Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5951 is never

Red Jijiu can be half a step.

After another change in the city of the sky, the current red is nowhere.

It has been able to do the enemy's nine hobbies.

It's far from being able to deal with a few universe.

"Who are you?"

A frowning of the song, the eyes directly looked at Red Jiuyi, but it was found to see the depths of dealing, and he could only feel that the opponent's death was surrounded.

This makes him a move, directly giving the three gods of the immortal temple.

Barbi didn't see the song, but said: "The sword is unparalleled, I will give you a chance, hand over Danbao, become my slave, I can spare you!"

"Never!" The sword was also ate Xuan Tie at this time.

Let him be a slave, it is better to kill him.

Anyway, he still has the second dollar, and it is a great practice.

Don't do a treasure.

But freedom follow the future, can not give up.

Being a servant, then you will never turn over.

Although the strength of the nine is jealous, the people in their side are not bad!

At least six universers.

There is also a southern saint.

It is not a problem with the top ten eight hobbies.

Blocking Red Jijiu is not a problem.

"That is not to talk!" Babi is clear, and the face is waving.

The body of Heijiu suddenly skyrocket, in the universe sea, like a mountain.

Full of red, short-lived outbreaks, directly broke through one thousand five million.

This makes the song and the south of the south of the south.

They also see that this suddenly appeared mystery, with the sword unparalleled and others.

I don't wait for them to ask.

Danbao stood out and shouted: "Babi, you ruined my source of life, I still want to break the whole Wanliu's life?"

In this way, the Babi Emperor has been stunned, but even the native and foundings of the scene are surprised!

The source of life?

The foundation of life!

Both, the former represents the treasure of Danbao refining, the latter represents the Wanliu's source in the depth of the universe.

Barbi stunned, did not think that Danbao's words were wrong.

The Shield of Life is a broken, and it is indeed a relationship with him.

But the source of life in Wanliu, as well as the gods, he is ambiguous.

No one can stop.

So, Danbao said that Danbao said, but also thought that the other party was unwilling, dying, I want to vent it.

However, in the eyes of the sword, there is no way, but it is not so simple.

These words are not to be said to Babi, but said to the song and others.

After hearing such a hidden thing, the song and the south of the south of the south were not calm, and after looked at Denbao, he chose the voice to give the sword.

"Every time, if you don't say, let's let go!"

Nan Sheng Fawang feels that the immortal temple is played by a sword, and the face is anger. In fact, it is still a sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, the heart is soaked, but the face is a big change, so it is frightened, hurriedly sounded: "Seniors, not I have to conceal, but this thing is too big, the whole is the sky and the sky The fate of the world, you have also heard, their plan is to destroy the entire Wanliu's source, that is, the source of this time and space, when you come together! "

"Hey! You a six-knocked universe ........ Let us sell it with these words?" Chao Yang is changing, obviously not satisfied with the sword unparalleled, but also want to know More.

Although there is this on the face.

But the bottom is extremely shocked!

The source of the whole time and space.

In fact, they have long been suspected.

It is perhaps the body of a super strong person.

It's just that they can't be broken.

Now I have understood the sword is unparalleled, I have already understood it.

"If you don't believe, you can feel the source of Denbao, go to see if there is the source of your life!" The sword didn't have a double, reminded Danbao to leak his own source of life. Then I said: "He is both life, life is both Danbao, he is dead, the source of life will disappear, don't believe you, try!"

The song and the south of the south, and the Lord of the rest of the eight knocked universe, they have seen Denbao.

At this time, Danbao has taken the mound of his own refining, and there is a crack of this silk, which is a crack because of the attack of Heijiu.

After seeing the round ball, the song was gathered, and the bottom is like a thunder.

The picture is directly delivered to the three gods in the immortal temple.

The three gods in the Immortal Temple, when this round ball is also changed.


After seeing the round ball, the three people just smashed a second, and the figure flashed directly into the core of the immortal temple.

Where there is a huge altar.

In the altar, there is a groove.

That groove is where life is born.

Now it is silent.

There is also a huge fruit in the top of the altar.

Three great gods, in order to offer their own gods, there is nothing else, but they can't do it.

This is not too much.

But the ball in Danbao's hands, has created hot eyes.

"Must get it!"


Ginger is a beautiful show, anger, said: "No, no matter what the source of the origin of the universe is, it is necessary to grab the ball, even if this is collapsed, even if the sword is unparalleled. The world is true, what is it? "

If they are really only survive in a strong body, then there is no further hope.

Only big breaks can stand up.

Wanliu is destroyed, they can bring treasures, go out!

What is the relationship with them?

In order to become stronger, don't say that the hometown world is, even if you love your loved ones, you can also abandon.

At this level.

Some things have not been satisfied.

Only a bigger unknown can be excited.


Three people are in the same way, like one person.

The immortal temple also begins to stimulate at this moment.

Ready to move.

The universe is depth, the sword is unparalleled, I still don't know the idea of ​​the three gods.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled to cause Denbaobao to create the savior of the Wanliu universe, in fact, not him, but true.

But in order not to let the songs and others doubt, he also concealed the identity from the outside world.

"You will return it!"

The song has received the sound of the three gods and keeps Danbao.

As for Red Jiuyi?

They have a way to drag.

As long as the three gods come, it is not a war.

The three gods have not been shot, but the horror of the horror, everyone remembers.

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