Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5968, you think more!

Tianshi and ginger, almost the same person.

He has a blood hat with ginger.

The other party will never spare him.

That is a nine-hobbed energy!

It is also a super power that truly reached the nine-hobburden.

It has reached the peak of the nine hobbies, and the existence of the second starry sky.

If it is restored, he is looking for him to revenge, then he will end.

Don't say Danbao, even if the king is coming, you can't keep him.

"Forget it!" Visse saw that his face was frightened, smiled, "Don't tease you, which Tianwu is just scattered in his last source, and has completely disappeared!"

After the sword is unparalleled, after hearing this news, it turned in a moment. "So, ginger is gone?"

"She is still, and is in the rules, she is looking for you to revenge, I will not take!" Viscit, let the Borus in his arms, then said: "Gu Yue Tian female, This is a practitioner who has committed the high rules, dissipating, so he will be shot again! "

Tianshi is in the picture to create a second star, it is a high rule. .

Must die.

I can leave a source of origin and the Pity She.

Then I can run out again.

Although I know that the other person is planning, Sovis knows that it is impossible to succeed.

Because he has long seen the future.

So I found a sword and unparalleled.

When he came from the star, he still had a mission, and he was looking for a pro-disciple.

The original person is selected is a sword.

Later, because of some things, I changed this idea.

Changed to the first life in the sword in the universe.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is surprised: "Is it, what did you kill the girl?"

"Yes!" Weis slowly turned his head, slightly headed, a murderous leak.

The breath is enough to shock all the practitioners today.

It is just a bit of breath.

Let the sword are unparalleled.

"When you do something, too, too, so you must die, this is my duty!"

The sword is unparalleled, "then I ..."

He thought of his stars inside his own universe.

"You think more!" Vissered his concern, explained: "Your business starry sky is your cultivation, not patterned, so it's okay, but you have to work hard, don't know .... .. I expect to you. "

The origin of our own cultivation, there is a starry sky.

Lianvis also saw it for the first time.

As for the power of the stars.

This kind of power cannot be special.

He is optimistic about the sword and the most universe, and the sword is unparalleled.

Can cultivate the universe of the Star Sky.

The most important thing is because the starry is recorded.

Outbreak of ancient times, although it is very amazing.

But this special joining, there is a lot of power, can be created.

It is the universe of the Star, the sword is unparalleled.

Attiction is seen by Vis.

As for if there is any kind of concealing, it will not be known.

The reason why it is only one.

Because of their stars, it was created.

Naturally, a person capable of creating a starry sky.

In Vis this, the sword is unparalleled for a long time.

It is unexpected that Visses have said a lot.

The sword is unparalleled and listened seriously.

Most of them are about the practice of this source.

Also let him have a lot of ideas for the next blend of chess pieces.

That is that he evacuated his own aircraft simulation.

Naturally, I don't dare to neglect.

It is equivalent to yourself.

Danbao continues to grow on a gods step.

The sword is also practiced in the immortal temple.

Enlighten the ladder, just need to be separated.

There is also a way to improve the super ancient times, and even prepare for the seventh trip.

The present appears in the watching chessboard.

In front of the three gods, he has already feel the mystery.

Return has been created.

Time and space is not far away.

Time and space reincarnation.

It is his current goal.

Time is not far from him.

The space is already successful.

"It's still a lot!" The sword didn't swite and waters the head and negated the idea.

I have been caught in contemplate and constantly calculate.

Only two opportunities.

Optimized to use a chess pieces, the second time I have to use his life.

Time and space reincarnation.

It seems that there is still a distant.

He is all the Lord of the universe of the six knobs.

The road of resurrection is opened once.

It will be in the past.

Almost in the nine hobbies, you can practice the time to succeed, even the eight knocked resistance can be done.

It's just a little bit of time and space.

At the beginning, it was a time-space repair to a complex starry sky, and eventually failed.

Time and space containing time and space.

There is too much in the stars.

Still a lot of steps.

Too much adventure.

With the first trip, the sword is unparalleled.

Just want to steady.

In this non-hard realm, he can condense, it is normal.

But time and space, he still takes time.

At present, you can only extract the local source of the space needs and then cultivate.

Time will continue to pass.

On the one hand, we will have a ladder, let his life have jumped.

Although he can't set up the god of life, he has the strength of the innate life, which can be continuously improved, even if you can't get the level of Danbao, he is not a major life, just auxiliary.

So there is no need to pursue the ultimate.

Enough to use it.

The peak of the peak, the ancient change is to reach the top level.

The distance is satisfactory, it is still some.

This is not anxious.

Anyway, after going out, there is no threat, there is no fight.

As for the rear hand left by the metal, he is not much.

The world is so big.

I can't find him right away!

As long as you are ready, then there is nothing.

He is now a large number of topic.

Don't look at this trip to Wanliu Shenmu, he didn't shoot.

But the strength is no longer daring.

At the beginning, an angry directly moved hard with Red Jiuyi.

The Lord of the Universe of the Six-Bombier Peak.

The foundation is $ 15 million.

To put on the robbery, you can break out to 2 million.

The super ancient times, his power can reach 5 million.

There is also the blessing of the universe.

The power is at least 6 million.

It is already the top level of the eight knocked.

This has not yet been counting his starlight.

That is the strongest battle.

Rotating the sword can threaten the peak of the Eight's affairs.

There are two metal in the district, what can be afraid.

The sword is unparalleled, not thinking about it, continue with his own practice.

Another difference is concerned with the adult ladder of Danbao.

Witnessing a gods birth.

This is the real god.

Bathing in Danbao, hand persistence of the defenders in the power of life, bravely climbing the peak.

All the way is unimpeded.

The so-called robbery may come to this battle before the gods.

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