Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5956 I saw the end of the end

It is not possible to rely on others.

The sword has rely on his own teacher, but the teacher's departure, let him learn more strong.

In the three-point place in the big domain, it was too long, and it was also passed.

In particular, before entering the large domain, I saw Ding Bai B's peerless Jianxian's shot, but also an unlimited year.

Some people are just a passer.

But left an unlimited year, as well as the perseverance.

I want to become more powerful.

I need my own efforts. .

Danbao is actually very lucky.

From a unknown little guy, step by step.

Be god!

Is this not a jump?

This is the biggest jump in the sword.

Also the largest machine.

From a small world, he gradually gave birth to the truth of the universe.

Universe, time and space, starry sky.

Everything is clear, where is the road.

If you want to be strong, you have to go.

Just like this time you enter Wanliu Shenmu.

He was originally reasons.

Do you say, is it a word of Vis?

Still because "it is very powerful!"


It is he wants to take risks.

This is the most important thing.

The sword has no double glances, whispered: "Everyone will increase the breath to the highest!"


Although it is unclear, everyone is doing.

Shen Mu Wang and the big monk have the top eight knocked peaks, do not leave the outbreak.

Shen Li Directly broke a thousands of millions.

After the body of Shenmu King, it broke out a huge vine "Mo Yun" from the sky.

There is also an explosive breath of the peak peak.

At present, Shenmu King shows the most powerful.

With the "Mosa Vine" of the peak of the Eight

God's fighting power, can force the peak of the eight hobbies, has arrived at the level of the Eight affordable limit.

If you go back, there is a half-step effort.

It is the strongest of these strong people in the scene, the top of the heritage and potential.

After all, it is an ancient eight-hearted peak, and I have been refining the life to the treasure.

There is also a Movi vine.

As for the big monk, the war is really powerful, but the follow-up is not large.

It's not as good as God Mu Wang.

It has been regulated by Shenmao Wang.

However, there is no unfairness of the other party, but it looks very little.

Everyone's breath broke out.

The underlying seawater is instantly boiling, the power is full of four weeks, and a space is rippling around.

"Why don't you come?" The sword didn't have a side brow, and he made a lot of immortal temples, but the song of the song is very confident in the migration of the immortal temple.

Now two breathing, should also be here.

The sword is not moving, it should be between a moment.

In fact, I really think about him.

The mirror of the immortal temple is indeed very fast, just requires a huge life to support.

Now in the immortal temple, the source of life has been exhausted, and it is more difficult to launch the fastest movement.

The most important thing is to capture the atmosphere when you move.

Inside the temple.

Ginger is innecting to invest all into the immortal temple, and is desperately captured the feelings of the sword.

They know that the sword is unparalleled to hide the breath, so there is a little worried.

It is good to have some people's breath unable to hide.

When he uses his mental to search, it has discovered a huge breath, burst out of the universe, like a sun.

"Found!" Ginger is open, and the eyes are light.

After the two immortal gods heard, immediately mobilize the only life of the immortal temple. According to the position of the ginger, it began to display immortal shot.


Survival space proactive.

This is a storm center than the power of the power of the sea.

Space collapse, time and space backflow.

The huge immortal temple, the moment of disappearing.

Silver pyramids in the storm.

As for those metal reptiles, I have been clearly stormed.

The outer circumference of the storm, the cosmic boat that Babi manipulated itself from the shadow of the storm.

After you just get out, I feel the powerful power fluctuations in the distance.

The power of the universe shelter.

At this point, Babi Emperor can be analyzed according to Red Jiuyi.

I didn't hesitate, and the cosmic boat broke out, rushed to the position of the sword unparalleled.

And the immortal temple, but it has been faint.

Huge humble, shake swords and others continue to retreat.


The sword is unparalleled, and it has been in front of the immortal temple in front of you.

Huge pressure, as well as the ancient humming sound, let them palpitations.

This kind of power is far more than his watching chessboard.

It can even be said that the watching chessboard is like a baby who has seen the martial arts of the Wudao with this immortal temple.

Everyone was shocked on the spot.

The strong people who were originally treated in the immortal temple, Shen Mu Wang still have some confidence.

Because of the secret of the hole, he saw the song of the song and others were sturdy.

It is more embarrassing, and later silver pyramids.

Instead, it is the attitude of the immortal temple, most common.

Nowadays, when I really face the immortal temple, my heart has a fear.

It seems to face real God.

The words are not clear.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

A narrow voice came from the inside of the temple. He saw that the three gods were gone with the song of the south of the south of the temple.

Ginger has a head, step by step, directly in front of everyone, the corner of the mouth, the voice is cold: "So many guests come, you don't explain it?"

After that, the eyes are like a stream, and they look at the swords.

"The god adult, these ..." "Do not finish it, feel a burning pain from the heart of the heart.

The body is burning.

The three gods of the gods, far from his imagination.

It is not like the kind of pure power of the nine, but a special means, tortured him.

Dan Bao saw the sword without double-sided pain, just stood up, but was blocked by the big monk.

The pain of the practice is the tear of the body.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head to Danbao.

Can't be chaotic now.

Waiting for Dan Bao to turn over.

Otherwise, there is no chance.

The power of the three gods, all of them touched the half-step hi-robbery level.

Plus the Immortal Temple, you can labilize them at will.

Danbao was slightly closed, endured.

In order to make him become a god, how many people are falling.

For a time, I don't know how my life is, have you done your own responsibilities.

He has been there, there will be killing, there will be death!

Is this really true?

At a moment of Danbao closed, the life class was also qualitatively.

The green radius on the body, an instant outbreak.

Containment is shaking in the immortal temple.

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