Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5941 Cosmic Sea Entrance

"The unparalleled brother, the entrance to the Sea, is it the same as those of those who say?"

Wu Li is a little doubt.

When helping the true Wu Emperor to restore the vitality, from the other side, they know the entrance of the universe, and the formation of the universe sea entrance.

The sword is unparalleled, I will take the opportunity to ask about the things of God, and the other parties are not known.

The highest level of the world, or the immortal temple.

Perhaps the other party will know, but he doesn't know someone, there is no way to ask.

I gave up.

Things to meet with the big monk, maybe they don't need them.

The big monk and the Hanhang's Lord are the indigenous in Wanyi, and are all superficial practices.

It must be aware of some things.

The strong people in the world can enter the cosmic sea, let alone.

It's really impossible, and I will enter the universe sea.

The universe sea entrance appeared in the world of Tianzhu, is because the two super existence fights, unexpectedly opened.

So Wu Li has some don't believe it.

I feel that Zhenwu Emperor has an ingredient that is boast.

After they came to this world, they had already touched the space strength of this place.

Never non-ordinary practitioners' home universe.

In ancient times, it is an universe of the Lord of the Peak Eight Beacon Universe, they can be broken.

Of course, just destroy time and space, but just a mouth.

Destruction is naturally unable.

Even if the Lord of the Eight Cup, let them attack, can't ruin.

This is the power of the Lord of the Eight Beacon.

The key, the other party will not put it to you.

I have just appeared, it will be suppressed by the willpower of the Lord of the Eight Borus Universe.

Now what they have encountered is bulk.

It may feel that eight puffs is that.

As everyone knows, the Lord of the Bulk and the Universe is two concepts.

Now the sword is unparalleled, you can double out, add the starry sword, you can defeat the ordinary eight hobbies, and even hand in hand with the top of the eight knobs.

But in the universe of the eight knobs, the other's power is endless, plus the origin of the country, the weakest gossom universe has millions of power.

The sword is unparalleled to raise his hand.

Their own is strong, does not represent the power of the universe.

No matter what to say, it is the universe level.

It is not comparable to time and space of time and space.

The sword is unparalleled.

According to the strength of the true spirit, it will be a tunnel that can be opened in ancient times, even if there is a king of the king.

This is also very difficult.

The strength of Trusted is half-step seven-step, plus the temple itself, can have the strength of the seven hobbies well.

It is possible to open up a time and space tunnel.

But in the Wanliu Universe, the strength of the sword is not knowing that it is much better than the original quarter.

But unable to shake the time and space of the Wanliu universe.

Wanliu Universe!

The spatial structure constructed.

It is stronger than the outside world.

Wu Li they don't know.

But he knows that this Wuliu Shenmu is Vissen, and there is no qualification manipulation.

It must be much more powerful than time and space.

The interior of this universe, I want to rely on the battle to destroy a entrance to the Cosmic Sea, it is indeed strange.

Unless there are thousands of hobbies in Wanliu Shenmu!

If there is a nine hobbian, the big monk should also be aware.

It has never heard him mentioned.

The sword has no double thinking for a moment. "

"The hero will be slightly!" Wu Li licked his mouth.

They are all customs, and they are inevitable to fans to treasures.

Denbao is coming to God, it is natural to see these.

Help Dan Bao become a grooming, they can get a big treasure.

This time, the risk of entering the Wanliu Universe is much higher, but the chance of getting treasures is almost a matter of staples.

There is also a promise of kings.

Everything is now looking forward to it.

When they enjoy the future, the top of the world is hanging on the hall of hundreds of millions of years.

Monitoring the sword is unparalleled.

In the gloomy temple, the goal of spotting the sword is unparalleled is to have an ancient sigh.

"Two six robbery, one can not see, not the local power of the world!"


After the sound of the hall sounded, a throne raised from the ground, and he still sat in a stunned figure.

Three big throne, at the top floor.


The crisp sound sounded, and the three pairs of scorpions opened!

At the same time, I looked at the opening of the opening.

"Dynasty song, this year is your immortal temple?"

"The god adult!"

The young figure that was changed to the song, came out from the dark, and squatted against the three thrills.

This is the three gods of the immortal temple.

It is also the super existence of the immortal temple.

The song is just the executor of this immortal temple.

Nowadays, I have encountered an abnormal thing, and three ancient gods will be summoned.

And told things you have monitored.

The three gods sat above, and they did not move.

After listening to the report of the song, some can't sit.

"Six-hearted, crushing the 7th robbery?"

"Yes, there is still a six-hearted country that has not been shot, but the power is also more than 15 million!"

Chartered by a song.

In his opinion, the most mysterious still is a teenager who is a green skin that is unreasonable.

Dan Bao!

The three gods have been raised for a long time, saying: "Since the people who are not the world, it is probably from the top, just caught back, ask some things in Cang, can't let them enter the universe, this thing, you personally ! "

"Yes!" The song is now in the next.

These years, the birthplace of the world of Tianzhu is broken.

They have always considered how to go to God.

I have encountered three practitioners who are suspected from the contenders, naturally have to grab it.

The six robbery is comparable to the fight against the eight puff.

This is also what they first encountered.

And there is also an immortal temple that cannot be monitored, obviously extraordinary.

Either exceeds the existence of their cognition, or because of some kind of treasure.

If it is existed outside the cognition, then it is better, but it is not arrested, but ask.

So this time, you must take care of it.

First, touch the other side, and then do it.

These things don't need three gods.

He can figure out himself.

From the temple, summon the ten sleeping Eight's affiliated gods, and the song will go forward to the direction of the sword.

Immortal Temple.

Created by three gods.

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