With this sentence, the sword is unparalleled.

If it is a plan, Vis is the biggest base sign.

There is Vis, he is absolutely no problem.

If you want to die, you will die even more.

In his current battle, you may not be an opponent.

Plus, there is still an old monk, and the martial arts king.

I don't dare to come to the life of ten courage!

No matter what, he is not lost.

It's really dead, then he is finished.

Wiis shot, he is still assured.

If you are not dead, it is simpler.

After no sense of threat, he suddenly succumbed.

By the way, I can follow: "Visner, what you said is from mortal, isn't you mortal?"

God comes from mortal.

This is clear.

Dan Bao became the god of life, and it was also promoted from mortal.

According to Visse, Moffis is born to God?

"Page, you are right, I am born is God, and it is the star of the starry sky!" Vissed and laughed with his mouth.

The sword is unparalleled, I don't understand.

God, Stars.

True God!

He is really aware that he has thought that he is true God.

Unfortunately, it came into the original universe.

It is found that there is also the existence of emperors.

When I arrived at the emperor, there was a martial arts.

Now there is a variety of gods.

He is indeed a little dizzy.

Sorry is not in the depends.

With the power of strength, the bags of pressing him are getting smaller and smaller.

Everything is so unbearable to him.

This is the powerful benefit of strength.

There is a bottom gas.

Unlike the prestige of the death, it is not possible to face the prestige of the death.

Can't do it.

It's different now.

Initially, I can't hold a sword in front of him.

Even if the backer, he is now confident.

This time, if you don't contact this.

He will look for other people, or return to the temple alone, and completely eradicate the life.

As for nine big time and space.

Slowly explore later.

He is still a more than a world of lovers.

Although the people who are alive, they are dead, but after returning to their hometown, there will be an inexplicable sense of security.

The ancient wood continent is not his home.

There will be a sense of distance.

Although in the ancient wood continent, there have been several people who are more reliable.

But there is still the kind of intimacy of hometown.

Or that accumulation.

For example, when you know true Wuyang, he is immortal.

Or when you meet Huiqing, the other party is also a child.

It's almost the same as Danbao.

It is also a lifetime.

This kind of friendship is much better than Wu Li.

Wu Li's kind of martial arts is very deep, and it is natural.

On this time, there is no such thing.

Otherwise, it is not possible to slaughter Wu.

The Lord of Hengmu is a fool.

He still remembers it.

Conscious return to the present.

At this time everyone woke up.

The power is slightly longer.

The strength is weak.

For example, Wu Li.

Now God has reached a hundred500,000.

This also lost his cheap old man.

Let your own power grow so much.

It is also strange, a special life of an eight knocked, from the body to the black pill, and it is also used.

The sword is unparalleled to increase so much, and you can have the full bones of Dongjun.

Subsequent, there is no treasure to swallow him.

He will not only improve his own power.

It also needs to be enhanced.

Just don't have time to go to the game of the game.

On the watchtale board, there is still a lot of this source of the font sign to swallow up.

There are hundreds of origins in full.

There is also a handsome piece of chess.

Each can be comparable to the entry of the eight knocked.


He suddenly became a flash.

If you put these origins, it is possible to refine a batch of strong slaves.

Just revitalizing the turn, it is not only the power of life.

Refining simple magic servants he can do.

But the bodies of the Eight's mind, he could not condense.

This method also needs some time to improve.

Just he didn't have time now.

Waiting for it, returning to the road of Temple, he has a lot of time.

Now I am still going to explore Wanliu Shenmu is more important.

"Dear, follow me, this place should be a secret in Wanliu, which is the test of the god of life, must be the king of the king, and there is a better thing waiting for us!" The monk waved, and the people took the vines along with everyone.

This space is indeed in the beginning of the king.

It's just that it is not to let them absorb those life.

Some things are always different.

Just as the sword is unparalleled.

When he entered ancient times, he couldn't think so quickly became the owner of the universe.

With the big monk, they will soon come out this space.

Draw a larger film and see the scene of the outside world.

The Wanliu Universe.

Green is full of vitality.

Everything is so wonderful.

Let everyone's vitality beat, seems to have countless ants to hit it on their hearts.

First, it is an uncomfortable, and then then the kind of hurry disappears.

Instead, it is the potential of a life excitation.

Everyone is a vibration.

Full of confidence.

I feel completely died.

Each dragon is active.

Inspired the second spring.

The feeling of this place is better than the space you just.

In this manner, the sword is unparalleled.

Many people think so.

"The feeling of this place is really good!"

"No white, I think it is cultivated here, you can upgrade your strength!"

Shen Mu Wang turned his head and glared at the people, cold channel: "Okay, can you have a little bit, this is where you are, you said yes, big monk brother!"

The big monk is sinking and coughing.

"It seems that it is not Shangqiang!"

If this is finished, everyone just stunned, and then it also discussed the special of this place.

I didn't take the big monk at all.

It can be a little anxious.

Here he has not been there.

In a place, he did not go.

Just guess.

I haven't been there this, I can't always be pushed to the king!

In fact, this is where the king is ready.

It's just that the big monk is not known.

The big monk thought, I feel that things are still a bit serious, he knows into the direction of the gods.

Originally, it is directly with Denbao and goes into a gods.

But now, it seems to be surprised.

If the king is in the layout, then you will trouble.

"Lord, this place is a little more than my expectation, everything is be careful, let's go forward!" The big monk came to Danbao in front of Danbao, and his eyes were calm.

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