Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5923 Sky City

But the big monk is very insisted on, constantly convince Danbao, it is best to go in.

I may not be related to the king of Wang.

They came all the way, definitely someone felt everything in the dark.

Otherwise, it will appear here.

Instead of entering the world of the Wanliu universe.

Danbao has no way, and the rest of the people are all eye-catching.

He doesn't know how to refuse, you can only node.

Take the lead by the main wood.

Shen Mu Wang did not understand this, but he watched hengmu, he also became more.

Although the big monk is very interested in this, it is also divided into the chief, still standing around Danbao.

"Right, sword is unparalleled?" At this time, I didn't follow the alcine star, I watched a circle around, I didn't find the sword and worse, and I went to you: "He won't be lost!"

"Maybe it's going in!" The big monk added one another.

He already felt the breath of Wu Li and entered the city of the sky.

So it will be so calm.

There is a treasure in the sky.

But it is not so easy to get it.

This legend is spreading very wide, goes to the eight knobs, and the mortal is known.

But no one has found it.

The big monk feels that this place is just a legend.

I didn't expect to see it here today.

That will also explain that his guess is true.

The road they walk is all in advance.

Through these tests, they can enter the gods, then go to the disglence ladder of the universe.

The first stone monument is just looking for a monkey head mushroom.

Don't make any difficulty.

He doesn't know what is used.

But this place is different.

Probably the city of the sky.

There is absolutely extremely hidden things.

His fundus appeared a hot radiant.

At this time, a powerful breath is burst under the valley.

"Walk!" Danbao flashed, directly with everyone followed.

A strong breath appears.

The most in front of the Hanhang is even more threats.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The first thing to see is the escape of the sword.

Then there are countless vines.

The sword has also seen the end of Hengmu, and he said: "Hengmu, help me block him!"

Haven't waited for a constant wood to answer, he flashed, and the main shoulders of Hengmu, he didn't look at each other, and he ran.

The Lord of Hengmu, the vines have been to the eyes, he has to stop.

Fortunately, the powerful vines, the power is a lot.

The Lord of Hengmu as the soil of Wanliu, but it is not known to the vines.

After a while, I found out that there is not much threat.

It will let the two wars will open the way.

I will continue to fly down.

The sword has already seen the godmu king and Danbao and others, and it is not panicked, standing in the place to wait for the coming.

"How is it below!" Danbao took the people at this time, and he looked at the sword.

"There are some small waves, but there is no big threat!"

The sword has swayed his head, and it continued his breath: "Wu Li has entered the aerial garden, but when I want to enter, it is stopped!"

When you hear this sentence, everyone is a glimpse.

Wu Li went in, the sword was unparalleled.

Many strong people, there is not much to understand Wu Li.

Most of them pay attention to the sword.

But I didn't expect the sword where the sword was stopped, and Wu Li came into the city of the sky.

"You didn't go in!" The big monk is also very surprised.

He thought that the sword was unparalleled with Wu Li.

But now the sword is unparalleled outside, Wu Li goes in.

This is indeed beyond his expectation.

"Since there is not much danger, let's take a look!"

The scepter in Danbao is a shock, and the shield is again solidified.

Directly rushed.

The huge deceased from the water, and the two major wars beat it.

It is indeed dangerous with the sword.

The big monk or Shenmu King can deal with it.

If you want to kill, everyone will shoot together, I am afraid you can't use a few breathing, you can solve it.

"Is this?" The big monk is dark.

The Lord of Hengmu does not know this vine.

But he knows.

The big monk is surprised, and the sword is unparalleled. "How, you know!"

Although this vine is not strong, it is extremely strange.

It is too powerful for human compression.

It is almost inefficient to feel the feeling of the people.

Can't look small.

The big monk is what is aware of the identity of the other party.

I heard the sword unparalleled inquiry, the big monk did not hide, just look at Danbao, then said: "The little master, if I have no guess, this should be a baren old ghost, once in the superior The peaks of the peaks, but he was in order to find the city of the sky, and later disappeared, I didn't expect to appear here! "

After Dan Bao heard, the scepter moved, and he wanted to use the life of the Chicken to suppress the Chicken.

If it is a practitioner, it can't be mad, then there is no need to kill, just drive away.

But he's the origin of life, in touch Chek Teng ghost after, but did not have any effect.

This makes a lot of people are surprised a moment.

But the original Dan Po with the power of life, can suppress short red Jiuxiao.

The back of the barejiu is unsained from the life, and is not affected by Denbao.

How to now have an ancient practitioner who has not touched by the peak of the eight hobbies, which can block Danbao's suppression.

The sword has no double eyelids, and he always feels more and more powerful.

There is a bad thing to happen.

It seems to it now.

Danbao can't be suppressed.

He quickly rushed on Shenmao Wang and Dahe Shang: "Since it is impossible to suppress, it is better to give him a slaughter, it is also a scourge!"

Danbao is the god of life, this kind of thing is not good.

So, give them!

Shen Mu Wang and the big monk have also have this plan.

I heard the sword is unparalleled, and I bottles them directly.

And deliberately avoided Danbao, directly rushing.

Dan Bao is frowning.

It is not because it has become the god of life, it will be the Virgin.

In fact, there is no need to do this.

However, under the support of everyone, he was protected very good.

It is supported into God.

On the way to the god, it is even more blood to let him go.

When I saw the big monk, I felt that the other party said, there is still some reason.

But now, some are not right.

The sword is unparalleled, and the shoulders of Danbao said: "Reassured, since he can't suppress your suppression, the prove has been separated from life, and it is nothing to do!"

"Don't have too much pressure!" Brui came to persuade a sentence.

Danbao shook his head and did not speak.

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