Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5928, no name, no name, heaven and earth

He really can't think of him.

Which Yunzhi State, he and the other's share is general, but the other party looks at Jin Chen's face, pointing to him.

"Is it?" He suddenly thought about it, pointed to the blue fat and surprised: "Is it them?"

At the beginning, those who came to the ancient moon time from the temple?

In addition to these people, he can't think of others.

Blue fat, nodded, said: "Yes, you can enter the ancient times, just because I!"

In this way, not only the sword is unparalleled, even God Mu Wang also stunned.

In this way, the only identity of the sword is completely exposed.

Sure enough, it is not a strong man in ancient times.

North Time and Time, there are nine core time and space long rivers.

The sword is unparalleled, and Shenmu King also doubts that the sword is unparalleled. It is not coming from other greater powerful time and space. It has not been chance to test.

Now I have the evidence of my mysterious people, he is completely believed.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning, I entered the ancient times, it was a time and space tunnel that was played in the true spirit. This blue fat man in front of him didn't matter.

Although I suspect the ability of the true spirit, I can't be so smart!

When these people came, he meant.

Never, even this can be left and right!

The blue fat man is smiling, it seems to be seen through the sword unparalleled ideas, saying: "At the beginning, there is no allowance, how can the time and space tunnel are opened, in other words, the tunnel tunnel is so easy to open, why is the flame of flame gods not to go to the Temporal Tunnel of the Temple? "

This time the sword is unparalleled.

I quickly replied: "Thank you for your predecessors, dare to ask the senior name!"

"There is no name, the world is born!"

"There is only a small number of people: kings!"


I heard the other party's belief, everyone didn't consciously kneel down.

Containment with the sword is also the same.

I have been listening to the rumors of the King of the Town, this is the first time I saw it.

At the same time, I was also puzzled. When I was lucky, I can worship the king of the teacher.

I thought that Fan Tianfeng's luck is good enough. I didn't expect others to worship the king of the teacher.

Tongtian Buddha?

The character of the top three in the original universe.

Zhenling once secretly evaluated, the future can surpassers, not under Hui Qing.

Hui Qing is not too likely, because Hui Qing is still in ancient times.

He is also clear.

When Yuyang was in the temple, the talent went to the top and has been pressed by Tongtian Buddha.

There is also the two people in Dongsheng and the face.

As for the two portions of other universe, it is not too good.

He genied everyone, but he did not think of Wu Zhi.

The potential of Wu Zuo is in his opinion, more general.

I didn't see it.

Not don't say the king.

This time, he is really smaller.

After the king of the king, the sword was unparalleled. After two sentences, he went straight to the theme.

The location of the god of life is the king of the king.

In this place, it is natural that it is not double-sized with the sword, but because of Danbao's things.

Everyone is now also more important to know the king to send them to this place.

The king is carrying hands, sweating, and squatting, then the two touch angles on the top of the head move, felt the position of Denbao.

"You are really interesting, let Dan Bao waited outside the giant god strong, he came to this place!"

This is said that the sword is unparalleled, and it is indeed a little can't hang.

"But this is also in line with the original selected standard!" I nodded at the king.

Everyone is relieved.

I am afraid that the king is blaming them at this time.

When Shen Mi Wang, I made a courage. I asked: "The king of the king, I don't know why do you get us?" Then I went there: "After Danbao entered this place, it should not take directly into the god. Is the ladder? "

This is still a big monk.

They didn't know.

Not to be said, I have found different monk after I have come in.

"The god of life, about the life of the northern time, not as easy as you think, I am here to set this level, because I want to stop some people!"

The sword is not a double brow, the opening said: "Is it stopped Babi?"

"Babi Emperor?" The king shook his head and explained: "Which Babi I noticed him, not threatened, he couldn't even end into the ladder of the gods, as for his resentment secret law, it is very My appetite, is a talent, but unfortunately, from the stars, I don't have to become the god of our north time! "

Starry life.

This is a starry sky.

Come to the long river of time and space, not being crowded, it is good, you still want to be god.

I thought that all are giant?

Stars are also divided into groups.

After the sword is unparalleled, he thinks it after the explanation of the king.

This is different from the big sum of the big monk.

The meaning of the king is like a person in the northern time and space, there is a chance to become the god of life.

There is no big monk at all, there is a bar frame.

It may also those things, all the big monk, and deliberately decate deep.

He didn't think much.

"The person I want to block, you may know, but not now, now you can reach this, you have no problem, it is eligible to join Dan Bao to enter the gods!"

Everyone is coming!

Take together into a god step, they are also a witness.

How can I not be happy.

It can be a first batch of burns for rebirth.

The sword is unparalleled to hear these, there is nothing excited.

Just look at the body shape of the king, some doubts.

The other party is the strongest God of the North Time and Space, how is it just a projection.

It hasn't come true.

According to the other party, the god of life is so important, why not personally?

Some of the front and rear said.

At this time, Vissed voice rang in his mind.

"This little fat man, you can be careful!"

The sword is unparalleled to hear this sentence, it was shocked, and asked: "Isn't he not a king?"

"Who tells you that kings are good people, no matter who, you must be careful!"

He is some.

The feelings are no one is a good person!

But what he has useful.

Here is more than his strong people.

Shen Mikan, big monk and the two glasses.

Where is the Lord of his six-hearted universe.

"You don't believe it?" Vistebrows jumped, some were not happy, they were questioned, and the figure was in front of the sword.

The king is still talking to the King of Shenmu, and suddenly found a tall figure, and the fat body was scared.

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