Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 595 is another ancestral

"This medicinal medicine, has broken arm, and take it to the girl."

The sword is unparalleled with the sword dreams, so that the sword dreams, after passing the Dan medicine, the sword dreams flashed a surprise, and even the girl who was thrown into the arm before the fire. .

"Lynn, fast, quickly served this Dan medicine." Sword dream voice is slight.

That is still crying, swallowing the medicinal herbs, after a moment, her arms of the trees have grown up.

It has quickly resumed it completely.

Seeing this scene, the sword dreams could not help but cry, and they were also grateful.

The sword is unparalleled with Jian Meng, not to say, but come to the front of Jianxin Hong.

Jian Xinhong was stunned by the fire in the breath, and now I haven't woke up.

The sword is unparalleled, and a Dan medicine that exudes a faint fragrance is also removed.

Dan medicine, swords have a lot, and many of them are extremely high-level medicines. They are in Shenzhou, and they get it after killing enemies in the demon continent.

After swallowing the medicinal medicine, although Jianxin Hong did not immediately wake up, the completion has improved.

See this, the sword is not easy to tangerine, and then stand up, when he got up, he found that the people around the Sword Houfu have come up with him, and one is full of worship, staring at him.

The sword is unparalleled, but the thunder is solemn: "All, I ... is back!"


As the sword is unparalleled, after the Thunder means, after the crisis of the sword Houfu, the original order will soon recover the original order.

Although they have been tortured for a few days, it is just torture them, but they don't kill a few people. The swords Houfu have not too much loss, and after a day, the sword heart is also awake coming.

Jianhou House, in the hall.

The sword is sitting in the uppermost position in the hall. As for the face, some pale swordsman, sitting on the side, and below, it is the elder of the swords Houfu, including the sword dreams.

In addition, there are some strong people of Danmen, and the emperor of the Tiangong Dynasty royal family is also present.

"There is no pair of small friends, when you left, I promised me to take my swords Haofuyi, but this is a matter of this day ... Hey, sorry." Reductive sighed and sinned to the sword.

"My Danmen is also." Danmen Gate Wang Wei also opened: "Before the two days, Danmen has learned that the sword Houfu has changed, I sent a Holy Spirit and old, but I didn't expect this enemy that the enemy of the crime was too strong. Just a trick, I will kill the Holy Gate of Danmen. "

Wang Wei is the fact.

I learned that the sword Houfu methanemed, Danmen had a strong contest, but the result is that the face of many people, was killed by the fire.

"All, this matter, I can understand, that fire, even if it is in Shenzhou, you can't resist it." The sword is unparalleled, and there is no blame.

When I heard this, Wang Wei, a few people in the Reduction were easily tones.

They are afraid of the sword where they will fall around them, but it is obvious that the sword is unparalleled is not the kind of person who will be angry.

"There is no double friend, the fire has been moving the sword Houfu, if they want to say the place where the ancestral land is, and listening to him, it seems that people who are staring at the ancestise in the mainland of China, not Less? "Danmen said that the old man returned from Shenzhou.

"Well, it is a lot, and it is the top existence, but it is not tight." The sword is unparalleled, "I will rush to Shenzhou, I will kill these people, one by one, kill!"

The sword is unparalleled to kill.

At the beginning, he remembered his heart, and he never forgotten.

Next, the sword is unparalleled in the swords Houfu, and the sword is unparalleled after the sword is unparalleled.

"The owner, I will stay in the swords Houfu, and if you encounter a strong enemy in the future, I will use the blood god soldiers to retreat." The sword did not pay back him.

The blood god soldigh, he got from the ancestral place, when the sword didn't have double to Shenzhou, the blood god soldier gave him a lot of help, have several times he encountered the crisis, and finally rely on blood gods Resolve.

However, with the unparalleled strength of the sword, the role of the blood gods has become less and smaller.

Now, the sword is unparalleled to set up the strength to kill the strong, even the monarchy, Ling Yizhen, he can kill, this blood god soldier has completely lost his role.

I don't need it, I will stay this bloody soldiers in the swords Houfu, when doing the killing of the sword Houfu, is the best choice.

The sword is unparalleled, also left a lot of relief to Jianxin Hong, enough to drive the blood god soldier many times.

It's better to settle, and the sword will be left again.

The sword is unparalleled, no rush back to God, but the ancestral land is first.


100,000 mountains, no abyss!

Previously, the sword was unparalleled, although many times came many times, they couldn't see any clues, and only felt a mysterious in the bottom of this abyss.

But now the sword is unparalleled, and only one looks, it will clearly see the bottom of the abyss.

"This is a deep abyss, is it a heavy way?" The sword is unparalleled, but the spin is immediately understood.

The deep abyss is indeed consisting of an array, the purpose of this method is only one, that is, it is the exploration of the strong people.

"This is in a few times, if I have come here for a few times, I know this secret, I am afraid that I can't see this no-in-law, I will only treat this. Surgery, you won't think that Jianzu's Dongfu is within this no abyss. "The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning, the Sword of the Jianzu, in order to find the Jianzu Dong House, almost turned over this plane.

Like this Nanyang continent, these Lingxiao strong people have also been found, but they did not find it, because this is because of the abbreviated array.

The sword is unparalleled without hesitation, and directly brushed into the inside of the abyss.

Ancestral place.

The sword has no doubles appeared in the ancestral, the two warfares in the ancestral land, Jin Ling immediately greeted the mountain.

"The sword is unparalleled, um, this is ..."

Jin Ling is staring at the sword with Mountain, but the eyes of the two are quite quite weird.

Both of them can see that the swords of the swords at this moment have significantly changed significantly more than a few years ago.

How many of this change is unclear, but they understand that the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is much better than before.


PS: Chapter 17!

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