He is also the Lord of the universe of the six-knocked universe. He wanted to think that he would become the universe of hexa.

The only two universe of the universe is the most relaxed.


They are now facing a group.

After feeling the breath of the Babi, there is no surprise!

Come here!

Anyway, I have nothing to do with them.

Even some people, now I have thought about it. Barbi.

Once the human desire is opened, it is difficult to cover up.

Danbao did not hope.

But there is also hope in Babi. .

The most important thing is that Babi also has red nine.

Can be with the immortal temple.

It is also an outway.

It's just that they are worried that Babi does not accept them.

There is a nine power of the top, it is indeed necessary to recruit them again.


Looking at the colors of those people, the sword is unparalleled, and these people are sad.

But there is nothing to do with him.

"Danbao, we are ready to leave here!" He walked toward Danbao and Brui, the Lord of Hengmu, and the Lord of Hengmu, has been released, standing on the side alone, and standing in the face.

I don't know!

Bru comforted Denbao, looked up and looked at the sword. He said: "Where are we going?"

"leave here!"

The sword is unparalleled.

He just asked the treasure needs of Vis, but Vis did not answer.

If you don't ask, you will leave the sea.

If you can't go, you will go to the real Wuyang.

It is also a good thing to practice in the Wanliu universe.

By the way, you can also find those treasures needed by Vis.

Danbao lowered his head, but did not answer, the brow is locked.

The awareness is not here.

The sword is unparalleled, and it also shows unusual, slightly, but did not say anything, but the mental strength flew to the immortal temple.

After the three gods got the treasure of life, they directly entered the altar of the Temple.

At this point, life is already placed in the groove above the altar.

Running life is treasure, putting the groove is extremely consistent, there is no extra gap.

The moment of entering the groove, the altar is convenient to explode a power of powerful life.

This force is shaking the entire immortal temple.

The sword is unparalleled, just approached the immortal temple, it was shocked by the fans.

"Danbao ..." He seems to have a little understanding, and it is shocked to Denbao.

Life is treasure.

After the refining of Denbao, it was in order to integrate.

The on-demand of the king is already recognized.

That will take it away!

It has been too cautious, or it is great to protect Danbao.

"Can you manipulate the treasure?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is dare to ask, but the voice gave Danbao.

If this is true, Danbao will not lose life to treasure, but even can get an immortal temple in vain.

Bang! ! !

A dull giant rang, broke out in the immortal temple.

This time, I don't need Danbao to answer, the sword is unparalleled to determine my guess.

When you hear the movement, everyone looked at the temple.

Also in the same way, I understand Dan Bao's intention.

Even if you are a fool, you can understand.

Because of the upper part of the immortal temple, a green light appeared.

Light shadow has a face of people, is the face of Danbao.

Hand-held life, there is green light.

It is also wrapped in the temple.

The Temple is like in the bubble.

Waving the room, talk about the temple.

Or you have manipulated the temple.

The three gods were completely stupid.

Originally, I got life to treasure to enhance the immortal temple to increase a grade.

I didn't expect to give others a wedding dress.

For a time, the face of the three gods is like a pig liver.

Seven intrinsic is smoke.

"kidding me?"

"You dare ..."

... .......

The three gods have just been angry, but they find that they can't do it, and the sound issued in the mouth is like a mouse.

Danbao's law is located at this altar at this time.

Said to be altar, now it is more like a temple.

Offering the god of life.

"Here, this is not as you!" Danbao voice is cold, and the eyes have a lot of bubbles to leverage the three gods of the three gods, and the hundreds of sleeping Eight hobbies, all moved to the immortal monette.

The appearance in front of the sword is unparalleled.

Danbao's this is also shred at this moment.

This is the god in the temple!

This huge transformation.

In the immortal temple, Danbao is the true god, invincible.

The three gods are like playing things, they are arbitrarily suppressed.

The sword is unparalpired, this kind of way, creating the power of rules, so that he is jealto.

Originally in their eyes of the three gods, in the hands of Danbao, like playing things.

Manipulate their lives.

Ignore everything!


The big monk flashed at this time, and it is more excited than anyone who is smashed.

The first one took the lead in the temple, single knee land: "Congratulations on the little master, further, get the true art!"

The crowd of people in this scene secretly sighed, and they also secretly hated their own reaction too slow.

The Lord of Hengmu, who has just been complained, is also hidden with the temple of Temple.

God is the body!

Very noble.

In the temple, I only feel amazed.

However, after entering the temple, then see Danbao's law, but feel incredible.

Have endless power.

This is in line with the gods in their hearts.


This is this.

The sword is unparalleled with Bruce, and it has also entered the temple, and they also have great shock after they enter.

But I didn't pay attention.


If he is squat, isn't it a joke.

After entering the temple, the sword is unparalleled to stand on the side, waiting for Danbao to send a strong in the immortal temple.

In his opinion, Dan Bao is the god of life, it should not be difficult for these people.

The big probability is still put.

It can be followed, Dan Bao is a great change, anger: "Invadance of the temple, snatch this seat to the treasure, you ... do not have life!"

The voice is just falling, those who have a good fortune in sleeping, there is not much living, in the words of Danbao, and then start to die.

Top Ten God will be the same.

Through the Lord of the Universe, they have begun to die.

Virtue disappears!

However, there is a little sword unparalleled, that is, the body of these universe is not destroyed, and even the universe is still saved.

Just lost your life.

Didn't live.

The three gods stayed in the end, they couldn't say it, but the eyes were desperate.

Crazy shaking head, but can't stop.

Did they die until life.

In an instant, killing hundreds of eight knobs.

This makes everyone a shock.

Especially the Lord of Hengmu, I can't help but shake on the ground.

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