The sword is unparalpassed, and I don't believe it directly, I will add it again: "Southern San Fawn, than a hundred years of approach, is not as good as us to find?"

Every search is a time.

Centennial, what is it.

"Where are you talking?"

The South Shengwang's time is a hundred years of time, but it is just that a strange Danbao will discover the position of metal life so quickly.

Now I have heard the orientation of the sword, and it is surprised to stay in the original place.

Subsequently, I took out a token, and I would like to enter the token. One of the vivid shadows appeared on the token. It is the Lord "Dynasty"

"You have held the secret of the hole, don't let it run, I will take people in the past!"

The vivid shadow of the song is slightly moved, and it is surprised: "Do you want to notify God?"

"not needed for now!"

The Nan Sheng Fawang said, then he had a token, and then turned to look at the sword unparalleled. He said: "If the gods are coming, if the price will be big, we still need to confirm it!"

"The location you said is the secret city of the pole that they found in the song!"

The sword is unparalleled: "What!"

Will it be so clever?

I really have encountered them.

The big monk is the secret that Shenmu Wang discovered in the song of the song. Is this not a big water rushed to Longwang Temple?

Fortunately, the South Holy King is more cautious, this seems to move the gods directly.

Isn't it a pit person!

I am afraid that the big monk will see them with Shenmu Wang.

Bring to the encirclement of oneself.

Think about it funny.

Move the stone to make your own feet!

This kind of thing, they have done many times.

Every time it is coincidental.

It is also unlucky.

"It seems that you feel that it is true, maybe the metal life, it is likely to be here!" Nan Sheng Fawang said with a smile: "I didn't expect, this time would be so smooth, let's take a hurry!"

The sword is unparalleled and others can only nod.

If the king of Shenmu and the big monk know, they are bringing a group of eight hobbies, and I will blocked them, I don't know if I will think.

Although Wu Li did not know what happened, I also felt some strange, secretly sounded: "Warrior brother, is this to find metal life?"


The sword is unparalleled, and the black face follows the south of the southern French king, not saying.

They do their groups, it takes a hundred years.

For a hundred years, it is very fast to them.

There is no stay on the road, although there will be unique Shenli beasts of the universe, you can have no threats to them.

The largest danger of the universe sea, in the sea.

Those strong ancient deceases, generally lurked in the sea, and won't take the initiative to rush out of the water.

So the deceased they have encountered, the strength is very weak, and it can be solved.

on the way.

Danbao's face is very embarrassing, just starting to deceive the south of the saints, saying that the breath of the metal life, now he seems to be discovered.

An unusual life.

Life is corrupted in the grass.

Life after being corroded, instantly withered.

The screen of the scene, staged in the mind of Danbao.

"Enteral, metal life, it is likely to be in the secret!"

The more close, Dan Bao feels more and more clear.

At this time, I have to tell the sword.

There are nine percent!

The original colored sword is unparalleled, and the face is more difficult after hearing Danbao.

If the metal life is really in the secret in the hole, the god will inevitably come.

When I arrive, what should I explain?

And how can the big monk with Shen Mu Wang are associated with metal life?

Without Denbao guidelines, they can't find a metal life?

Everything is very embarrassed.

If it is a coincidence, it is too happening.

There is no other way now, I can only wait until I say it.

He is now I want to solve the metal life soon, and I want to hurry with the big monk and the gods.

However, the two things are condensed together, they become a bad thing.

And it is still high, and it is watched a pants.

"Danbao, you said that our truth, the gods of the immortal temple, will we believe what we said?"

The sword is unparalleled.

It is better to say things, everyone is very good.

After waiting, the metal life is really in the secret of the hole.

The big monk is also in the secret city with Shen Mu Wang and others, that is, the crotch is in the shadow, and it is not clear.

"Enamel, maybe not doing this!" Danbao shook him and shook his head, then acoustic: "I can feel the vitality of Brui, there is no change, although the breath of metal life is, but two Between, there is no connection, we don't have to put two things together! "

The sword is not a double eye turn, and suddenly laugh.

At this moment, he felt that Dan Bao grew up, it was really not that kind of child.

Two things are separated.

Perhaps it is the most robust.

If the metal is in dark, they will enter from the dark.

If you are in the bright, let the big monk have those people who have gods like God.

When the gods come, when they fight with metal life, they quietly and the big monk, and then take the opportunity to open.

Or is still movable.

If the immortal temple solves can't solve it, they will help.

It is best to solve it, solve it.

The source of life of the immortal temple is re-incorporated, and they can also go to the gods.

"That's it!"

Two people look at it, everything is not saying.

Hundred years, hurried.

In a blink of a blink of a south, the south of the south is unparalleled with swords, and it is the secret of the song.

At the moment they arrived, the depths of the sea of ​​the universe, drumped a huge bubble, then broken.

After breaking, there is also a time and space.

Endless seawater, suddenly gathered this open time and space entrance.


Seawater just fills, but it is forcibly squeezed by a force outside the entrance.


Numerous bubbles are still in turn.

Before the bubble crushed, a temporary shadow has entered the sea of ​​the universe sea.

For the first person, I just got almost suffocated, so in a timely energy shield, it covers the whole body.


"Babi Emperor, this place should be the core of Wanliu Universe!"

"Need you to remind?" Babi cold voice: "If you are not your waste, this seat is coming!"

This group of people is Pakobi and others.

At the beginning of the city of the sky, they could not leave in the endless world.

In the end, I still have an explosive, constantly attacking the time and space, opened this time and space tunnel, and entered the cosmic sea.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time I see where you escape?"

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