Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5971 I have long seen you is not a person!

There is no such thing in his plan!

Everyone is also a face.

The sword is unparalleled, the first reaction, directly rushed to Dan Bao, the breath suddenly broke out, one finger, anger, said, "Old monk, I have already seen you have a problem, still don't appear!"

The sword in the fingertips contains a reincarnation.

Even if the big monk is the peak, it doesn't dare to know.

After the busy back, I am full of surprise: "The sword is unparalleled, what are you doing?"

The rest did not understand, why the sword is unparalleled to suddenly shoot.

"During the life, you have got someone else, I can't hurt me!" The sword is unparalleled!

If there is no power of death.

He is the most clear.

It's just that he doesn't understand, how the king did not find each other.

One king, so many gods under the hand. .

It should be the best for life and death!

However, the king at this time is also a shock of a face.

The big monk is still unparalpired with the sword.

Everyone is more confident that the sword is unparalleled.

Because the big monk is from the Wanliu Universe.

It is an intermediate.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is halfway to the ancient times, and the code is divided into the big exterior of Wu Li.

Just now Wu Li has some unclear.

One party is his mysterious old, the other side is a counterfeit.

"The king of the king, if you don't believe it, you can try it. His body has the power of death, and he is likely to come from the future, not a contemporary!" The sword is not interpreted, while the siding is confrontation.

After the king heard the words, the king was obviously changed, and it seems to have thought about what.

"Drash!" He suddenly thought of the leaf boat in the initial star air, surprised: "The god of death in the starry sky, you haven't gone yet!"

The big monk knows that he can't hold it, and it has been told by the king, and it is more convincing than the sword.

I am sneaked, I am not going to camouflage, "I was found by you, I am really strange, why is there a lord of the universe of six, can recognize this seat!"

The voice is falling, the big monk tears the pouch.

There must be a circular sharp angle, and then a black smoke was drifted.

The appearance of the familiar appearance is not in the eyes, and the death of the king is staring at the sword. "Mortal, answer me!"

"You don't know me?" The sword was unparalleled, and then the probability of this destroyant and the original universe were not a time and space.

"Do you know you this seat?" Doo life feels a little fun.

Asked by a hobby universe.

He is the god of death in the starry sky.

High status, far more than one attached time and space.

Starry sky.

That is the land of the gods.

It is also a gathering place of the peak strong.

It is also the ultimate place of the world.

Wan Dao is alive, it is in the stars.

As the dead in the stars.

The life is naturally very arrogant.

I don't put the king in my eyes.

What's more, the king of the north time and space is falling early.

The combat power is like air.

No one can block him.

The god of life is born.

It is also when he casts a round.

As the god in the stars, there is a endless year.

Not only have created countless deaths.

I have already talked about my own combat power and upgraded to the point of inconsistency.

Only the northern time and space cannot carry him.

For this reason, the moment when his breath leak, the power is also turned on.

It reached the strongest point of nine short space space.

The immortal temple is shaking.

The power of this breath exceeds everyone.

The sword is unparalleled is also very surprised.

The power of life has reached an astronomical figure.

Let them despair directly.

The sword is unparalleled to collapse.

It was originally thinking that it is that it seems to be a small look.

The huge power, beyond their cognition.

It is definitely a nine knocked body, and even beyond the nine hobbies.

There is no way to resist the resistance.


I'm trying to raise my hand, and I will talk about Wanliu Shenmu tear.

Leaking a sky.

The scene of the sky is the wildlifty domain.

The countless power of the outside world has also found it.

They still don't know what happened.

Seeing that Wanliu Shenmu is destroyed, the king can't sit down, "I don't care what you see, here are north time and space, you have to come from the stars, you must understand that there is a high rule constraint, you are not afraid of death ? "

"Haha!" Doo life and laugh, raise your hand, shock the immortal God, "Are you threatening me?"

Crushing Immortal Temple, began to aggregate and recover again.

Danbao stared at the life, and the eyes were desperate. "Are you coming to me?"

He has now become the god of life and can see the power of the death of the death.

There is a horror magic that swallowed him.

"No, I am for life, not only you, but also the god of life, the god of life, will be swallowed, cast great reincarnation, you should be proud, you can integrate with me!" If you are in your life, it is still as arrogant.

Like the original universe.

The sword has no double gallow water, and the bottom is constant.

Now in the future, it is from the future, or once.

Anyway, in the original universe, not the same.

When Viste said, it was really going to shuttle the time and space, and he would take his hand to remove the life.

In addition to Vis, swords can't think of anyone can help them.

The terrorist power of life is too powerful.

No one stopped.

When anxious, he sounded a voice in his mind. "Don't worry, listen to his plan!"

Vissed's voice, let the sword have a little bit slightly.

He found that the king will start to make the eye, meaning it, that is, let him find Vis.

It's just that the king doesn't know, when the West has promised to pass the sword and unparalleled, it will take the power of the shuttle future.

In the case of the future, only the sword is unparalleled.

I didn't know the lord.

If he told Vis, Vissen did not know, the god of death in the stars, actually shuttle the time and space, attempted to devour the vocal sound of the lives of four major time and space.

This source star air in the air, it also stood up.

In the first time, contact the strong in the stars.

Among the distant mysterious stars, the gods.

During the life.

For the outside world, I don't know.

Those who attempted to swallow their lives were all divided into the future.

This is always in the stars.

Or can be said, it is now.

Real destruction in the future.

"It's still trouble!" Viscites the temple.

He is so dizzy.

However, since he encounters him, it will be erased.

Time and space shuttle is not allowed.

Once found, along with the present will be removed.

This is the iron.

I don't think of it, I will be so unlucky.

The shuttle is once, but I want to swallow the gods of the life, but I have encountered Vis.

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