
The sword is unparalleled, and Vissen will come out, and Vis seems to have a king of the North Time and Space.

After seeing Visses, the king saw Visse, the eyes were more surprising, and the eyes were quickly.

Under the gaze of everyone, kneel down.

"Stars come, how can you not know Xiao Wang!" The king is very respectful.

Shen Mi Wang is also a glimpse. After seeing the Temperat of Vissen, I looked at the king, and I didn't know if it was still standing.

We originally laughed before you like to talk, but it's the face of the plate: "See me, why don't you miss true?"

"Ah, this!" Some of the king of kings did not know what it was.

He actually wants to come back.

It's just a real body, and it is on a snake road in the north time.

North Time Space.

In the top of a huge ancient land above the nine-day time and space, there are countless palaces.

Where is the place where the real body is closest.

It is also the point of the North Time and Space.

On the sky, there is this snake.

At this time, the real body of the king is walking on the snakeway.

This snake road can't fly and can only go away.

The king is not a person, and there is a person in his body.

I also followed a gorilla behind him.


After the projection of the fidelity, he would hold it, and he is in the same place.

Used in his back, it is surprised: "The old man, you can't greenery?"

Wu Zuo has no way. He walked for a while, he couldn't move, only by the king of the king.

Otherwise, you should not be exhausted on the snakeway.

At this time, the king suddenly did not move, and Wu Zuo four glanced, and then said: "Is it too late?"

"Don't talk!" The real body of the king, excluded loudly.

The Umbowa is shocked.

From the king who have never sent a temper, it is the first time to reprimand him, he was also scared, and he didn't dare to say a word.


The kings in the sky city projected, it is full of sweating, I don't know how to answer Visseys.

The king did not speak, Vissered: "You don't say, let me say it?"

"No, Xiao Wang said!" The king climbed from the ground. After hesitating, he said with the heart of the head: "Wanliu Universe is wrapped by a metal life, my real body can't come!"

"It's still honest!" Visted nodded, then said: "This willow tree, this is not your northern time and space, and it is also possible to stay in this place. Later? You raise the tiger, getting the sky the sky, or I gave you a mess, now Wanliu has a problem, it seems that it is really not your north time! "

On the occasion of Visse, all around the time and space stagnant.

Only the king will move with the sword.

At this moment, not only the time and space of the city of the sky.

Even the entire northern time and space is suspended.

It's just those practitioners, I can't detect that time is paused.

Even if God is not aware.

This is the strength of Vis.

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole Wanliu Universe is wrapped.

The same is shocked by the strength of Vis!

Instead, the Wanliu Universe held by Versia has not been so interest.

He is just simply in the North Royal Waste, and even a treasure can't see it.


In fact, it is not omnipotent!

Just like the god of life, he can open up the road of resurrection.

Have the ability to live back.

But he will not be too good at fighting, only to life, he is invincible.

King kings, taking over the entire northern time.

It seems invincible.

In fact, it is not the case, he is just the spokesperson outside the starry sky.

Only the ability to run rules does not change the ability of the rules.

So the first day, the girl is born, the king is not a way, can only summon the more powerful gods in the sky.


That is, it appeared in northern time.

After that, after the celestial woman, he did not leave directly, but to do good task.

Of course, there is also your own thing to solve.

For example, waiting for the appearance of swords!

"This time, I will not intervene, you want to solve it alone, or I will pick Wanliu Shenmu back, the position of life, you must also take another way!" Vissen not to give the king face There is no room for serious discussion.

The sword is also the first time I saw such a serious Vis, the heart is also a shock. It was originally recognized by the ability of Vis, but did not think of the status of Vis.

I didn't expect the king, and I didn't dare to look up in front of Vis.

For a time, he didn't dare to talk, just looked at it.

The king is turning his eyes, and I don't dare to refute. I can only reply respectable: "Star Spirit people rest assured, Wanliu's things, I will solve, if ..."

"If there is no accident, I will take the Wanliu Shenmu walk away, but the scourge, I will not take away, the metal life, but one of the most powerful practitioners from the South Time Space, you have to think All right!"

"Yes!" The king didn't say more, and I directly agreed.

The sword is unparalleled, one of the most powerful practitioners from the South Time and Space, that is also the power of the nine hobbies!

The whole northern time is also a strong force, the three ancient times.

However, Wang worried about the king of the world, it seems that the king wants to disappear the three ancient times, nor is it simple.

In this way, it will not be so tangled.

Let the three super existence directly, enter Wanliu, solve the metal life.

It also needs to waste time here.

"I said, I said, how do you do it!" Weis stretched a lazy waist, it was very tired, turned to see the sword and unparalleled, and said: "You have to be careful, be careful Big monk! "

The voice just fell, and Versic disappeared in the original place.

It has entered the source universe of the sword unparalleled.

"Be careful of the big monk?" The sword is unparalleled, the heart is dark: "This old guy, there is a problem!"

After the king appeared, he had some old monk.

It's just that the king of the king personally on-demand, he did not doubt the truth, but the old monk came from the Wanliu Universe, and the Wanliu Universe has Shangyu.

All this is too coincident.

Vis did not remind him that he still held fantasy, and felt that it was just a coincidence. It is true now.

The gods where the destroying is, it is the upper streak.

This is afraid that even Babi didn't know.

And some of his things he also understood in Vis.

For example, the god of the life of the North Time and Space, also only manages the northern time and space.

South time and space also has the god of life in South Time and Space.

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