Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5970 Terror

The returns to the peak.


The figure flashed, Dan Bao arrived in the immortal temple.

When you look at everyone, your eyes are flashing, and your mouth is outlined.

More than a few people, surrounded by a group, congratulations together.

It is not easy to say that Wanshang is not easy.

I also changed how Dan Bao became the gods.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will be asked: "Danbao, how is your current fight?

He has always been a good war.

The means of Vis, made him shocked. .

It's a little modest, and I said that I have a waste.

He is now looking at Danbao's breath, but it is extremely unreasonable.

There is a powerful pressure.

How can I have a hobbian battle?

But I didn't expect, Danbao shook his head, "the benefactor lifted, I was only the god of life, and the life of life was successful for life, as for the fighting power, I am afraid it is not as good as you!"

"Is it still going back?" Shen Mu Wang was a little surprised. When Danbao mastered the immortal temple, the personal combatization of the individual was no weak.

Why is it not as good as they?

There is also a six-knocked Wu Li!

Danbao then explained the slowness of the slow strip: "The saying of war is the practice of the practitioner, it is not related to God, no matter what I am, or the king, in fact, there is no combat force, only responsibility!"

This time is thoroughly understood.

It also dispelled past guess.

Only the sword is unparalleled or not believed.

I am afraid it is still the king.

Vistead's war is very powerful.

It can be killed by him.

That is the nine hobby!

And it is copied the nine robbery of the starry sky.

The first strong in the northern time is not too.

Vissen is erased to the erase.

God and God have a gap.

For example, Wang and Denbao.

One is the manager of northeet.

One is the god of life in the north time.

The gap is seen.

Curious in your heart.

Shen Mu Wang and Hengmie's Lord began to intend to say its own credit.

For example, against Red Kiki.

Protect Danbao.

Fight at a time.

It is also a few times to the original treasure.

Even if it is a fool, you can also listen.

This is to let Dan Bao fulfill the promise.

There is also a king.

It has to fulfill the benefits of the original one.

At the beginning, there are many things!

Can't see you, don't be long!

How can Denbao be so intelligent? I gave the king of the king.


The king of the king was coming, and the head was taken.

"Hey, this memory, almost give this thing!"

Shenmu Wang and Hengmu Lord, seeing the king of the king came directly, and quickly waved, "this little thing, no urgent ..."

"Don't you anxious?" The king of the king looked at all.

The people who look at it, they are not polite, each is a bitter.

Waiting for the king to hear a promise.

"Well, it is your life!" Said that there were countless treasures, and the people were separated.

Most of them are the treasures needed for seven-robbery.

It is the treasure of the robbery.

It is difficult to find in the outside world.

Each piece is enough to cause vibration.

The highest value is also a ferrous to Bao, which is required for those eight knobs.

The main and god king of Hengmu are all hot.

After receiving the treasure, the completion has changed significantly.

It is aware that there is no relationship between fighting and God.

They have goddened the gods, and they didn't have much fantasy.

Still pursuing the coolness of the battle.

The sword is not interested in the thing, but it is not too much.

The treasure of the king took out.

Also, not only, there is a treasure of the seventh robbery, but also some treasures.

There are many inclusions.

These treasures, for the kings, don't do anything.

But for them, it is the day.

The king of the king is over.

Danbao also stood up, rubbed a ring, said: "I first promised your position, I still stayed, the three major life of the immortal temple, I can strip, then give it to you."

"This ......." Shen Mu Wang and Hengmu were some hesitant.

The big monk is always on the edge, which is not in the heart.

Seeing Dan Bao's position to be blocked.

It is an eyebrow, and the breath in the eyes can not hold out.

Because the king is here, the sword is unparalleled.

Shen Mu Wang has counsed, took the lead: "Dan Baoner, the position of this life messenger, what is it?"

In their view, these life makers, there is no difference with .

Several people who are free, unlike there is a bondage.

At the beginning of the enchantment, it also valued the status and the improvement of the power.

Currently getting along.

I don't feel this life messenger, and there is no great relationship.

It is better to hit the nine hobbies.

So I hesitate, I want to see the price and say.

"Life makers, you can use a source of life, the help of your help is also very big, you don't have pressure, become a life messenger, there is nothing to bind!" Danbao helped himself, gratitude.

So it is also relaxed.

Anyway, he is a god of life, and it must be a secret law to study the life of life.

No need to fight.

Most time, or closed.

So under the opponent, there is no requirement.

God Mulang and the Lord of Hengmu, listen to this, the same agreement.

With the source of life, then there is no difference with the sword.

You can constantly restore your own vitality.

When fighting, it is almost unsatisfactory.

This is the benefits of the bigness.

There are no hesitants.

Under the eyes of everyone, Danbao crowned.

Become a messenger, but also a set of life of the nine hiring level.

Can increase its own power.

The robs with unparalleled swords are almost.

However, there is a little more powerful.

His robbery, when he is a hundred and 500,000, it will increase its power.

That is, one third.

Shenmao Wang and the Lord of Hengmu, the power of the life of the life, only one-fifth.

For example, the original base will be tens of millions, bringing the life of life, can increase to 1,000 million.

Even so, they are also very satisfied.

Wanliu Shenmu trip.

No loss!

Blood earn!

Everyone is very happy.

Win all.

That is, when I am happy, they ignore someone.

The original high-profile big monk.

After coronation, Danbao thought of the big monk and turned to look for each other.

After seeing the big monk, I just want to open it, but I was stopped by the king.

"Guao people!"

The king of the world sounded, surprised: "I recognized the caregiver?"

He thought it was a big monk to become a guardian of Denbao!

I have heard the caregiver assigned by myself, and I feel surprised.

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