Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 594 Blood Kill Kill

Seeing the sword is unparalleled directly, the blood knife is awkward, "" Directly in this sword Houfu, you are not afraid of this sword Houfei to disappear with this smoke? "

The stronger strength, the greater the movement of the killing.

Like this sword Houfu, the big place, the two Holy borders did not open their hands and feet, now no matter whether the sword is unparalleled or the blood knife, it is the fighting power of Lingxiao. Get up, the sword Houfu is really unbearable.

The sword is unparalleled, it seems to be completely unfamiliar.

"You, there is no chance." The sword is unparalleled, echoing in the world.

His swords and Yingshan have completely burst out, but this power is completely concentrated, and there is no one millis.

boom! The air is cleaned directly, and the sword shadows straight in front of the blood knife.


Just who have been returning to the blood knife, seeing the swords in front of them, but the face is a change.

He can feel this sword shadow is extremely horrible, and he doesn't dare to go, and there is a bloody war knife in his hand. If you don't hesitate to go straight, this knife is directly gathered in the sky, destroying the sky Destroy.

Blood light, cold, glaring!

At the next moment, the two hit the front.


A low impact sound, but the bloody knife is completely unsained.

"How, how is it possible?"

The blood knife is incredible to watch his hands, his hands, the mouth has been shocked by blood, and the severe pain has caused the bloody knife in his hand, and it is struggling.

Just once a confrontation, he was shocked by the blade?

And the confrontation of the two has produced an incredible aftead of incredible, this wave is strong, enough to destroy the entire swords Houfu, but it is still not coming out in this remaining wave, and he sees the sword unparalleled a horrible breath spread out. The remaining bars are completely covered.

Booming ~~~ Yu Bowei can break out, but it has been in the absence of a strong breath, and there is no one is spreading around the people around.

"This is impossible!"

The blood knife is full of horror, he can't believe everything in front of you.

A sword, shocked his blade, confrontation of Yu Bo, single with a breath, is completely resistant, what strength is this?

Even if the swordsman in the peak, I can't reach this level?

And the sword in front of yourself ... How long does this?

From the sword unparalleled, left Shenzhou to now, is it less than a year?

After a year, the sword is unparalleled, but he is in this short and less than a year, surpass the Jianzu in the peak period?


The sword is unparalleled, and there is no obvious expression of the blood knife. After the sword is soaked, it is fierce, and it is a sword.

The blood knife has a large change, and a strong sense of crisis is also found.

"Want me to die, you will die first!" The blood knife watched a sharpness, followed him to see him.

A bloody.

This bloody shadow in the moment of the moment, the sword is unparalleled, that is a bloody dagger, the bloody dagger is no more sharp, the most important thing is that the speed is too fast.

Such a near distance, so fast, even the sword is unparalleled, I am very wolf to avoid it.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no intention of avoiding, the long sword in his hand is still a blood knife who has no slightest.

See this, the blood knife has revealed the cold smile.

"Death!" The blood knife passed the color.

His blood knife is named by blood knife.

And this blood knife, many people think that he is a bloody war knife that is attacked, but he is actually the name of this blood, but the bloody dagger that is now rushing.

This bloody dagger is the real kill, from him to this day, there have been many strong enemies, and die in this bloody dagger.

He also many times with bloody daggers, this time is also the same.

The bloody dagger spurred the amazing power, there was no hindrance, directly bombarded in the sword unparalleled clothes, punctured the sword unparalleled clothes, stabbed on the chest of the sword, and finally left a faint in the sword unparalleled chest. White imprint.

The smile on the bloody face is solidified.

The bloody dagger pierces the sword unparalleled chest, the result, just left a white mark?

Even the skin, there is no puncture?

"This, this ..." The blood knife head is completely ridiculous.

The ice swords and shadows, but there is no hints, but they wore his body directly.

Suddenly, the strong in Lingxiao has a certain amount of blood knife and death on the spot.

The sword is unparalleled to stand on the ground, touch the white mark on the chest, flashing a lot of disdain.

The kill of blood knife, although strong horizontal, if it is not avoided, it is hitting in the front hits, it is not a problem, but it can only be like Shenzhou mainland, or other planes, or other faces The flesh is not very strong.

If it is replaced with the Lingxiao strong in the demon, the thirty-three temples like the Demon League, even the weakest, in the face of the killing of the blood, maybe seriously, but may not necessarily Directly die.

After all, the human warrior of the demon continent, the flesh is generally stronger than the world's world.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled, the flesh is more horrible, and the killing of the blood knife is difficult to give him harm to him even if the bloody kills are bombarded in his body.

Before the sword is unparalleled to the body of the blood knife, one waved the bloody kimon ring and the bloody war knife, the bloody dagger is exhausted, and the sword is not a double eye overlooking, "blood knife, don't worry, you are just the first A! "

"How long does it take for it, someone will come with you!"

"When I was siege, I finally fled the Lingmi in Shenzhou, I couldn't escape!"

"There is still that sister, I will be one, go to the account!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, but it has never weakened it.

On the campus, a quiet, numerous swordsman people are full of worship, excited to die, stare at the sword.

The myth in their hearts, and this myth, the juncture of their most crisis, appeared, and there was an absolute strength to sweep the enemy.

Sure enough, this person in their hearts, never let them disappointed.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and many of the people of the sword Houfu have seen it, he first saw it, it is a sword dream.

When I saw the sword dream, the sword was unbearable, but the sword dream was very complicated to look at him.

The sword is unparalleled, throwing a Dan medicine.


PS: Only 1 point, get up, immediately update one chapter to send, Chapter 16.

They are all temporary code, just chapter, the remaining four chapters, have to slow down, the update time is not determined, but before eight o'clock this evening, the remaining four chapters will definitely be updated, everyone Forgive me.

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