Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5914 Chapter on Cang?


The Lord of Hengmu also woke up. After hearing it, it was very lightly said: "God is not more than the ridiculous ancient times, the guy who is called thousands of lights is, it is better to comfort!"

"Do you say thousands of lights ancient Buddha?" The old monk did not disdain: "When I am, he is a fart!"

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is extremely shocked!

It is best to be the same name.

If the superharities you are in the life are a place.

That's it.

Where is it, can you see the shadow?

The sword is unparalleled.

Although I don't want to believe, I can't help but ask: "The old predecessors, this is in the middle of the Cang, can there be a strong force called the life?"


Everyone is a glimpse.

The old monk flashed, shook his head: "I have never heard, I usually in the sky, I've been in some eight robbery, what are you talking about, how is the strength?"

"Maybe I want to be wrong, I once met a friend called a died, he came from Shang Yang!" The sword didn't have a bitter laugh, shook his head.

But the doubts of your heart did not be released.

He knows the real background!

From the stars.

And also with Babi.

This is the priest of Babii.

But Babi did not say it!

Moreover, it is obviously from nine short time and space.

Maybe it is ancient wood mainland.

Even the universe of Wanliu.

Will you take the sky from this place.

But now, it is intact.

"Perhaps, the outside of the outside world, from the future!"


Everything is possible.

If there is a super existence.

Master time and space alone.

Not limited to the high rules.

It can shuttle in the future.

The outside world is in the future.

Now God is once.

The two have not been associated at time.

But causality is added.

"It's really interesting!" The sword flashed.

I looked at Denbao.

Perhaps Danbao is more suitable for induction.

Because it is the future of life.

If you are in your life.

Or say that the life is God?

grim Reaper!

This is the oldest gland.

"Visner, today's northern time and space, can have the position of death?" He couldn't help but ask Visse.

Now Visse is asking for him, asking if a question should have no problem.

At this time, the Vissen, is a leisurely drinking in his native secret "Sky Mountain"!

After hearing this question, you don't hurry and answer: "Yes!"

simple and clear!

The sword is unhappy, the courage is also big, and I asked: "Visner, the name of this dead, is it called a life?"

"I don't know, this kind of little god, I don't pay attention to me!"

Little god?

This makes him speechless.

Death is quite equivalent to the god of life.

This is a little god.

Vissed polar pendulum is too big!

"Visner, I have always had a doubt, master the existence of time and space, or the true God, can they shuttle time and space?"

This time, this time, it is bored, it is bored, seeing the sword is unparalleled so many doubts, and the sincerity is sincere, it also opened the words.

"First: This is not true God, that is called God! Second: The shuttle time and space is ok, but can not change the time and space, in the duty, there is also a presence of the god of time and space, he will regularly clean up some time and space Otherwise, is this world, isn't it a chaotic set? "

The sword is amazing.

I didn't expect to receive an unexpected goods.

At the same time, it also dispelled the intention of the past time and space.

This is after.

He must be clear now, the gods of this place, there is no relationship with the superfluous.

In his view, this is the most important.

And greatly possible.

Because it is the life universe.

During the death of him, it is for the force of the reincarnation.

The limit of life is the god of life.

So the limit of the power of the reincarnation is to master the god of the reincarnation.

This is obviously a position that is stronger than the dead.

if so.

Then he has reason to suspect that the life is dead.

At the beginning, the time and space, Mo Luo time to meet him, at all, not to kill, but have arrived in the universe.

He deliberately leaving this layout in the heart of the devil, waiting for him.

This is this false image.

Let him think that it is in the layout.

actually not.

This is a circle of life.

In addition, he is itself, it is the most promising to become the god of life.

If you have a deadness.

When he became the moment of the god of life, I am afraid that each other will appear.

Then swallow him.

Evolution becomes a reincarnation.

In the past, he didn't understand God.

I thought that it is for the force of the reincarnation.

However, with the experience varies more.

He found that even if you master the power of the reincarnation, it is not necessarily to surpass the nine robbery.

Now it seems.

His speculation is true.

During the private passing time, raise the future of the sky, then moved to Moro or Space.

From which time, the layout is started.

Danbao is the power of all things first.

This is the same as the main thing of the original.

The main thing is the main thing.

After seeing him through the future, he cooperated with gods.

Then there was something in the god of the temple.

Now he has arrived in Wanliu Shenmu.

Everything comes to God!

It is not his life, but the god of life.

Relocating the future, it is to cultivate the Lord of Wan Lord of Moro.

Now Shang Cang.

The big probability is the place to achieve Danbao.

Perhaps, this time he got rid of the life.

But Dan Bao can't run.

Just still have a little.

He can't understand!

Why is the strength of life, then pull it.

Strong, strong terrible.

But now look back, it is perhaps the top eight knobs.

Because Dongjun's strength is not too powerful.

It may be to hide strength.

This is just his guess.

It may also be like this, the little god.

Seeing the sword with no pair of faces.

Vistead said: "You don't think too much, shuttle time and space is not so easy, if you are your own time and space, you are free to shuttle, if you dare to shuttle in the main time, it is a big sin, if you can report it, I still have rewards! "


There is no double eyed in the sword.

Perhaps Vissen, changed some of the future sights.

The position of the god of life is originally his.

But there are Vissen, changed it all.

The position of the final life has become Danbao.

The life is also full.

"Of course!" Vistened, the scepter got a ground, the voice low Shen said: "God, after all, there are some chaos thieves, they are more, more, sometimes there is no Any bottom line, once I found, I will use it yourself! "

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