Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5952 Cosmic War (on)


Babi's scorpion turned, and he saw the sword unparalleled and others in the voice.

Although the strength of Red Jiuyi is very grasped, it can be unexpected.

After all, he has encountered many times.

In the Wanliu gods, they did not take it. He went to the sky in the sky to catch Danbao, and the results were still ran.

This time, he does not want to plan to break again.

In order to control the road of resort.

He waited for too long.

The end of the revivement, there is something he wants.

That thing, even died and born.

Once it is obtained.

He can return to the stars.

Proud in one side, take back things that I have lost.

boom! ! ! !

The nine is rushing on the endless sea and rushes.

The power of God's vibration can be milled.

Now, the top of the nine is now, only the peak of the eight puffs can barely compete.

And it is also necessary to have a group of eight hobbies peaks.

The Six universe of the immortal temple took the lead in shot.

The armor on the song, the endless light shines, and the power broke out to a thousand two million.

At the same time, the universe is coming.

I fell into the universe.

After the gods were borne, there was already a thousand four million.

It is the most powerful person in the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe!

"Shangluo gun!"

The song is in the hands of the song, and the sharp to the ultimate paint black gun appeared in his hand.

The long gun is round, sweeping the endless sea water.

Until Zijiu.


After feeling the endless energy contained above the long gun, Red Jijiu is not only unrest, but it is still excited.

I actually received my hands directly, I stood in front of the song, and I was manipulated with the other party.

It's not awkward, and Shen Li has not weakened, but it rushed to a thousand six million.

The arms of the song are numbby, so that they have been dissolved, and they can't even be hurt.

"Go together!"

He is now a little unknown, and everyone will help everyone together, and privately gave the three gods.

I originally thought that the three gods will move in the immortal temple.

However, this time three gods, heard the strength of Red Jiuyi is extremely powerful. For the sake of insurance, there is enough life, so there is no direct transfer to this place with the immortal temple.

Instead, I moved to the transfer array.

Relying on the transfer of the transfer array, you can save a lot of life.

It can be because this savings.

On the battlefield of this place, the number of eight puffs was fallen.

The scent of the southern French king has brought the cannon ash.

The top of the eight knocked top has not been exposed to the crushing of the breath.

They can restore the body of life without life, and they will fall directly on the spot.

The heart of the southern French king looked at the palpitations, leaving the sword unparalleled and others, did not dare to go forward.

At this moment, they are only seen by the horror of Red Jiuyi.


Red Jiuyi expresses his hands and anger.

Start real hands.

Don't look at his shape, it is extremely sensitive.

Shuttle time and space.

Ignore those cosmologists.

He can be broken.

The trend of the eight knocked universe, it is more able to tear.

Although it is possible to maintain itself against the universe, it has been torn, and the loss is also very lost.

The heritage is general, can't hold it.

"The song, the gods are not coming, we will finish!"

Someone has leaked the look of desperation.

Because of the power of the nine, it is still skyrocketing.


Time and space tear, let an universe are suddenly shattered.

A lord of the August's universe, passively became a bulk, lost his own universe.

The sword of this scene is unparalleled.

The song is not easy to see, I only feel that I have a cold in the back, and I saw the horrible face of Red Jiuyi.

Scared him quickly.

Babii is next to a reminder: "Don't play again, speed kill them!"

Although Red Jijiu is destroyed, Babi is still a little uneasy.

I always feel that there is something, peep!

But where did you find it?

And the owner of the eyes is some familiar.

That is what he encountered in the stars.

Is there anything here.

So he will be a little worried.

The breath is surrounded by surroundings.

Only a person in Pakpegi felt the palpitations, not the breath, but from the premonition.

Whether it is a sword, a unparalleled or Danbao, never found that in the secret of the hole at this time, there have been some subtle changes.

Brass and the broken trees, the surface is spreading countless filaments on the surface.

These filaments are silver.

The naked eyes cannot be captured.

But their speed is extremely fast.

It quickly covered all the dead woods.


Shenmu King took the lead in notice that it was not right. He was originally to watch the fight against the outside world. He saw that Heijiu is so strong, and it is a bit tense.

According to his unparalleled plan with the sword, you will take the initiative to take the initiative.

But the power of Red Jiuyi, let them don't dare.

I am afraid to go out, I was exhausted by a network.

Want to wait again.

When you wait, you have changed the dead wood in front of you.

There is no atmosphere above, but there is a special life at this time.

Those silver lines are getting more and more obvious.

Shenmu Wang just dated his head, and there was a mourning.

"Ah !!!!"

This makes everyone are shocking, hurried back.

Originally planned to observe the king of the dead wood and turned to see.

I saw a seven-robbery powerful, and the silver line was covered with silver lines, and those lines were filled with the eyeballs of the seven-robbery.

Let him have a happy mourning.

This person is a teach, and the alcine star naturally will not look at it. I quickly wanted to help, but I was stopped by the host of Hengmu.

"Let the left night!"

The face of the Lord of Hengmu is grim.

The alcine star stunned and stopped.

The left night is the beast, and it is not much like it, and the body is transformed.

If it is dangerous, it will not be metapped.


After the left night, after the command, stepped forward and came to the front of the seven-robbery, and if he reached out, he had to touch which seven robbery, but it has not been encountered, those silver lines are left The nightshop claw spreads the past.

"not good!"

The main color of HSI is large, and the hand is attacked.

This makes everyone shocked.

I feel that there are some small tops of Hengmu. At this time, I will hurt myself.

It may not wait for them to discourage, and see which one starts to spread by the silver silk thread, actually makes silver.

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