Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5940 I want to stay something

"Unparalleled, I will introduce you, this is the dog, the real Wuliang, now the Lord of the three hobby universe!" Zhenwuyang saw his son came in, and his eyes were proud.

"See you for your seniors!" Zhenwu's good fortune.

The sword is unparalleled, and admires: "Sure enough, small age, it has become the master of the universe, the future achievements, I am afraid you weak!"

It is said that he has repaired the time, not long.

"Well, let's go back, I have already prepared the dinner!"


The sword is unparalleled, with Danbao and Wu Li, got up and followed Zhenwuyang into the back hall.

On the dinner, the daughter of Zhenwuyang is also there.

Seeing the wife of the real Wuyang, the sword is unparalleled, I understand that the family will be so attacked at this time.

It actually followed the woman in the big downtown.

Maybe this is God!

The dinner pushes the cup and changed a lot.

But most are things in the world of Tianzhu.

He also took the opportunity to ask Zhenwuyang, about the things about God.

Danbao relies on the power of blood, can't feel the location of Bruce.

Those big monk, 80% is to Shang Cang.

They have entered the world of Tianzhi because they accidentally entered the world.

The most important thing is now, or help Dan Bao become the god of life.

Really Wuyang, but it is a small episode.

Since the other party is not willing to leave, the sword is unparalleled.

After the end of the dinner, it is already late.

At this time, the high-rise power of the Dynasty has also come to the government of true Wuyang.

The purpose is also very simple, just want to understand the sword.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhenwu Yang Secheng took swords and unparalleled to the palace.

I saw the true martial arts.

It was prepared to let Dan Bao shot, but Danbao damaged the foundation, and the shield of life could not be used.

He also had to take his own person, helping Zhenwu Emperor to resume his life.

But you can't use much of life.

The other party is just half-step.

Even if the Lord of the Eight Cup, it is not a problem for the current sword.

Zhenwu Emperor has returned to its peak.

It also represents the power of the Zhenwu Dynasty.

The forces of the four-party attacks, after learning that the true Wu of the Emperor resumed the vitality, although it was shocked and curious, but they did not dare to train again.

These are actually hidden rules, as long as there is half-step eight knocked, all parties will understand that they will fight, and they are not good.

Soon withdraw the army.

At the same time, it is also speculative, whether it is related to the mysterious power of defeating Nan Yun's army!

After all, the front foot defeated the Nan Yun National Army, and the true martial arts restored his life.

Among them, only the parties know.

Help Zhenwuyang completed the greatest wish.

In this regard, no matter what really Wuyang, anyway, the sword is unparalleled.

I declined the dinner of the true world, and the sword was unparalleled with Danbao and Wu Li.

Before the city gate.

The sword is unparalleled, and the last time I ask about the idea of ​​Yuyang.

"Don't you plan?"

"Don't go!"

Zhenwuyang shakes his head, and the color is much better than it. He turned to sword unparalleled. Decline: "In fact, I am here, it is already known to be hit, this life may be like this, then go out to swear, Also drag your hind legs! "

"How come!" The sword was unparalleled and said: "At least, you have now become the owner of the universe of the five hops!"

"This is nothing, the five hobbies are in the martial arts, but the meteor, I have arrived at this level. If I have no progress space, I don't want to leave anything, I don't want to wait for my fall, I will look back in this life. There is no pride! "

The sword is unparalleled: "Maybe you are right!"

The two fell into silence at the same time.

True Wuyang is right!

At the beginning, the gods were half-step eight knocked, not the same, left the god hall, and cooperated with the life, it was to leave a hopes.

The same is true now.

Just leave something is not the same.


The sword is unparalleled to restore emotions, and the body is slowly liter. The head is last looked at the true Wuyang, and the tone is light: "take care!"

"the same as you!"

Due last farewell.

The sword is unparalleled, and the king of the true Wu Dynasty is left now. After flying out of a distance, the tear space left the Zhenwu Dynasty.

Feel the disappearance of the breath, the real Wuyang is standing on the city, I will not turn around for a long time, and I have a little turbid, until I can't feel the sword is unparalleled, I will leave.

Of course, this is just a time.

Following the sword unparalleled, perhaps a short blood, but unfortunately, it is what you will do.


Shang Cang!

Aurora surrounded ice and snow world, cold frozen.

It is different from those of the practitioners who come outside.

The king said yes.

The current Wanliu Universe, the source has been damaged.

The space they originally entered is the original look of the Wanliu Heime.

Branches, green.

It is now a dead.

Even a personal shadow is not.

! ! ! !

On the top, a Thunder vortex quietly appeared.

Dozens of people rushed out from them.

"It's over, the whole is a look, it seems that the king of the world is serious!"

The big monk frowned, cold tang: "Don't worry about this, still find small tight, since not on Shang Cang, then the world below!"

"Tianwu World?"

"How do you go in?"

Although the Lord of Hengmu is the indigenous of Wanliu, but only lives in Shangang. In addition to heard that there is still the world below, it has never been to.

"This is simple, let's go to the universe sea, anyway, the gods are in the universe sea, you have to go sooner or later!"

Shen Mu Wang and others can only stand in mind, not familiar with this place.

"Okay, then you will take the way!"

Everyone will make a decision, by the big monk, and go to the universe.

The universe is actually the sea of ​​life.

It is also the mezzanine of the god and the sky.

The treasures of the whole Wanliu universe are all flow from the Cosmic Sea.

Where is the core of Wanliu Universe.

The place of this source.

The metal life said by the king, where is the 80%!

They also have to solve this scourge, they can help Danbao into the ladder.

Shen Mu Wang and others are going to the universe sea.

The sword is the same.

He took Danbao and Wu Li, and he went out of the truth of the dynasty, and moved across the speed and moved toward the entrance of the universe.

Original plan is to go directly into the gods.

But the emergence of kings, disrupted the plan.

Also solve the trouble of metal life.

They naturally have to hurry.

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