At this time, the sword is unparalleled, the thing I think is not what he thinks.

Perhaps the summons below are targeting Wu Li.

It doesn't matter to him.

So to remove him.

Only this may be.

He again, maybe it will be forced to go out.

But all of this place, he can only go down to the scalp.

"Forget it, continue to go forward!"

Breaking the tissue!

I don't believe it.

How to be his unlucky.

Follow the crack and continue.

He also broke out a white ray.

Illuminated the road in front.

The cracks under the mountain are very moist, and the water is flowing along the stone wall.

It is also covered with moss on the stone wall.

The more, the larger the space of the gap.

After the Wu Li Hall, he was in front.

The feeling of palpitations, from pressure, to oppression.

Let his forehead have a lot of sweat.

Wu Li, like a dead, followed by the back, the eyes of the eye, sweeping, sweeping around, excited to encounter danger.

Continue to take a clock.

The people outside are almost fast to the top of the mountain.

They finally discovered something.

The gap is not down, but it is gentle forward.

After walking, there is still an upward trend.

The three feet of the sword in Wu Li is issued.

This representative is very close to the target.


After walking in the sword in front, after the corner, I saw the light in front.

I looked back at Wu Li, and the two eyes were coming.

There was no hesitation, and the speed accelerated.

Rolling to the light source.

After they arrived at the light source and found it.

It turned out to be an exit.


Going out of the wet gap, under the light.

Two people saw everything in front of them.

A huge aerial garden.

Suspended above the water.

Everything is arranged in well.

There is no messy mess.

Absolutely constructed.

This sword is unparalleled.

Seeing this aerial garden, the sword is unparalleled without that kind of palpitations.

However, the surface below has a sense of compression.

Still don't want him to go to the water.

Wu Li actually fly out of control.

Go toward the air garden.

And he is standing in the ground, there is no feeling.

Wu Li flying in the air, which sees the face of this place.

Looking back, it is the short foot mountain.

They walked from gaps and is equivalent to being transnational.

This place is the back of the short foot.

A huge valley.

Around the mountains.

There is a huge lake in the middle.

The lake has a aerial garden.

The sword didn't fly out, I wanted to keep Wu Li and found all this.

The rest of the person is now on the top of the mountain, and it takes some time to go here.

They are equal to a close road.

It is also a harvest and walks in front of others.

It can also have a bad place.

In case of danger.

He can't hold it.

"Unparalleled brothers, I will go in first!"

Wu Li looked back at the sword and unparalleled, and then took the initiative to enter the air garden.

Where, he felt the source of the summon.

"You wait for me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the wings behind it, want to keep up.

At the moment of entering the air garden, it hits the combo.

I find yourself.

The rigid is green, with a powerful life.

He does not believe in evil, 1 wants to try to crack with the power of life.

But I found it still can't go.


In the eyes, Wu Li went in, he couldn't enter.

If Wu Li has swallowed treasures, it will be big.

He really can't understand, why Wu Qi can go in, he can't enter.

If he should go in with the treasure of the congenital universe!

However, the power of life disappeared through the riser.

It doesn't hurry.

At this time, the lower lake below has an huge blisters.

The sword is unparalleled to be shocked.

The shape is quickly lifted.

The feeling of compression is getting closer.

It's just a blink of an eye, the lake is surface, and there is a huge deceased of countless eye holes in an instant.

There are countless eye holes and countless tentacles.

There is a lot of green vines around them.

Mohavilo with Shenmu King is very similar.

He was shocked by this suddenly raised, and he quickly hovered the attack.

When the breath suddenly changed, it became blue.

There are also green tarants in his body.

The power arrived from 15 million and instantly arrived for 2 million.

The super ancient turn-thickened, his power has directly increased to 4 million.

In the face of the bottom of the shot, raise his hand and pull the sword.

His current power can be comparable to the eight knocked.

There is still no problem to block.

Those tentacles did not have the power of his imagination, but the sword cut the number.

But the pressure is still so powerful.

This makes the sword are very surprised.

Also think, there is a greater threat, do not dare to love, please, you will quickly move toward the direction of the short foot.

At this time, Shenmu Wang has been waiting for Danbao and others, to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge stone monument.

"Castle in the Sky!"

Stone monument is still Danbao.

Four big characters in the upper point are very simple.

I have a loss of last time no culture.

According to the text on the last stone, they have been able to perform.

Each all learned the language of the pulley.

Denba translation is not required.

"It seems that the hionhrouse is the city!"

The crowd came to the edge of the cliff, looking down.

I saw the aerial garden that the sword was unpaired.

In fact, it is a city of sky.

"This time I will take the lead!" Hengshu's main saw the city of the sky, the bottom appeared, and took the initiative to go forward.

The face of a big monk is constant.

He is most familiar with the Wanliu universe.

It is unfamiliar.

But the legend of this place he has heard.

Or is his rumor of the city of the sky.

In the Wanliu universe, there is a legend.

In the legend, in a secret in the Wanliu Universe, there is a city of sky.

Once is a great person.

The free place inside can make people benefit.

It also contains a treasure of a big person.

Even inheritance.

This big figure has thousands of relationships with Wanliu's source.

The Lord of Hengmu is the local person, and it must have heard it.

I dare to take the initiative.

Of course, he is with two major warriors.

There are two eight knocked beasts accompanying, he naturally confident.

The big monk also knows the matter of this place and secretly told Danbao.

Just Danbao is not interested in this.

If the road, you can go in.

Not going out, even if it is.

There is a chance, there is also a threat.

He doesn't have to take risks.

What's more, there are so many people.

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