Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5964 is alive!

This is not surprised.

Let him surprised it to enter the interior of the pyramid.

That is the metal pyramid that can be born countless eight knocked!

Let him enter.

That is not the same.

Even Danbao hits the package, he also has some hair.

"The sword is unparalleled, you must enter, I need the treasure, just in this pyramid!" Just when the sword is unparalleled, Vissen is also open in this time and space.

It's really a good thing to make him encounter.

It's hard to end. .

Give him a none of them.

It's too much to say, he can't you go!

Coupled with Vis.

He can only bite his teeth.

Wu Li saw him hesitating, he went over, holding his shoulders and comfort: "Warriors, you won't be afraid, you can rest assured, I will take you outside, what needs to help, however, With the strength of our company, the red nine is being taken, what else is fear! "

"You ..." The sword is unparalleled, and Wu Li is so busry.

It is still a windy talk at this time.

He really wants to enhance the strong and courage of Wu Li.


I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled. I opened my scorpion. I nodded in Dan Bao. It is ready to open the silver pyramid at any time.

Don't go to the tiger, you have a tiger!

Vis, every time you give him, the oppression is always full.

I don't know how it is in the end of this pyramid.

The treasures you need in Vis are also there.

Of course, that is, Vissen is too lazy to shoot. If you take it, there is no matter what he is.

The reason why he will go, or because you want to find an excuse, you will be passionate to him.

Otherwise, it will be aneited, both sides can't say it.

The sword is not a fool, some things don't need to be understood.

The nine robbery, at the moment, is the treasure of the border level.

Not a treasure in time and space.

In fact, the time and space is always a little.

Immortal Temple, in his view, is like a time and space.

It is a life to treasure, and it is an opportunity of God.

On the game, it is a heaven to treasure.

The nine robbery is much weaker than these two.

Even weak compared to this silver pyramid.

Canvis is inside.

It was Vissered to give the value of the nine robbery.

The emergence of Vis, he has always felt very strange.

I was still in the nine robbery, and later moved directly into his source.

Just as playing.

It is said that it is a test, in fact, there is no difference in helping to help.

He has been doing you to understand the other's intent.

If he is selected for the god of life, there is some saying.

Or say that the god of life is not what is nothing in front of Visse.

The bigger the identity, the more the score.

He is more uneasy.

Heaven will reduce the big in the sky!

Maybe he thinks more.

But you can't not prepare anything.

Waiting for Denbao to open the gap of the silver pyramid. His home is divided into the estate of Vis. After finding Vis, I took the initiative to ask: "Visner, this metal life, I think, how can you think that you will think What is the treasure? "

Vissered on the chair, tease the hairless purple cat, and it is lazy.

Seeing his face.

I will reply: "Since you come in, then I will tell you, there is a source of this pyramid, it is that I left in Wanliu Shenmu, the owner of this source is you, but unfortunately ........ You don't live, you can only give this cat. "

"Ah!" The sword was unparalleled. If you can't believe in Vis, you can't believe in the reason. If you don't believe, the other party can change, what else can you do?

"Give me the source of me?" He thought of a lot of things.

Vissed plan.

And the cause of Wanliu appears here.

Tiis is lazy, I have nodded, "Some things, may be luck, I am in front of Bruce, it is really optimistic, but I will find it, the reason is to be optimistic, it is because of your The first life in the universe, so, you are lucky. "

"That is nothing to do with me!" The sword is unparalleled, saying that he doesn't live, he is more than anyone else.

Vissed He did not accept the gas, licking his mouth: "You are too intended to your own universe, but you don't have to force yourself, so you don't live ........ Young people I send You have a saying, you have to be a little bit, no matter whether it is from the source or the power, you have to have the kind of hardship. "

Dao Jun went to the emperor.

The sword is not a double, it is really important to his own source.

In this regard, it has always been a big head.

But it is always good to pursue both.

Pursue balance.

Even if the source is going to pressure.

But what is it?

Super ancient times with the starry sky.

It is an indispensable peak secret law.

Sometimes you can't be too average.

What he has to do is to enhance your own combat power and realm.

Instead of origin and the power of the power.

If a flower is helpful to him, then cultivate the flower.

If it is a cloud, then go to the cloud.

Dressing, sometimes it is so simple.

Loan the direction, let go of your concern, everything is handed over to your efforts and luck.

"I understand!" The sword didn't have a double point. At this time, he did not accept the gas.

Bruce is the first life in his own universe, he is still the other's creation.

In the future, the other party has achievements, he can also take it out and boast.

Nothing is deal, I will work hard in the future.

Why do you envy a cat!

And it still has no hair.

After getting your own answer, the sword is unparalleled, the source is automatically summoned, and the consciousness has also returned to this respect.

Danbao, also infused the power of life, the endless life of the Silver Pyramid, now the pyramid is already green.

Changed the original colors.

Metal, life, power.

Metal is silver.

Life is green.

The two are robbing leadership.

Nowadays, the metals in the pyramid also found Danbao's conspiracy, but to stop the work of the pyramid, but found that you can't do it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Dan Bao's plan is also seen outside, and it can't help but make a good.

Dan Bao is really growing.

The power of life is constantly competing with metal life.

Want to get the control of the pyramid.

Danbao's face also leaked a piece of anxiety, it was anti-alpha.


The unbreakable pyramid suddenly, issued a crisp, then leaked a gap.

Danbao saw this gap, the face is big, "fast, it is now."

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