Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 592 returns!

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"where are you!"

"Where are you?"

The firky voice resounds throughout the world.

Jian Meng was shouting three swords unparalleled, shouting to the end, the sound became hoarse.

Even if she once had no hateful bones of the sword, she can take the moment now, she wants the nightmare that has always been in their hearts, like many times in the Nanyang mainland, with a strong power!

Not only the Swordmare, the people of many swords Houfu present, and their hearts are screaming in a name.

This name is that the sword is unparalleled!

Their swords Houfu's biggest pride, even if the entire Nanyang continent has been called the legend, my words are unparalleled.

Everyone, at this moment, I hope that their myths can come forward to force the enemy for the sword.

However, until Jian Meng's hoarse shouts completely disappeared, but this is still changed.

The sword is unparalleled.


All the people of the swords Houfu are completely desperate.

At that high platform, the monster man heard the shouts of Jianndong, but only a clear look, until the voice of Jianndong completely disappeared, the monster men were laughed.

"Haha ~~~ Sword is unparalleled? All of them are in this field, what do you think is that in Shenzhou is more than a large-scale person, can only fleet the sword of the mainland?"

"Haha, ridiculous, and ridiculous!"

Crazy laughter, this laugh is taunt, but more disdain.

This smear demon man, is indeed disdainful to the sword.

His name is a fire, it comes from Shenzhou. It is a person in Shenzhou Seventy-two princes, and it is also known as the evil king.

The evil kinghou is famous, with evil, and his strength is also unparalleled.

In the entire Shenzhou seventy-two princes, the fire is a recognized first prince, the war, and even compared with the nine monarchs, it is not too much.

Such a prince, I will care about a lot of swords that can only flee from the Shenzhou, who is forced to flee from Shenzhou.

"A group of idiots."

The monster men's fire is smiling, and his laughter also passed out.

In the Sword Houfu, many strong people from the Nanyang continent gathered there, these strong people have from Danmen, there is a royal family from the Tianzong Dynasty.

They all heard the fire of the fire, and one is a bit gloomy.

"This evil Wang Hou's name, I also heard that even in the vast China, it is also a super power standing at the top. Since he came to this Nanyang mainland, he stared on the sword Houfu, the sword Houfu, There is no possibility of existence. "A white-haired old man said.

I heard this, the Danmen Menou next to the Tang Dynasty, the Dynasty Dynasty, the Dynasty, and the red virtual sons were frowned.

They are all swords, there is no double, let them help to take care of the swords Houfu, and their independence is indeed helping the sword Houfu, but they are facing the evil Wanghou fire, even Danmen from Shenzhou is coming back, and the white-haired old man who has reached the hierarchy of Yunxiao said that there is no power, what can they have?

"As for the sword in your mouth, I haven't heard of Shenzhou, I have not heard, I want to have a famous gas, the strength is not strong, even if he is back, you want to fight this evil king, absolutely impossible The old man said.

"So, is it a little way?" Danmen door is sighing, but it is secretly shaking his head.

The sword Houfu, on the campus, a silence.

Many people in the swords Houfu have been completely desperate.

And the sword dream, with a smile on his face, but this smile is very incomparable.

She slowly retired clothes, showing the pink belly inside.

"Continue!" The fire was released with evil spirits and stared at the sword dream.

Jian Mengr's jade hand shakes slightly, slowly moved to the ribbon of the apron, but when she is about to fade her last heavy barrier, a movie suddenly appeared in her sight.

The movements in the hands of the swordsman don't come.

Her eyes started from the end of the empty, to the horror, and then shocked, and eventually evolved into unprecedented ecstasy.

"This guy, is it coming?" Jian Meng gently mysterly.

At the same time, the many swords of the swords that have been desperate, they also saw the figure that appeared in their sight, and immediately became excited, becoming excited.

The campus of the original desperate dead, the moment it became full of vitality and hope.

And this abrupt change, the fire was also noticed, he saw that this group of ants were staring behind him.

This is a slight change, and he also turned and he took the past behind him.

At this point, the fire is colorful.


It is incredible to see when he doesn't know when he appears behind him.

After this figure appeared behind him, and it had already had a meeting, but he did not have a slight gap?

"You, you are ..."

The fire is dead.

This person, a black robes, carrying a long sword, holding hands standing there, his handsome face, but the flashing of a layer of never before.

A smuggling of the movement of Jiuyi is moving, from this person.

This killing is strong, just just rising, and never completely broke out, but still letting the fire smash.

"If I have not guess, you are the first prince of Shenzhou, the evil king?" The sword was unparalleled, the voice was cold, like Huangquan hell.

He was in the demon continent, and he learned that the sword Houfu was very difficult, and he quickly rushed back, but when he returned to the sword Houfu, he saw the scene, but his anger has skyrocketed to the extreme .

From him to this day, he rarely has been angry.

Jianhoufu, his root!

When he raised his place, the people of the swords Houfu were all his loved ones.

But now, this fire is in the sword house, trampled his loved ones!

The angry bears are burned.

"You are a sword." The fire has also been bold at the moment, "You still dare to come back?"

The sword is unparalleled. He is just cold and cold, looking at the fire, the next moment, the shares have reached the ultimate killing, but the landschestra is like a landslite, and the fire is in the past.

The horrible killing, also contains the power of killing, and the time is full of compression on the fire.

This feels, as if it comes from a Lingxiao strong person to shoot in the fire.


A huge pothole has suddenly appeared on the ground, and that fire, at this moment, it is in the pit, and the sound of the bone burst of the rumor will sound.


PS: First 14th chapter, Chapter 15 is still here, it is estimated that it will be updated after an hour.

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