Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5959 is immortal! ! !

From time to time, you will be unparalleled with Brui, you want to let them go to seek love.

Worried by Denbao.

Thinking of the collar that just picked Danbao, the Lord of Hengmu can't wait to give himself two slaps.

He also wants to pass it, just how big is so big, dare to ask Danbao.

Regret now, it is too late.

The sword is unparalleled but does not pay attention to the eyes of the Lord of Hengwood.

Because he doesn't think Danbao will go to the Lord of Horizontal Wood because of this kind of thing.

And when he was a dialogue between kings and Vis, he was aware that God's role was to create rules, not simple killing. .

Otherwise, there are anything they do, the king is coming, what threats can be flattened.

Do you still need them to struggle?

After cleaning up the many strong people of the immortal temple, Denbao's law condensed and gathered to the altar.

Become a magic.

This is broken, the avatar is the same.

He walked again.

It's just that it is incarnation.

It is like a vain.

But no one dares to look at Danbao now.

It is more powerful than it.

Danbao's vain handheld life, pointed to all beings.

The power of life is also burst in the immortal temple.

For a time, everyone felt strong vitality from the body.

Those who are scattered, at this time, the resort is a source of origin.

That is, Dan Bao really became the moment of God, they could set foot on the truly resurrection road.

The outbreak of life.

Not only benefits everyone in the scene.

With those who fall into the temple, this is also beginning to recover.

It was originally confiscated by Denbao, but this moment was re-renewed.

After the restoration of the temple, it has changed the earth.

Just like the metallic life.

It is just that color is different.

Those people after recovery, there is more green tarantar.

There is a font size on the chest.


Their scorpions become green.

Students are full of body, and they will return to the peak.

The war has also arrived at the peak.

"I am, see my master!"

The temple behind the recovery, they worship!

Their vitality and consciousness have changed.

Danbao is standing in front of everyone, and the face is majestic!



The original three gods, as well as the top ten gods, with ninety-nine eight knocked strong, they got up.

The words of their chest also have some changes.

Handsome, will, soldiers!

This type of font, let the sword have no difference.

I immediately thought of the fonts of those chess pieces on the watchtale board.

I would like to think about Dan Bao's identity.

In his mind, he suddenly sounded a sound.

Viewing the chessboard!

It's as simple as he thinks.

This treasure!

Related to God!

At the same time, I also thought of the identity of Xuan Yi.

Ability to give this treasure to his Xuan Yi, perhaps God!

Immortal Temple.

The immortal two words represent life forever.

So what is this view of the game?

What do he think, this view is not suitable for him.

And the strength of the chess pieces in the chessboard, and the immortal temple is no problem.

Observer's handsome pieces in the game, although it is also augmentation.

However, there is a lot of weak features of the font size.

Danbao's immortal temple manipulating handsome, will, soldiers, that is all eight hobbies.

After a complete life.

Those recovered soldiers have the top of the top of the border.

The monette of the Temple of the Fontue is, and there is a fight against the peak of the eighth.

The three gods have the power of the eight affordable limit.

However, there is no godbown!

His observation board, but there is a chess piece with a god.

But the heavenly chessboard is not as good as this.

This makes him some unlike.

Obviously, what has been spoked, but it could not be found.

"Xuan Yi teacher!" The sword was unparalleled with a sigh of relief, and the heart was dark: "What do you plan? ......... What role does this board?"

After he arrived at the Lord of the universe, he only used the top of the pair of chess, and he never truly mobilized the internal source.

The immortal temple represents life.

Relying on this estimate, then the chessboard represents the heavens.

But he is not a heaven.

Tiandao is unique.

In fact, it is also one of all things.

Just his all things transformation becomes life.

There is only one relationship with the heavens.

More than the sky, such as Tiancai, Zen Machine, Destiny, etc. ...

They are different from his swords.

Wan Dao, he has always been a Judi.

Even if I have a master of Wan Dao, it is also auxium.

This view is the role of the game, the role of him is the robbery, and the extension and swallowing.

Now I have detected a way to prompt my own way, it is to create life.

Use the inside homemade chess pieces to calculate your own.

In the future, he had to ask Danbao's operational problem about the immortal temple, and maybe it can be painted with a gourd.

Learn something.

He is now holding a watching chessboard. When doing a fire stick, it is a waste.

Looking at Dan Bao's amnesty world, he also forwarded!

Now, the temple is strong, all incorporate Danbao sit down.

For a time, talents were talented.

Instead, they are like a cumbersome.

The sword is unlikely, there is no intention to look at the big monk.

I found that the other party did not have the sense of crisis, but I was very happy after this position was achieved.


That's true.

The stronger of the small is, the more exciting.

However, from the eyes of the other party, the sword is unparalleled to see a little greedy color.

The immortal temple is originally Danbao.

Also bring so much so-called god.


The role of the caregiver is very unnecessary.

And when the king did not mention how many things were mentioned.

He is a big monk and starting alert.

Shang Cang!

That is the place where his heart is located.

The big monk is not as simple as the surface.

Be sure to prevent it.

I have eaten too much, the sword is unparalleled, I don't want to turn it back.

And his situation has developed to this point, and it has always been unsatisfactory with his strength.

In the infinite world, it is okay, and it is a key force for several battles.

Whether it is in the Raman River or in the Longshen Continent.

He has broke out.

However, after entering the Wanliu gods, his role is getting smaller and smaller.

It is said that it is going to sway.

He is more like a passer.

A witner!

Witness a legend!

Danbao overlooks everyone, holding a scepter.

Standing on the edge of the temple, relying on everyone, the voice is indifferent: "Get up, then to deal with metal life and Babi, my book and broken, the body is unable to leave the temple, when you need you to help! "

"I will wait to follow the gods!" The host of Hengmu took the lead shout.

Subsequently, everyone got up together, but they stood thinlats, compared with the neat life messenger on the left and right side of Danbao, like a group of blacks.

Say that they want them to help.

There are so many super power this place, which will also use them.

Also, on the king of Shenmu and the big monk.

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