Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5920 of the throne

In fact, it is okay, there is no life fruit, does not affect the future of the future.

It's just a slow speed.

In order not to let these people are embarrassed, or resentment Danbao.

He deliberately throws a mustard from the stone monument. Although these people have doubt that he has been going out so long, he must have searched a lot of monkey head mushrooms.

But no one dares to stand out.

These people in the field can see that Danbao is more believed in swords with Bruis.

Moreover, you have to rely on some.

They don't dare to take the sword.

After exploring the stone monument, it got the fruits of life.

It also means that the task is completed.

After getting a monkey head mushroom, it is impossible to exchange life.


He is the last person.

As he finished, the stone monument began to tremble and slammed.

Everyone is a shock, a stone monument as a center, and the square is not a change.

Next moment, everyone shuts time and space.

Leave this place.

After they left, there was another team to come here.

It is Baibi and others.

It is back behind the sword unparalleled.


When the sword is unparalleled, it has reached a quiet mountain.

Looking up, the rare beam landed, and it was blocked by some giant trees.

"The big monk, can you know this place?"

Shenmu Wang jumped, standing on the leaves of the giant tree, glanced at the nearby situation, he is not familiar with this place, naturally looks at the super strong people who came out of the Wanliu Shenwang. " Old monk

"I don't know, we should have entered a special secret, definitely the king of the king, as long as we follow the prompts, it is right!" The big monk shook his head, and then explained.

The Lord of Hengmu is not buying, ridicuing: "Then you have a prompt to us, you can't keep up with the last time, around you!"

"It's better to go to the mountain in front of us!" Danbao spoke at this moment, the rest didn't say anything.

In fact, there are so many ways.

Since there is a mountain, then go to see.

The total ratio is much stronger than this.

In order to be safe, Danbao used the shield of life, cover everyone, be careful.

Although it has not been encountered, it is not possible.

In the last space, they heard a scream, although I couldn't feel the specific breath, but the feelings contained in the voice were an abnormal terrible.

Absolutely an eight-knocked level.

This place is the universe of Wanliu, what is the power of the level is normal.

They still have to be careful.

The sword has always patrol around.

There have been no abnormalities.

I think this is deeper than the structure that has just been space.

The power of this place is also extremely special.

These giant trees are proof.

Each contained power has exceeded a thousand times.

In the peak period, there is a thousand power.

The life structure of the ethnic group is not known much than the people.

Don't see that they are now a million start.

It is possible to go on average.

It is definitely not as good as these giant trees.

Life is in the universe, and it is very powerful.

If it is a material life, it will definitely be stronger.

The people of the people, the power is less than one.

When you step on the practice, you will slowly accumulate your strength.

They are all peaks of the people, nature look very powerful.

In fact, it is not as good as these grass plants.

Of course, except for those universe levels of special life.

The sword is unparalleled is also a special life.

It's just his special, and the special life of the universe cannot be compared.

Just like the original red water, the other party is born 10,000 power.

How to get it.

He is a special life after day.

If you count this, everyone is a special life after the day, as long as the power exceeds a thousand times.

Again these special life now.

The flame of the stone country.

Eight knocked top.

A level with left night ash.

God's starting is millions, when born, it may exceed 100,000.

There is also the master of Hengmu, as well as the big monk.

The infrastructure is terrible.

The peak ethnic group of the whole Wanliu Cosmé, and the peak strong, must be more than the whole ancient wood.

The nine days and ten areas can be comparable.

The big monk and two war beasts appear.

It is enough to let the ancient wood drink a pot.

I have to run all out.

Thirteenth Eight Star Zongmen, I am afraid it can be suppressed.

Although there is a threat, it can also have a chance.

If you can enter and leave this place.

Then, the life here will be the strong man who will be the whole ancient times.

Such a contrast, or ancient times time and space.

After all, which is created.

Nine days!


Patient to copy the existence of the starry sky.

How can the bottom fear poor.

Leave the jungle of the blind date.

They went to the short foot.

The mountain peaks are not steep, and the side peaks are not included.

I can't see anything.

But when they step into the mountain, they felt that the body of the whole body was beating.

There is a feeling that I want to close the custom.

Everyone is eager to try.

Want to embark on this short foot mountain.

The sword is not exception.

Although he maintained his source.

It can also be lost, and it is similar to that.

The whole body is 1500,000 power is active.

The beast god soldier has caused local resonance.

A dragon voice, from his four weeks, and shocked a ripple.

The sword is unparalleled, the beast will be trembled, and it is pressed by a more powerful calm beast god.

The treasure of the congenital universe, although rare.

However, the most powerful existence of ancient wood continent is gathered.

Many or the treasure of the congenital universe.

For example, the Mohavios of Shenmu King!

There is also Wu Li.

He also has the treasure of the congenital universe.

It is the wood sword.

Still the mainstream of the house.

Now I feel a resonance, then it is a strong pressure.

"Warriors, you also found it?" Wu Li took care of this time, whispered: "There will be no horror on this mountain. I am a wood sword is the branch of Wanliu, and it is also congenital. The treasure of the universe, I haven't encountered this kind of thing before! "

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head. I don't know, but since I can have a relationship with the innate relationship, then this mountain must have a treasure, and I will see it. "

This feather mountain.

Not only let them have a closed impulse, but also the resonance of the innate universe.

It has already evoked their curiosity.

I don't know how to see it.

What is the treasure.

Then you have a diploma.

It is also necessary to rely on luck.

Who gets who is.

As soon as it is not too slap, it will be saved.

There is Danbao, and the vows under each standing.

No one will flush.

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