Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5965 is a decent!


I have already prepared the sword that is unparalleled, and my body has a flash into the crack.

The tens of thousands of robes behind are also out of this moment.

Chemical as a dark blue flow line, enters the interior of the pyramid.

Metal photographed blue sword was unparalleled, scared, hurried into the black scorpion.

I want to force this embarrassment.

It can now be the power of life, which is Danbao.

It is useless to manipulate.

After the sword is unparalleled into the pyramid, he leaked a trace of evil, raised his hand and sword, and it wanted. .

Countless metal particles want to attack him, they are pulverized by the earthquake in the sky.

No metal, I can't mobilize the black.

Metal, completely got a way.

I can only ask for help: "The sword is unparalleled, you stop, you have the Lord of the universe, there is no need to fight, you don't need to reheal, I can give you a lot of treasures, I can help you become a nine hobby."

The sword is unparalleled but there is no counterimer.

The sword is full of long-lived, and it is alive.

The other party is more urgent, the safer it.

It means that there is no rear hand on the metal.

Can only ask for mercy on your mouth.

"It is evil, it is evil, how can I fall!" The worst plan for metal brain thought, and Dan Bao became the god of life and will fall.

He can also close his eyes in the hands of a god of life.

However, it is a shame.


Some special conversion channels connected to the pyramid are also destroyed by the sword.

The metal is completely lost, and the black is also stopped at this moment.

When it is running, he can't manipulate it. Now it is no way.

For metal, he is not there.

The sword is unparalleled to sleep, and I will go straight to the front of the black. I stared at the scorpion of the red light, and the cold voice said: "Go out, I can make you decent."

If it is not time to urgently, he really wants to ask the other party, what is the south time and space.

Because from the king, he knows other time and space, with the northern time and space.

He came out of the original universe and arrived in ancient times, without any separation.

It is because the North Time and Space is a practitioner.

South time and space is different.

Where is the practice method not only be different from them, but even life is different.

So he is somewhat curious.

Metal brain is crying, he dragged the mechanical little feet, got out of the black 's eye.

"The sword is unparalleled, I remember you, you must not die!"


"Can you lose?"

The sword did not expect that after the other party came out, he would say such a sentence.

How is it also a powerful power with a face, and the king is tricky.

The result of the first time, I started cursing.

If the other party wins, he is generous to face death.

Never be so embarrassed.

It's just shameful.

For the curiosity of the South time and space, suddenly there is no.

Just want to solve the other party, then leave.

The metal is completely mad, "" You will die, I swear! "

"Hey, I am waiting!" The sword was unparalleled by the other person's words.

This kind of saying, he heard no longer a hundred times.

Then what?

No one can kill him.

But this time, not the same.

The metal is not waiting for him to shoot, and the Shen Li Fire Crystal in the self-explosion is selected.

Huge explosion, let the pyramids create ashes.

This explosion can kill the peak of the Eight's affair.

If the sword is unparalleled, it may be true.

Among the dust, a green ray is wrapped in swords, and there is no damage.

That is the shield of Danbao's life.

It fully covered his whole body.

"Is this the backhand?" The sword was unparalleled, "it is too weak."

Just as he was relaxed, it was found that the black puppet disappeared.

He found a circle around and did not find black .

The toughness of black , can't be destroyed.

The sword is unparalleled. I don't worry, I look for a moment, I found two soft A.

And some identity token.

"Shi Qi, Stone 8!"

It is the two seven-bit robbery of Stone Country.

It was also following them into the Wanliu Universe.

It's just a lot of strength, just more than one million power.

Follow the meter.

The sword is unparalleled.

Later, Shenmao Wang took people from the secret city of the hole, it didn't seem.

He thought it was fallen.

Seeing their soft armor and identity token, the probability is a metal whose metal is controlled.

The most bulky bonders in the metal have a metal.

In those , there is no stone seven, stone eight.

The sword is unparalleled.

That is to say, stone seven, stone eight these two stone countries have been being kept in the pyramid by metal.

It should be normal now.

But what is the black ?

His doubts, but it was surprised in the outside world!

The destroyed pyramid, no power.

It is an ordinary metal to treasure.

Free can be opened.

When he went out, he found a black hole in the outside world.

And the people above the immortal temple, they all leaked the same expression.

Back to the immortal temple, he understood it under the explanation of Wu Li and others.

There is something ran out from the pyramid.

Two streamer!

Two figure.

Shiqi, stone eight.

Before the metal is self-burst, the last instruction is issued.

The origin and the power of the black are all in these two people.

Just like the threat to the sword.

After these two people go out, the goal is to kill the sword.

Black is robbery.

Shiqi, which is highly hoped by the metallic computer, is comparable to the fighting power of Ninji.

Therefore, this time is not a speech threat, it is really threatened.

After going out, it is very might be chased by these two.

Wu Li and others know not much.

However, the sword was unparalleled to think of those words that the metal's brain was screaming before, and there was already guess.

But now in Wanliu Universe.

And Danbao is about to go into the gods.

He didn't care about these things.

Instead, the source of Vister.

A purple origin.

After handing over Vis, the sword is unparalleled, and the first half of the very high-power work is also obtained.

It took a long time, I found that I didn't understand myself, I was careful, wait until I went out, slowly cultivated.

Now, the urgent needs is to go to the gods.

So I didn't say too much with Vis, I left.

The immortal temple.

Three thousand golden saints, standing in the quartet.

Ten big silver nails, arrange it.

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