Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5927 Projection

This is the case, it seems to be seen from it.

The sword is unparalleled with the alcine star, and it looks at the array.

The huge array is not a circular, but the equal pair of hexagonal array.

And it is an informal form of a diagram, not a complex large array that needs one by one.

But this big array, it is very simple, but it is the most difficult.

Because there is no short board, it is not disassembled at all.

"Is this?" The statue of the sword was staring at the statue of the central government.

I looked at a portrait of a picture and markedly: "The same as the portrait!"

"It seems that this is the big figure who lived here!"

I saw a few people surprised, many people surrounded.

The sword is unparalleled to see a few eye statues, and it begins with the corner of the big array.

This big array may be the key to them.

Now I have come in a lot of time, and the Danbao of the outside world does not necessarily block too long.

They must be as soon as possible.

In the array, he is not topped, but there are so many great energy this place, there is always an empirical array.

Such as a refining star!

"Seniors in the star, can you see the specific usage of this method?" After the sword did not hover, it came to the Shenxing God, whispered: "If you can find the big array method, maybe the way we break the way "

Shenmu Wang also looked at the alcine star, said, "" Shenxing Taoist, trouble, you explore it. "

In this way, many people look at the alcine star.

The refining star is also welcome, actively, and starts to study this array.

In his opinion, this array and the so-called god do not match, more like the practitioner built himself.

Just build the practitioner of this array, very powerful.

At least the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

And more than one.

If he makes him crack, it is almost impossible.

But just explore its usage, it is not difficult.

After groping for a moment, the refining star took a while, injecting his own strength into the array.

Shen Lihua makes the mind, and feel the whole array.


A whispering sounded at this time, the big array suddenly broke out a powerful breath, and all people shocked.

It has been good for a long time in this breath, and it is not too powerful, otherwise they have to be injured.

Even so, a lot of people are shocked.

"Can you find it?" Shen Mi Wang looked at the alcine star, and the sudden outbreak was obviously the alcine star touched a certain organ.

"This array, contains complete time and space, my mental force just felt this force, so I laughed from the self-protection role of the array, I shocked us!"

After the star is finished, I also looked at the carvings of the Central Action, said: "The statue is the center of the array!"

This is actually, don't say, they can guess.

The most important thing now is to open this big array.

Otherwise they don't have anything.

I feel that there is a treasure in this place.

As a result, it was found that the most important treasure is those that are contaminated with the powerful event.

All the way.

The city has turned over, and there is no other key information.

If you keep up with a secret, then it is better.

It's good to follow the class at the class.

But this time, there is no prompt.

They don't know what to do.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no one, now I am entering, I can't go again!

"All, I looked at the big group, I didn't want to hide the secret. I didn't say that there was a treasure. Now it is a joke. It is better to let Dan Bao people come in. Single with us, even if you have a treasure, you can't find it. ! "

"Well, this is a way!"

"We can't find it, maybe Dan Bao people will trigger!"


After the sword is unparalleled, the bottom is also a move, I feel that the person is reasonable.

It is better to let Dan Bao come in and don't pay attention to Babi.

Light of these people waiting here, nor a way!

Shen Mu Wang and the Lord of Hengmu regarded an eye, and there is no better way.

Just when they were prepared to give up, the array was started to have a white light.

The rays appeared, this time they were prepared, and they retired.

I am afraid that I will shocked by the breath as just now.

Just after this beam launched, there was no the same breath, but a projection from the sky.

Projection coming!

A burst of causing sound.

After a while, it slowly slow down.

During this time, everyone also saw the people in the projection.

A blue fat man also has a black hat, with two tentacles, and the appearance is extremely funny.

"Which big person is this?"

Some people whispered.

No one answer!

The sword is unparalleled to think about the portrait. I feel that the one in the projection is the same as the big person in the city of the sky, but the skin is a lot.

But now it is not tangled this, in case they guess it wrong.

The Lord of Hengmu is the most decisive. When I see the projection, I'm going down.

The sword is unparalleled with Shenmu King, and there is no responsibility of hengwood. I can't solve the problem.

If you are unfavorable to them, you will not play.

If you are beneficial to them, you are enough to stand, why bother to kneel!

"It's very lively!"

The amiable voice came from the projection. After everyone heard the sound of this sound, it was relieved.

The sword is unparalleled at this time, and the opening said: "" The older sword is unparalleled, I have seen the seniors! "

Regardless of the largest people who have built this place, they have to respect and come to others.

Unfortunately, the big monk is not here, otherwise you can ask the other party, this blue fat man is not a king of Wang.

"The sword is unparalleled," Blue fat man came out from the projection, directly came to everyone, and accurately said that there was a unparalleled in the sword, and looked at the sword and watched the sword. "You are a sword." "

This is said that there is no double-faced in the sword, and you look at yourself. Some embarrassment.

Not only did he did not expect the other party to know himself, even the people present, but did not expect the sword to have a relationship with people in the projection.

Shen Mu Wang's eyes looked at the sword unparalleled. The relationship between the heart of the sword is hard enough, and everyone knows.

But the sword is unparalleled, I don't know each other, I can only smile, I nodded.

"Hey, just like my apprentice, you don't usually!" The blue fat man is lightly evaluated.

The sword is unparalleled, but after hearing the apprentice in the mouth, his eyebrows are jumped and wonderful.

Why do you pull out an apprentice?

He is very small in ancient times.

Some people are not falling in the middle, that is, it has already arrived.

For example, Wu Li!

Langxing is also alone.

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