Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 593 Blood Knife (15th!)

"No, it's impossible !!!"

The whole body shape is in the pit, and the horrible killing oppressed him, crushing his body skeleton inch, and his mouth is crazy, and the face is red, and his eyes are taking Never disappointment.

Killing oppression, it is quite equivalent to the stress of the atmosphere.

Just just, the sword of the Jianxin, who used the breath, in front of him, the latter of the birth pressure came in the past.

But it is also because his strength is much stronger than that of the Jianxin Hong, which can be done.

Now, some people are lightened, and they completely press the bones, even the bones are pressed all burst.

How can this be?

Although it is the monarchs in the mainland of China, even if the power of the three ancestors, the killing is not strong in this way.

And the murder, or the sword is unparalleled, one is full of disdain, and can only flee the sword of Shenzhou, who is forced by those who can be forced by the Lingxiao.

The fire is completely squatted, but it is rushing up with a strong desire to survive.

"Blood Knife! Blood Knife!"

"To save me, hurry to save me!"

The fire is roaring, he knows, the blood knife will stay in this near this, as long as an idea of ​​the movement of this, will definitely come immediately.

As long as the blood knife arrives, he can have a chance to live!

On the campus, the dead is still silent.

Many people in the swords Houfu are excited to look at the swords in front of them, and even excited trembows.

Just just, all of them were shouting the name of the sword, and now, the sword has no doubles, and the thrilling strength of the show has not made them disappointment.

That fire, the devil in their eyes, so strong devil, can be in front of the sword, actually seems to be a baby, and even the baby is not as good.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is just a breathing, and the fire is directly squatted.

Horror strength, horror means!

"This, how is this possible?"

In the swordhouses, Danmen, the people of Tianzong Dynasty gathered together, Danmen's white-haired old man returned from Shenzhou, but it was unbelievable to look at this.

"That, that is, the evil king, the strongest of the seventy-two princes in Shenzhou, even those monarchs, perhaps to win him, can absolutely do not do without a single breath, let the evil king hou down, don't say those The monarch is, even if it is the legendary three ancestors ... they have not yet do it? "

Under the eyes of everyone, the sword is not double-sided, and the killing has already formed a substance, just like a big hand, pressing the fire.

"Evil Cheung." The sword was unparalleled and cold, and the voice was passed to the ears of the fire. "You now hope that the blood knife will come to save you?"

The fire is can't be moved by the sword and the unparalleled stomach, and even the words can't say it.

"Unfortunately ..." The sword has no double overlooks the fire below the bottom, "" You don't have the opportunity. "

The voice fell, the sword was unparalleled, and then the head was directly in the head.

The terrible power is directly stepped on the head of the fire. This fire is still in a horror, and his head is directly bursting.

The strongest of the seventy-two princes in Shenzhou mainland, the famous evil king, who killed this.

Task, just, this evil king hou is still in the mutual tract of the sword, and the crowd of the swords Houfang is evil.

Now, in just a short moment, in the sword, there is a cold body, but it has become a cold body.

After killing the fire, the sword is still cold, but the eyes are the empty look, "the blood knife, it is still seen, it should be seen."

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately, the ghost is a shadow, appearing above the campus.

This is the old man who is in dirty, this old man is thin, with a bit of evil.

Blood knife, who was forced to force the sword without a double departure of the group of Lingxiao.

Similarly, it is also one of the culprits that have kill the swordsman before Millennium.

"Hey, I am here to this Nanyang mainland, just purely in order to touch your luck, see if you can find the Cave of Jianzu left, now, I am here, it's true?" Blood Knife With the smile of the evil charm, "Sword is unparalleled, so many old guys are looking for your traces, but they are guess where you go to the world, but I have never thought of, you actually returned again, this long time ? "

"But this is good, you are back, I don't have to go to the position of the Jianzu Ding House."

The blood knife passed the burning of the sword and was unparalleled. He also had a surprise.

The reason why he came to this Nanyang, just in order to encounter luck, see if you can learn from the priest of the sword, you can let the evil Wang Hou out tortured the Sword Houfu People are three days, but they have not been able to get what he wants.

He has disappointed that you want to give up, and this time, the sword has no double, how can this not let him happy?

"Say, where is the Dongfu left by Jianzu? Tell me, I can promise, spare you a life." The blood knife is evil. "

"Blood Knife, your waste is not finished?" The sword didn't have a bloody knife, and his eyes did not take whit.

"Well?" The blood knife is colorful, but it is a clear laugh. "Kid, don't think you can kill the fire, think you are very powerful, good, your killing is really strong, if I have not guess, you It should have realized the way of killing, but only kill strong, you can deal with some clouds, for me, you have not used it. "

"There is also a lot of nonsense." The sword didn't shake his head, lazy to listen to this bloody nonsense, and only see him in his hand.

Kill that fire, he doesn't need to shoot the other side, but this blood knife, after all, is a genuine Lingxiao strong, maybe the strength is not good, you can kill him, But it is still the sword.

At the moment of sword unparalleled sword, it was twenty-three feasons behind him, and the vain of the golden sword soul of the limit was fierce.

Subsequently, the sword did not have a double sword.

seventh style, Star River!

A beautiful sword, becoming the only shining between the world, and instantly wearing a void appearing in front of the blood.

Weiner has exploded directly.


PS: Sitting from 5 pm, I have been sitting next to the computer, eight and a half hours, code drawing to now, I can't go in, I will go down, I will go crazy.

So first update the 15th chapter, the rest of the five chapters, put it in the daytime update, in short, today will definitely break down the twenty chapter, everyone can rest assured.

Finally, let's die, ask for a wave subscription and reward, not a minute!

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