Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5957, my heart is dead, for the Wheel plus

Ginger is looking at Denbao, the bottom is also surprised, and then nodded in the back.

Still have to do it!

However, for the sake of insurance, it is best to let Dan Bao have actively handed over the treasure.

Tortured a sword is not enough, it is obvious that there is a group of Denbao in the crowd.

Ginger is lifted up, and a stream is directly out of.

The streamer is blocked, and the door of Bruce is straight.

Danbao couldn't help but go, and immediately took a step away.

According to the original plans, he cooperates into the immortal temple, but it is obviously the patience of the three gods.

Now, I will force Denbao to take out the life to treasure.

Brui is aware of this thing, so in the face of stream, he angered, incarnation of the shadow of the dragon, shouted at Danbao: "Don't give up, remember the old man!"

"For the Wheel plus!"

The familiar voice sounded, Dan Bao turned to look into Bru, behind the Bruce, he saw the big elder figure. .

It is moving towards him.

Encourage him!

"Self-pulsator is destroyed, the big elders are flying, my heart is already dead, life is given me everything!" Danbao bowed his head whisper.

The three gods did not know, I thought Danbao couldn't hold it, and they showed a ban on the big monk and Shenmu Wang and others, and put all people in this time and space.

The ginger is nothing happening, but said, "Danbao, the treasure in your body, it belongs to the immortal temple, I hope you want to be clear, don't do useless things!"

The meaning of the words is not to hope that Danbao rebels will take the treasure.

I just saw the green light flowing out of Dan Bao, and their greedy wolf was so long.

It's just a word to beautify everything.

"Oh!" Danbao was a smirk, suddenly raised his head, continued: "The true meaning of life, you don't understand all, what this treasure gives you!"

When the voice just fell, he handled the Gangstrian claw, and he took directly into his chest.

Green blood flows out from the chest.

The mouth is overflowed by blood. The sound of the sound: "If you want, take it!"


Dan Baoxin is a horizontal, directly put the green ball, dig it from the chest.

This is not a vain of the treasure, but a true life to treasure.

Take out the moment of this treasure, the green light above his hand is too dark.

After him, countless people have fallen into death.

"No need!"

The sword is unparalleled to bite his teeth.

For him, or for them.

Treasure is everything.

People can die, and treasure can't give up hands.

This is nothing difference with death.

The Lord of Shenmao and Hengmu is the same, watching Danbao surprised.

Maybe this is the gap.

Dan Bao did not take the treasure, and throwing ginger.

It seems that there will be a lot of life to the life to the treasure, regardless of a dirt.

The three gods saw the treasure flying, and the eyes became hot.

Ginger is even more reached out in hand, and found that there is no abnormality, the completion is even more great.

He didn't think that Dan Bao would be so happy.

It's not good to come.

"Now let us go!" Danbao slammed his chest, and the voice was slight.

The three gods after the treasure are very excited, and they are not in the eyes to see everyone, and they will lift the ban on space.

The immortal temple is also stable.

Just is the use of people around the immortal temple to suppress everyone.

Otherwise, the three gods deal with them, they don't want to take them, still have some difficulties.

They are different from Babi, never wave.

Direct suppression, ask for treasures.

One effort.

The bitter Babi, at this time, it is still chasing slowly!


Prohibit release.

Everyone is relieved.

It has a very unwillingness.

Even if Danbao saved their lives this time, it is the same.

Do not admire.

This is the strong!

Danbao is not a god, they can't take the way of resurrection.

Everything is over.

Can't see the hope of the front road.

If you start .......

There is no resurrection path at the beginning, this is just a simple holy club, how good it is!

If so, even if they are on the veading of life, and they will go to the limit.

Also too now.

The most painful thing is like this.

Give your people, you have destroy your hopes.

Especially the Lord of Hengmu and Shenmu King.

That treasure, but two of them make up.

It is the first investor of Danbao.

Still heavy gold.

As a result, Danbao is now directly putting the treasure.

How can they be willing?

"You ..." Shen Mu Wang looked at Dan Bao, I don't know how to say, I will only lament.

The Lord of Hengmu is not talking so much. I got up and grabbed Dan Bao's collar, and I asked loudly: "Are you crazy, that is a god, how can you send it!"

Seeing the initiative of Hontan, Bruce took the lead in rushing.

He and Dan Bao are a Wheel Ca.

The wishes of the elders are to let him protect Danbao, leaving the infinite world, and go to the outside world.

So Dan Bao sent a treasure, he did not change anything.

It is not important to become God.

Living is a bigger hope.

Seeing Brucely wanted to shook his head.

The sword standing on the side is unparalleled, but there is not much change, but he is interested in unintentional look at the big monk.

This is known as the big monk of Danbao's caregiver. At this time, it is indeed stood in the same place, silence.

It seems that the upcoming beast is hidden with a very huge breath.

The rest of the people are still blaming the treasures of Danbao.

Only the sword has discovered the exception of the big monk.

But now I have a headache in the face of the immortal temple.

You can't ask questions at this time.

Now life is gone.

It is not expected to be god.

Everyone vents.

I don't know how to stand in place.

The alcine star is the most relaxed, it seems to see everything, looked up at the sky of the universe, and said: "A dream, haha ​​..."

"A dream?"

Really a dream?

The sword is unparalleled.

If it is a dream, then he will lose money.

Originally he didn't worry about the inside of Wanliu.

And Vissed just let him enter Wanliu to find treasures, but did not say to help Dan Bao became the god of life.

As for those treasures promised by the king, his interest is not big.

Anyway, this time is big enough.

Become the master of the universe, no matter what, he also has the power of life after you go out, and you can self-insurance.

The wishes for completing the elders of the rittlement of the Runes are not a problem.

Wu Li is the same.

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