Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5918 I want to think too far

I also blame the original pattern too small.

No way, at that time, I thought about the improvement of the strength to the peak.

Now I am sinking, I found that the best way is always that the teacher pointed out.

It can also be used in his strength of his life.

This is the source, he can condense in front of him.

Then repair becomes successful.

The lack of rules can be added by themselves.

With his current strength and realm.

Already mastered the universe.

It can be said that it is a creative god level.

Develop rules to create everything.

Tour the chess pieces of the font size to the final source.

The handsome piece of chess pieces correspond to the ultimate of all things.

Life is just one!

This is still what I saw in the Life Palace.

It is affecting a lifetime.

He already has the power of life.

The power of death can be obtained by killing.

I didn't consider it back.

The own home space has been successful, and now practice.

Future time and space is also an framework.

Time and space reincarnation!

If you are saying in Visse.

Life and death are small.

Then the wheel is calculated as the second level of God.

The third level is the time-space reincarnation.

So what is the time space?

"Maybe it is something I think!"

He shook his head.

Insulation, you want to swallow your life, just for the reincarnation.

It is the future of the layout.

Such a grand!

He is now a lord of the universe of hexavigives.

It has not been able to see the time and space.

Be saver.

In fact, the road can be taken.

But before you go to the end, you have to go to the direction of the direction.


This kind of thing has been done in the past.

It's all decided.

Now there is this god of Vis.

I should also ask for it.

Finding a mushroom in the face, his native is a leisurely entering the estate of Vis.

The land occupied, covering the region of Niki Mountain.

The facilities have not yet been organized.

Viste is fun.

At the beginning, the spiritual springs were made, the spring eyes were made into a well.

The spring column is a fountain in the center of the manor.

It is also extravagant.

He is a bit envious.

This is also his own universe, but his owner is not arranged.

There is only one tattered ride pavilion, and there is a bit more than a ratio of the big manor with Vis.

Although he can change directly, it can be like that.

There is a lack of some smoke.

He walked to the side of the lake who was often stayed in Vis, and he saw the Visse of Cats.

Purple skin cat, thin pity.

The first life in the universe, was made by Vissen.

The sword is not a little crying.


When I came to the lake, he was not polite, I sat down, I sat down, and I greeted, I saw that Visse was funny.

Not anxious at all.

This cat is in his universe, but it can't feel the breath of the cat.

It is indeed very rare.

"You don't enter the Wanliu universe, how do you have time?" Vistei said with a funny one side: "What is the matter, I am very mysterious, maybe I will tell you some mystery. Things! "

"This cat?"

The sword is unparalleled, but the topic is open to ask this cat.

He doesn't understand why Visby has to make his own universe the first life and make a cat.

"He is not a cat, it is the future destruction!"

Vissed picked up the purple thin skin, raising in his hand, then said: "You have to pay attention to your words, he is very revenge!"

"Destroy God?" The sword was unparalleled: "What God is?"

Destroy God!

He is still the first time I heard.

One cat, become a god!

How to listen to it is not reliable.

Even if Vis has a means of changing to a high rule, you can't get a cat to make a god!

"Now tell you, you don't understand, but I can tell you that the candidates of the god will be you, but I see your performance, getting worse, and ....."

The last sentence has already arrived at the mouth, and Vissen is swallowed back, and it will be said: "You can only say that you will have a better position!"

"Is it, I will become a god in the future?" He forgot the time for forgot the time, and it is very curious about his future.

This is also inevitable.

No one can curious your future.

Otherwise, there are so many Mr. who will have so many fortune.

In the case of the Zen machine that Hui Qing, you can predict the future.

It is the darling of time and is also the best practitioner in time and space.

There is an opportunity in the future, so that Hui Qing gives him a good calculation.

"Don't think about this, or talk about your things!" Visted, he had something to say before, and he didn't say much.

This time, the sword is unparalpted, and I have said my own entanglement.

After Siis heard, he smiled: "There is not much you think, don't think about the stars above your universe, so your idea is even bigger!"

"What is it?" He suddenly excited.

I know that I am definitely the child of the selection, how can I be bad.

It can be followed, and Vis is poured in a pot of cold water.

"You really dare to think, there is indeed level of division, but this division is fixed, you want to become a stronger God, you need to upgrade in the vanity, and a radish is a pit The location you select is not empty, or not too greed! "Viste said to shake his head and said something you see.

It is the opening of this ancient times.

Which day is a woman.

She used to walk very wide.

The pattern is large.

But finally failed.

From the time of the whole day, the sword is unparalleled, there are many places where there are many embarrassments.

Wanliu Shenmu, such as ancient wood continent.

This is obviously the existence of a hierarchy with the sky.

The day of the day can leave this willow tree.

There is also the Umixi.

What exists in the existence is also very special.

It is a virtual force.

It is obviously the same as the Wanliu.

These strengths are all in a day.

If it is blessing.

The power that is mastered will be general.

A higher level than the reincarnation.

"At the beginning, this sky, the power of mastery has a lot, and finally wants to break through the direction, it is virtual life, that is, the starry sky, copy another virtual starry!"

After the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are rolling round.

This is better than what time the time to consider now, don't know how many levels.

If you create a stars yourself.

This courage, he is there.

But the confidence is not good.

But the girl is dare to copy a model starry sky in the original starry sky.

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