Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5953 Cosmic Battle (Medium)

Life physique is instantaneous.

The whole humanization made a silver, and it was a boxing of the chest of the left and night ash.

To know that the left night gray is the top of the eight knocked beast.

A punch can break the left and night gray.

This is not too horrible.

It is hard to do it.


At this time, he is too late. It is a bit late.

"Don't close to those dead wood!" Shen Mi Wang thought of the silver lines just saw on the dead wood, the body is the first to sprout.

The big monk is originally sitting on a wooden pier, after hearing reminders, standing directly, turning his hand and raising his hand into a powder.

In the powder, there are countless silver wires, towards the big monk.

For a time, everyone is chaotic.

As the first controlled, there are several seven-bit robbery that are controlled by silver lines, and there is no difference in attack.

The secret of the hole is completely chaotic.

And below the secret, they don't know, there is a silver pyramid.

The pyramid is constantly choosing, and the silver line is running from the pyramid.

This time, there is no need to attack the outside world, and the secrets of the hole began to break.

Shen Mu Wang et al. Also escapped this place.

They are not helped, they prefer to be asked as Niuyi.

There are outside caves.

The sword who was originally treated by Red Jiuyi, and then found that the day did not have a quiet break.

And there are countless silver lines that are spreading from the secret.

"What's this?"

Wu Li looked at those lines, some did not understand.

Dan Bao has seen a look, and the eyes have leaked the fear of never appearing. He turned toward the sword without a double loud: "Go!"

Do not reflect on the sword, but also shouted with the routine sound.

"Small Lord runs!"

"The sword is unparalleled, take Denbao!"


Countless shouts, let the sword are unparalleled, and the Dan Bao will show the three shock universe, so that he has forgotten Wu Li.

There is also a south sacred king.

He didn't know what happened.

Just instant, the hole is broken, then rushed out of a group of strange powers, and then found that the sword behind him ran.

Alley left a daze of Wu Li.

But he blinked his eyes, Wu Li also disappeared from his eyes.

Looking up, I was wrapped in a bald man in a head. It has already fled to the distance.

Those silver lines are rushing towards the most recent robbery.

Although the South Shengwang does not know what these lines are, they can not dare to make up, and they will refund.

The song and others are still in hand with Red Jijiu, seeing the sword without double with Danbao, and then turned to look at the secret of the hole, and some did not know what it was.

These people were also bluff.

But Babi met those silver lines.

Or, he knows the silver pyramid in the sky.

"Damn!" Babi Holded a small claw, staring at the silver pyramid, anger: "Red Jijiu, come back!"

The sword has running with Denbao, he doesn't want to talk to the silver pyramid.

Although there is a bottom gas, it is also very difficult.

He wants Danbao, not someone else.

After hearing the words of Babi, I just wanted to get out, saying that it was, but it was turned back, it was so simple, the song and the people of the universe were completely passive.

It is good to be able to resist it.

All this happens too fast, just counting breathing.

Slowly, they may fall.


The hole is broken, this is coming.

The speed of sound is very different from the speed of visual.

They just saw that the cave broke, slowed a breath, and heard the awkward burst.

He as a step in Heijiu, and he felt the pain behind him.

This feeling, the last or because the sword is unparalleled.


Red Jijiu is completely irritated.

Turning with all attacks, countless colorful surrounded light columns out of his hands, the tights in the rear burst.

In the air flame, it can see dozens of silver stand in a broken hole, and a silver pyramid.

And above the pyramid, there is a triangular crystal, just a attack out of the crystal, and the stabble hurts.


The pyramid faces the crazy attack of Red Jijiu, but it is constantly emitting.

There is also a few halo flashes around the surroundings.

Babi Emperor saw that Jijiu is mad, and he is loud and sighted: "Don't attack it!"

But now reminded late.

Just attacked, all were absorbed by the pyramid.

At this time, the lower part of the pyramid appeared.

After a burst of humming, countless metal reptiles came out from the hole.

Those metal reptiles, every one has millions of power.

Full of tens of thousands of metal reptiles.

This is enough to destroy the entire ancient times.

Even the entire northern time and space, there is a possibility of destruction.

The song, etc.

It is not clear what happened. The secrets of the hole suddenly broke, and then rushed out of a group of strange powers, and the sword did not double them.

The key, they can't stop.

Now see those metal reptiles, they are completely desperate.

"The god adults, speed!" The song is torn.

A metal reptiles.

Cover the sky.

The power of the crawler has covered the sea.

Babi frowned, after returning the red nine, and the people directly entered the universe boat.

The soul of the soul, I still don't know what happened, but after seeing the face of Babi, I dare not ask.

After being afraid of the fear of the heavens through the cosmic boat, Babi's face was slowly eased, and the cold voice said: "There is no need to be afraid, as long as you don't attack the silver pyramid, there is no threat, these metal reptiles The power is just a time, I am afraid that I will attack a few times, and the power will dry! "

"Do you say that these metal reptiles are from the attack?"

Everyone is not a fool, at this time.

Babi nodded, said: "Guess, it is from the attack!"

"This is also ..." The soul of the soul sucks a cold, then said: "The world will have this anti-day means!"

Absorbs Red Jiu's attack, and then transform into its own power, and created those metal reptiles.

And there is tens of thousands of metal reptiles.

Just an attack of Jijiu, just a moment.

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