Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5919 Tianwu Road

This is some exaggeration.

It is not polite, it is picking up.

If there is a master's words, will you force her?

No wonder will fall.

"Since your courage is very big, you want to fight, go to the road to the sky, I will give you the corpse!"

The sword is unparalleled and shaken, firmly said: "I don't leave someone's road, I just want to take my own path, I didn't expect the Tianshi's pattern. It is also a pity."

"Copy the starry sky, the same two people, the similar two flowers, will be easy!" Vissen shook his head!

There is still some regret in the eyes.

Here he said two flowers are actually two worlds.

one flower one World.

There are more people represented by people.

This made him think of ginger.

Tianshi is a thousand and inextrous relationships with ginger.

This is a disaster for him!

It's a piety of death.

Otherwise, he died in the other party sooner or later.

Now there are a ladder in Wanliu.

And the origin of life, it was mastered by Denbao.

It also represents the probabilistic possibility of the sky.

This example, giving him a hitting.

In the past, he did not believe in breaking the law, force the words of God.

I have finished listening now, I don't believe it.

His pressure is actually not so much.

In fact, it is very good to become the Lord of time and space.

Master time and space, don't travel, he can endure.

In the current northern time and space.

The three ancient existence is this level, which is invincible.

God doesn't matter.

Unless you are dying, just as God.

As long as you don't die, you will not die.

It is a destruction in front of him.

It's over to kill the life.

Nothing pressure.

Subsequent, Xuan Yi teacher, the teacher thought.


It's just that the teacher has been invested him, and it must be a help that needs his help.

He didn't want to break up.

I didn't think about it, I regret it.

So I will give yourself.

Looking back.

He still thinks more.

"The source of your checkerboard is enough for you to die. Anyway, the last dead is not you, as for your own source, don't do too much adjustment, you are far from reaching the limit, Waiting for the nine hobbies, it is not too late to do it! "

Vissed finally, reminded him.

Use the watching checkerboard, and simulate the power of the original source of the fusion.

At least one failure opportunity!

The sword is unparalleled and respectful to worship.

It turned around.

Go back to the mountain.

Count your future.

First, it is still time-space reincarnation.

He first combines the sources of the chess pieces on the watchmaking board into time and space.

I will do something else.

This is hard to say to him.

The rest is like Vissen, will then say later.

It's still not he considered.

Can't step down the dust of the sky.

The temperament of the font size is integrated into the source of all objects, and it is formed.

It is transformed into the power of life.

From all things to life.

Need a source to fuse.

Just a handsome piece of chess pieces have a source.

"This is not exempting!" The sword was unparalleled, and immediately woke up. He was shocked: "Mo, it is the instruction of Xuan Yi, I am afraid that Vis is a teacher who knows Xuan Yi, but it is not admitted!"

He can guess so.

You can also do anything.

Lianvis has to conceal, and use the embarrassing thing to understand.

Perhaps it is for greater hidden.

The original is a bit relaxed, and I feel a pressure in an instant.

Still to work hard.

Otherwise, how to see the teacher.

He doesn't want the teacher to confirm the day, it will be a scene of death.

Time is a little bit of lapse.

In a blink of an eye, he has entered this place for a month.

There is a lot of monkey head mushrooms.

His man is looking for thousands of legs.

And this side, combined with new life in the board.


Life chess, falling into the moment of watching the chessboard, instantly, made a green armor.

At the chest of the war armor, there is a circle, "robbery"


Replaced the original place.

I originally thought that there will be handsome, godlim.

Unexpectedly, there is a robbery.

He can't wait to summon the robbery, instantly upper body, a share of the power of life, and burst out.

Let his life have increased by 100 times.

not only.

After wearing a robbery, his power has also increased its footsteps.

Directly arrived for 2 million.

Increase is not the foundation.

But he found that after wearing a robbery, you can also show super ancient times.

That is to say, the super ancient times he presents now, and the power can soared to 4 million.

It is already a routine fighting force.

This makes him more interested in blending chess pieces.

It is now the leader of life.

If it is condensed, a death is again.

The two are integrated to become a force.

The increase is the power of more powerful reincarnation.

This is a greater blessing on the third sword of his starry sky.

God is bonded, but only basic.

The most important thing is the blessing of your own.

This is more important to him.

The role of watching the chessboard is finally explored by him.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know much about death.

It also needs to find a breakthrough from the outbound body.

One blink of an eye, I was originally staring at him, but now he stared at the life.

"Call, come slowly!" Now he is not anxious.

The legacy returns, giving together to this respect.

Danbao has notified him, everyone collects the monkey head mushroom.

It's a bad one.

"Six thousand!"

Can be exchanged to two thousand life fruits.

Just now he is not so obvious about the needs of life fruit.

Because he can't recover the chess pie last so early.

Those chess pieces need to help him simulate their own endpoint, if it is successful, then the recovery is very happy.

If it fails.

That is gone.

He also needs to look for other outlets.

Of course, failure this kind of thing, hard work is not good.

He will definitely control the loss, seeing the situation is not right, he will stop, chaos the origin, and then recover.

Not a waste of waste.

The three gods of the game, he always thinks is the source of God.

I don't know if the guess is right.

if it is real.

Then he has to be more careful.

If you lose, you have to distage.

Machi, shuttle!

Soon, he came to the stone monument.

I greeted Danbao and others, and I got the front of the tuta.

I saw a lot of people on my face.

He understands that these people are probably known to reward this.

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