Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5950 meets

The Babi, who has just shuttled, feels the breath of the sword and the gods and other people, and the mouth is outlined out of an arc and smirked.

In his back, the redness behind him is to play the deceased in the depths of the sea.

The deceased of ordinary eight hobbies, the power is five million, in the hands of the nine, like playing things, will grasp a few times, then hinder the body of the deceased.

"Don't play, don't work!" Babi Emperor took out the universe boat and suspended in the sea.

Although I didn't play enough, I didn't play enough to violate the order of Babi, and I have embarked on the universe boat.

The rest of the strong will follow up.

It's just a little less.

There are only a few people left, in the endless man, they have encountered a few horrible deceased.

Everything has millions.

No, you can't die.

The cosmic boat started, rushing out of the water surface of the cosmic sea, staying for a moment, after finding the direction, starting full speed.

The pressure of the cosmic sea does not seem to interfere with this cosmic boat.

If you don't consume my strength, you can quickly hurry.

The usual flight to the treasure requires strong to inject the power to manipulate.

And this cosmic boat is not required.

This is the difference between different time and space to treasure!

The universe boat is flying in the direction of the sword.

There is only one goal, that is, Dan Bao.


Cave the secret situation.

The sword is unparalleled and others are being enclosed.

How to enter is negotiating.

The songs they have stayed here, and they have never been able to break this hole.

Now I am very likely to hide the metal life, I can't help it.

They are driving outside.

The interior is blown up.

Originally ready to rush out, Shenmu Wang, etc., found that the sword is unparalleled and constantly close.

I have never been able to do it. Now I see the sword is unparalleled with the outside world, and can you be surprised?

Fortunately, Denbao passed through Bruce, and said that the way happened over again before she stabilized them.

The most important thing in the moment is the strongman with the outside world, find the metal life.

It is precisely because of the things of metal life, they will panic.

"I didn't expect that this damn metal life is in this hole!" Shen Mu Wang frooled: "How to biased what is going to meet us!"

He is also very depressed, it is difficult to find the sword unparalleled and others, and the result is not going out.

The big monk is more calm. He thinks it, then speak: "Everyone, we don't have to panic, the sword is not saying? The metal life is in the dark, then we will solve it in the dark, we should have an external first, first Let those indigenous strong people play, just can sit on the mountain! "

"You said it is easy!" Hengshu's main cold smiled: "Are you too simple to think about those people, that is the Lord of the six eight knocked universe, not a bunch of idiots!"

His words have just been exported, and the outside world has come to a roar!

Everyone also looked at the entrance to the world.

A black breath is collapsed.

"They really dare to do it!"

Everyone was shocked.

The front foot is still not so stupid, and the backhand has hit the face of Hengmu, and the people of the universe have really don't think so much, directly!

In the outside world, there is also dumbfounded, he just said, can feel the probably position of metal life, the Lord of these Eight's affordable universe can't stand.

Nan Sheng Fawang wants to stop, can't stop, can only comfort: "Since you can pursue the goal, then it is simple, even if you fight the snake, let him escape, and can find it again, it is better to scream the secret. Besides, when you get the gods, adults come personally. "

"....... can only be done so!" The sword didn't have a bitter laugh, he was in this person, and he blocked anything.

The Lord of the Six Basproads, which is headed by the song, and the secret of the hole is.

Ready to force the day.

The big monk in the cave is like the king of Shenmu, which is what happened to Denbao inquiry.

According to this intensity attack, it is likely to break the secrets of the hole.

What should I do when I arrive?

In the beginning of the song, it is a study of the secret of the hole.

After all, for the treasure!

Can't worry, if you have forcibly break the hole, maybe the treasure will be damaged, so I don't dare to shoot.

Now I know that the metal life is hidden inside, I will give up the treasures in the cave, and I will take out the metal life, I have no counsel, I didn't lose weight.

"Don't worry, this day can also resist ......." Bruce asked Danbao, the answer was stable, he could only comfort the people first.

But the words are half, the cave starts to break.

It may be broken at any time.

What should I do after going out?

Don't move the stone and smash your feet.

Did not find metal life, but it attracted the main attacks of the universe.

That is, at this time, a powerful breath, starting to rise in the sea.

The breath, the sword is unparalleled.

The dead, as well as the figure, I have already branded it in their mind.


Huge cosmic boat, broke from the sea.

At the moment, I went to everyone.

The secret comparison of the cave is very small compared to this cosmoe.

The song and others see that the universe boat appeared, and it was stopped.

This makes everyone in the cave.


Shen Mu Wang's mental force spread towards the outside world, felt the familiar atmosphere, the face changed, reminded: "Don't relax, it is Babi you come!"

But this is also their opportunity.

Barbi's body is with the power of death, and the immortal temple is the reason for looking for the power consumption of life.

After seeing Red Jiuyi, there will be a war.

By then, it is their chance.

For a time, the people in the cave screen breathed breathing.

The strength of the strength, the sorrow of the six eight hobbies, and the top of the number of eight knobs.

That is definitely a battle that can be observed.

It is not enough to meet this battle without a million super power.

There are outside caves.

The sword is unparalleled to see the cosmic boat, and the face is gloomy.

He didn't think Babi will catch them so quickly.

This can be lively.

One is not careful, but it is fallen.

" ..... You can escape!"


The door opened, Bababi took the lead.

Heijikiki and Dilen have also left from the cabin.

The soul of the soul is also coming out with a strong breath of the outside world, but the eyebrows are not only frowning, but also have a bumper in the eyes.

But Babi doesn't care, Red Jijiu is ignored those people.

The Lord of the universe of the eight knocked, even if the power is unlimited, but the power of the battle is also the peak level.

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