Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5969 Chapter King Crown

After stepping on into the god step, Danbao is the god of life.

There is no accident.

I have been going to the peak.

Just used the time for a few years, cultivating the power of life is successful.

God's raw ring is also coming at this moment.

Wanliu god domain, once again broke out.

God domain.

A projection came, and his face was pleased. .

Come is the king.

He has finally showed the god of life.

The practitioners in the mid-management will also grow again.

There is hope with life.

"Congratulations to the king of the king!" The trial of the king appeared, and the three ancient times in the void, and came out.

Kings see is these three people, and it is also very polite.

"This is still got up to the king of the king!"

The appearance of the god of life.

The biggest benefit is these three.

They have already touched the nine hobbies, but they have always pressed their realm.

Dare to get rid of robbery.

Because the life of the North Time and Space is lower, once the robbery is successful, even if it has become a nine hobbies, it will live a day.

Even an hour is difficult.

The original woman was a lesson.

They have to upgrade the body to the nine hobbies, and the universe of this source has been suppressed.

Waiting for the appearance of the god of life.

This is still the triberator in the beginning of the world, and the first servant jumped into the fire pit and secretly taught his secret law to these three.

Of course, this is not a big mistake.

Even if Vissen, it is also a eye.

Didn't pursue what.

I got a point.

Say these three ancient times, or the disciple of kings.

They also took the initiative to go to the teacher, they were rejected by the kings.

After all, it is a king, which is the highest god of the northern time and space.

If you can worship Wang as a teacher, isn't it horing?

Unfortunately they have no blessings.

"It's really lively!" After the king of the king, I suddenly appeared one.

Wearing a yellow robe with a high crown.

Eight-character faces, yellow skin, and strong eyebrows.

It is the Wu Zhi, who is coming to the king.

The three ancient existence is still still , seeing Wu Zuo's appearance is scared, the brow is just wants to be angry.

There is so rude in front of the king.

What is the body.

Still not staying.

The king will reach the hand, and it will be said: "Introduce, this is my disciple, Wu Zhi!"

"Ah!" The three ancient times existed, I can't believe my ears, surprised: "When is your old man, when is the goddess?"

"It's just before, you are here, I have to enter the Wanliu Shenmu!" The king waved, and stepped into Wanliu Shenmu.

Only left Wu Zhi and the three ancient times.

"I don't know ..... Johi?" The three top power in the nine-day time and space, not only for the envy of the eyes, but also the meaning of the Barnaise.

After all, it is a disciple of kings.

Must have a stroll.


Wanliu Shenmu.

It is better than the outside world.

Everyone stands on the edge of the immortal temple, looks at Denbao.

Private is also talking.

"This life, worth it!" A seven-bit robbery, couldn't help but sigh.

Many surviving seven-robbery, each of them is taller.

All the way, I saw a lot of super power.

They are numb.

That is, when I saw Dan Bao became the god of life, I leaked a shocking expression.

The Lord of Hengmu, I don't forget to shoot the horse on the side, so I am mysterious: "In fact, I know that Dan Bao can become the god of life, I didn't suspect that Dan Bao's ability!" "

In this way, the crowd laughed.

Bruce looked at Denbao, and there was only gratified in the eyes.

"The old age, see what I see, you can rest in peace!"

Danbao bathed in life.

The sword is unparalleled just after reading a few eyes.

Although Danbao became the god of life, he still had a stone, which is a big monk, which is constantly playing.

Name known Danbao's caregiver.

The other party has been secret.

At the moment of Dan Bao, the greed of the big monk is in the peak.

Greed for life?

The sword is unparalleled, I think of a horror.


It is not his sensitive, it is really unsuccessful.

Even the time and space can shuttle, go to him.

If he became the god of life, he will think about it in the first time.

No way, the other party gave him a big heart shadow.

If you don't destroy your life, he is not sleeping.

That is, now he has become the master of the universe.

Only some of the bottom gas.

So many strong people are now bigger.

So I also dare to face the big monk.

I want to see whether the other party is not in the life.

Danbao became a god.

The king of the king is again coming again.

At the end of the ladder.

The king is coming, holding a heavy book in his hand.

"Danbao!" Ten King, Ten Top, looked at Danbao, and Yi: "From this moment, you are the god of life in northern time, including all life, including a grass!"

The books in his hands are automatically read.

After staying in a page, the name of Danbao appeared.

"God of life: Dan Bao!"

In his top, there is a gain.

The god of death, the name is unknown.

life and death.

Just as the chicken egg egg growing chicken.

Are you asking, which one is there.

The answer now appears.

There is death first, there is a new life.

If only life is not dead.

So this place is definitely hell.

Only the undead in hell is not dead.

Because they have to be punished.

A world that is not dead, is terrible than the world.

So there is death first, and there is life.

Danbao was successful.

The nine time and space in the northern time is shaken.

There are dozens of DC in the middle, together with the end of the long-term long river.

Danbao turned a change, wearing a green robes, together with the skin.

The temperament of the whole person has changed again.

From the ever-understood, it has arrived.

By becoming the current wise.

It contains a color in the eyes.

"Little God, meet the king of the king!" Danbao slightly squatted, worshiping the king.

King Wang Xi smiled, "We will be free, we will be your own people, this is your gods, and you will say goodbye to your friends, and more important things, waiting for you!"

"Yes!" Danbao also understood.

The position of God, it is not a play!

Danbao took the moment of the ring, and the ladder started to be defeated.

The origin of Wanliu also washes the erosion of metal life.

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