Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5942 Universe Shuttle

Every time, there will be a leader of the eight hobby universe.

This era is the song of the song in the commando.

Moreover, as long as the eight knobs of the immortal temple will never fall.

The origin of the immortal temple is because of this.

Eternal existence.

God is immortal.

This has a great relationship with a source of immortal temples.

The internal life will continue to have the power of life, as long as you sleep in the immortal temple, not only will not lose your life, will also recover your life slowly.

Unfortunately, I didn't know when, the source of the immortal temple began to be silent.

Although there is a lot of life for a lot of life, it can be not enough.

I have to send a strong, go to the universe sea to find life treasures, and put into the immortal temple.

It is a place where the former people plant trees.

They are prepared for future.

Now the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe is going to the universe sea, the life of the goods will be dedicated to the immortal temple.

When the robbery fails, it will enter the immortal temple.

The top ten gods of the song come out.

They are all the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe, and now there is no difference in the universe. In fact, there is no difference in the universers of the outside world.

It's just a strong body of the outside world. When they arrived at this age, the probability was fallen.

The birth of the Wanliu Universe is not known to the ancient times.

Those gods that were summoned were all the strong bodies before countless times.

These strong people's movements are very hidden.

Until near the sword is unparalleled, it is found.

"Someone is behind!"

The first found or Danbao.

He is so sensitively to life, and it is stronger than the sword.

The first one discovered the power of the rear of the immortal temple.

The sword is unparalleled. They are now just arrived above the Wording Sea of ​​the Cosm.

Distance, there is an hour approach.

From the Zhenwu Dynasty, the distance has passed for several days.

I didn't expect to enter the universe sea and I was staring.

The first thing that thought is that the immortal temple.

In addition to this organization, the sword is unparalleled to think about others.

On the other person, there is guts to chase.

"Don't panic, they can't catch up!"

If the sword is not a double eyebrow, he has long left behind, and he did not use full speed, he afraid of being stared.

Early, it is necessary to prepare it, can you stay behind.


The candlelon wings are completely opened, and a grand universe falls from the sky.

"Universe shuttle!"

Everything is declining.

The sword is unparalleled.

100,000 black holes, connected to Chengxing, the four-party secretly guarded the space of the universe.

This scene, the song that was chased behind was shocked.

"Cosmic Dou!"

"Is he is the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe?"

And you can find them.

This is the most horrible.

At this point they are still far from the sword.

I can only see the silhouette of the sword.

I haven't seen it yet, and the universe will disappear.

Only left a ripple.

The universe is not just literally.

The sword is unparalleled with his own universe. Every time they are their own universe.

The speed is fast, the crown is in the world.

More than the previous three-earthquake universe.

White point said, the previous sword is a unparalleled candlelong Wing to fly three times, and now it is the distance of a universe.

And his universe is much larger than the universe of the universe of the eight hobbies.

It is equal to three times the speed.

The speed of a time and space in the song, I can catch up with the sword, but also concealed their breath, but I didn't expect to suddenly discovered.

It is not a chasing now, no chasing is not.

"Their goal is the universe, inform the gods!"

The song biting his teeth, I have been planned to have, and the result is not yet, it is broken.

Only three gods can only be notified.

Only three gods can stop the swords from entering the universe.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is true to enter the cosmic sea, even if the god is coming, I can't find the sword.

The vastness of the universe is countless.

Where, you are endless.

Can't see the end.

The space is infinite, and the time is unable to calculate the years of the cosmic sea.

Because you can't see any years of breath.

Immortal Temple.

The Hall of the billion years did not move the temple, began to tremble at this moment.

"Live a little one!"

Some of the three gods helpless.

When the source of life is not broken, they can manipulate the immortal temple.

But now it is fine.

Because the power used by the immortal temple is the power of life.

Every time you start, it takes a lot of cost.

I didn't care before. Now I have been carefully, I don't dare to waste anymore.

Just now in order to explore things that the life is broken, face the three mysterious practitioners, and the strength is very embarrassing.

The result of the impermanence of the impermanence of the temple is just a six-hearted country.

It is now able to bring your own road.

This can be done by the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

And the universe is extremely huge.

It is not like an eight robbery.

The three gods watched in the immortal temple have noticed Denbao.

Because I can't see it, I pushed these things on Dan Bao.

"Hey, since they are in the face of the song, they must escape, there is nothing to be afraid, go to the universe sea entrance to block them!"


The three gods manipulated the immortal temple together, just a moment, I went to a sea area.

Below is the endless blue sea.

It is convenient to have a huge black hole.

There are countless vortices in black holes, which seems to be able to swallow everything.

This is the entrance of the cosmic sea.

At the beginning, there was an unexpected entrance to the two super.

The origin of the immortal temple is also from here.

The emergence of the universe, making the Tianshi's general practitioners becomes more powerful.

The three gods were even from the sea of ​​the universe, they got the immortal temple.

With the power of life within the immortal temple, they ruled the whole world of heaven.

Although there are some special life, it is not necessary to ferment.

They can be different from the special life of the outside world, and the special life of the outside world can improve their own power.

The special life of this place is the power of life to enhance your own power.

This thing is actually a consensus.

Almost everyone knows.

Therefore, when the real Wuyang forgot to tell the sword with this matter.

If the sword is unhealthy, it will be extremely shocked!

If you swallow your life, transform into endless power.

Some things can be said.

On the power of swallowing life, we can only think of the life.

These special life is from the Wanliu universe.

It is terrible.

The layout is too deep.

Immortal Temple, suspended above the sea, quiet and other swords unparalleled.

Three gods, standing on the white stone board of the Temple.

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