Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5948, Tongtian Middle Achievements!

Among them, there are two people sitting on the front.

Naturally, Shenmao Wang and the big monk.

Only these two people are qualified to account for absolute resources.

The rest, only drinking soup.

Two people who have achieved the greatest benefit, and the face is somewhat not good.

"What should I do in the outside world?"

"It's better to slaughter!"

"Don't!" The big monk shook his head.

Those indigenous people pay attention, they have no time to play those indigenous attention.

And this is still the first time encounter.

It's so long, I finally saw a living, saying anything to talk.

Just after they go out, what is the identity?

I can't say that I am from Shang Cang!

The big monk is the soil of the Wanliu Universe. He is aware of the world. It is too difficult to enter the world.

They can go smoothly and reach this place.

Still because of the coolness of the sky.

It turned into ice and snow, lost their vitality.

There is also a lot of space in the universe.

"What do you say!"

Shenmu Wang mood is some of them.

They have been too depressed these years, and they have been looking for Danbao according to the causality of Brui. The result is not.

And no matter how you go, I feel far from Denbao with an unlimited distance.

Now people are snoring.

How can they not panic!

"We have to have a long discourage, since we can encounter the practitioner here, then the world is near, the reason why the little master can be distant, that is, because of time and space, once entering the world, you can quickly find the little master. them!"

Shenmu Wang Iuda: "I still use you?"

The truth understands how the key is how to go to the world.

I can't let the people outside with the road!

This kind of saying, three-year-old child will laugh at them.

Who will go to the road?

Can only play!

Hit to the other party, bring them to the world before going to the world.

This is also the meaning of Shenmu Wang.

But the big monk is not so thinking.

Because of the outside world, there is a six universe.

Everything is augmentation.

They go out and really don't have to play.

Although Shenmao Wang's first refining the treasure, the power is strong than the owner of the universe, and that is also a one-to-one press.

Count him, two people play up to two.

However, there is a six-digit eight-hobby universe.

There are only two options in front of them.

Go out!

Hide the avoidance!

At present, this hole is strong, they can also resist.

go out!

Only one battle.

Because he knows, the Lord of the universe came to the treasure.

"Hey!" The big monk sighs that the team is not good.

Shenmao Wang is a lot of confidence.

Because this time, he is the largest harvest.

The dead wood in this place is helpless to his own battle, but it is great to help him Mohavi.

Shen Mu Wang's Mo Yun Fujiba has a top power of eight knocked, and now I absorb dead wood, it is no longer more than him, or even strong.

It is also the life of the grass, the secret is also great enough, and he uses Mosa vine, you can sneak attack and quickly kill a lord of the universe.

Going out a war may not lose.

So I advocate going out a battle.

Just when the two were deadlocked, Brune sitting in the distance was suddenly opened.

"I feel the location of Danbao!"

Bruce shouted directly, and the whole body couldn't help but excited.

Waiting for it, he waited for too long.

Danbao's position has been moving, and although their position has been approaching, the effect is very small.

Now he feels the position of Danbao, with them in a time and space, and is very close.

If you go out, you can find Danbao in a big monk, you can find Danbao ten years.

After listening to Brui, everyone saw it.

Shen Mu Wang and the big monk, but also rushed to the past.

Not only they.

After entering the sea, Danbao also felt the location of Bruce.

Just riding a transmission array, the speed moves too fast, there is no time to tell the sword.

After they stabilized, Danbao gave the sword in the first time.

"found it?"

The sword is unparalleled to hear Danbao's voice, and the heart is happy.

He knows that the big monk will definitely bring people, they are coming towards them.

It's just that both parties are not in a time and space, so I feel very far away.

This has just entered the depths of the cosmic sea, I feel the position of the other party.

The sword is unparalleled, "" How far is the distance? "

"ten years!"

Like the speed of the big monk with Bruce.

The peak speed of the big monk, is similar to the sword unparalleled shuttle universe.

After hearing this distance, the sword has no doubles.

I have found a big monk in their position.

He is thinking about it, don't go straight from the team now, with Danbao and others to find a big monk.

Once you are now separated from the immortal temple, the other party will definitely chase.

Although I can't catch them, it is equal to an enemy.

But I want to be with the big monk, etc., so many kinds of bottom gas.

Then there will be the last way.

"Danbao, wait for the next time, you will tell the South Shengwang" of the big monk! "The sword is unhappy, there is a plan.

Borrow a knife!

After Denbao heard, it was frowned, and the sound road: "Tell the san Sheng Fawang?"

He is still a little simple, heard that the sword is unparalleled.

"You said, feel the breath of metal life, just in that position, I will match you again, no matter whether the Nan Sheng Fa Wang believes, it will go to a probe. If we follow our comprehensive speed, it is almost a hundred years. Time, this time, the Nan Sheng Fa is not cared at all! "

The sword is unparalleled directly, it is actually very simple.

I would rather waste time and I don't want to actively missed.

This is the state of the immortal temple.

The Nan Sheng Fawang faces the task of the three gods, and he does not dare to neglect, and they also know the harm of metallic life.

Besides, Dan Bao has always played a mysterious role.

Yes, the South San Fawang has been staring at Dan Bao, but it is also staring at Denbao, although there is no eyes staring at Denbao.

Now Dan Bao said his discovery, I am afraid that the South Shengfu will be intended.

Not afraid that the other party does not do.

Danbao took a sigh of relief, and his voice was yin Shen.


The south of the south, the first time turned to Denbao.

He just is planning, ready to disperse search.

After listening to Dan Bao, I was stunned.

"You said that you feel the location of the metal life?" Nan Sheng Fawang couldn't believe it.

Although Danbao has a little mysterious, it has just entered the cosmic sea, Danbao said that I found a metal life, which is too strange, and I have doubts in my heart.

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