Wanliu is now, the weakest is seven-robbery.

Counting Wu Li's Lord of the Universe.

He barely counts the second.

Of course, the real battle, he may touch the top ten.

But it is not possible to turn around.

Maybe you may go in, there is also a war.

What should I do when I?

Just when it was raised, Bru came over.

"Enteral, current situation, what is going on!" When Bru came, I saw a circle.

He feels that God Milk Wang is not a good person with the Lord of Hengmu.

Suddenly the big monk, he is not at ease.

In the end, I came to the sword where there was no double, I want to seek opinions.

This makes the sword unparalleled very much, and the bottom is decided.

go with!

Must go in.

Since others give him a face, then go.

Even if you are not busy, it is okay.

Sometimes, the timing is also used to use.

At the beginning, I helped Turin, solve the godfrosa, not to rely on his plan.

Perhaps enter Wanliu, nor is it a killing, but a human love.

Danbao's body is sluggish, and it takes the initiative to go to the sword.

The rest of the people saw it.

After the sword, the sword didn't have a sutter. After glance, he said: "Danbao can open the Wanliu, then we will go in, but if this Pakistan is always followed?"

At present, he is still more in Babii.

Although Danbao can block the red nine.

But it is just a shield.

Not a real battle force.

It has a bad premonition.

It is best to get rid of Babi Emperor, then they will enter the Wanliu.

"This is relieved, the willow, but it is not the strength to decide everything. If the Babi Emperor is, even if it takes people, there is nothing. Anyway, they have not opened the treasures of the god road, and they will not enter the Wanliu. Hold us. "

The old monk is most familiar with Wanliu, and the threat of Babi Emperor will be released.

The sword nodded, then said: "Since this, then go in, but in advance, since everyone is on a boat, then you have to make a vow, this is good!"

"I agree!"

The first one of Hengmu is standing.

He is the first to gain, and he will give up his own treasure.

Give Danbao. Just ask for a sense of God.

"I agree!"

Soon, the people in Shenmao king also began to tell the vows.

Now there is no hope now, Shen Mu Wang just wants to master the resentment of the resentment.

Revenue of the road.

This is what he is currently most.

Old monk, I have an oath early in the morning, and there is no problem.

In addition to Wu Li, all the vows.

"Cough, I am also ..."

The Wu Li in the side has not opened it yet, and it was interrupted.

Obviously everyone, didn't take him seriously.

The old monk is very embarrassed to hold Wu Li, comfortable: "Little Lao, you are our Fuxing, you don't need to have an oath, but the benefits are still, you are most familiar with Wanliu, there is Can make you become a treasure of seven-robbery, and after the small master is successful, I will get a seven-robbery, and I want to arrange a little duty to give you a good time! "

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