Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5972 erase everything!

I was in the drum in the drum. At this time, I didn't think of it, stared at Denbao, and I wandered a smile. "Kid, you should be glad!"

Said, reach the jaw to Denbao.

I want to swallow the life of Denbao in a glance.

"Hand!" The sword was unparalleled, now in the life, they are like watching ants, then there are so many nonsense.

Just like him to sacrifice, where, I will tell the other side, why do you want to do it.

It is also a waste of time.


A crisp sound in time and space.

Time and space instantly solidified.

But people don't. .

Everyone can move.

During life.

It's just that space is freeze.

Subsequently, everyone saw a figure, appearing above the sky.

Hand-held sticks, full of white hair bunches, is the Visse.

Everyone is not stranger.

I have seen Visses.

Just don't know the identity of the other party.

I didn't expect to appear again at this time.

This is a sword unparalleled with the king of life.

"You are finished!" Wang Wang immediately came out, pointed at the life of the death: "A small garden in the district, seeing the Stars, not worship."

This wave of dogs, the swords who are watching are unparalleled.

How is it a king.

Don't do a little bit.

It's no wonder that I have fallen early, and I have left it now, but I will not hinder the king to manage the northern time and space.

I am dead.

"Star Spirit!" I didn't find Vis, and I was shocked by the king of the king, and then turned to the sky, he was completely stunned.

No matter what God, there is a level of division.

For example, the highest god of northern time is the king.

Then it was the god of reincarnation.

Life and death.

Just have not yet appeared.

The life of the dead is the god of death in the starry sky, which is the god of reincarnation.

But which reincarnation is already fallen.

So he dares to plan the position.

Not only is he planning, the god of life in the starry sky is also planning.

It's just that the courage is not so big.

Dare to fight four major time and space.

Attempting to swallow the god of life, blending your death, thus becoming the god of reincarnation.


The god of the reincarnation is strong, but also more powerful than the arrival of the reincarnation.

For example, time-space reincarnation.

Topped on time and space.


As for the Starp.

That is the noble existence of God.

It is the Star Spirit of Star Creator.

Just look at it, the eye hole of the life is almost burst, "Vissen ... Visner, how come you?"

"Call!" Viscouned smiled and said: "Of course, it is to erad you!"

After the life is constantly retreat, the face has leaked the real desperation, and it is desperate than his own death.

Why didn't he come, you will meet the Star Lings.

That is that I don't know how much than God.

Don't say resistance, he didn't even stand the courage to stand before the opponent.

"Adults!" Dedicated to kneel down, the whole person is decadent, there is no goutyness of a little bit, kneeling in the ground, devoutly,: "Visner, please kill me!"

Everyone in this scene is a glimpse.

It was originally thought that it would be struggling.

But like a dead dog, please ask Visse to kill himself.

There are people in the field, or those who are unknown in the outside world, they have no solution.

Only by the world will be aware of the reason.

Although the sword is unparalleled, I know the strength of Vis, but I didn't expect the life meeting to take the initiative to die, and the voice gave Vis, let him be careful.

If this is said, if it is known by Wang Kewen, I am afraid I will laugh.

Really, the sword is unparalleled from the bones, but also thought that the other party was delayed, and there was a backhand.

When Vis heard the sound, he turned to the sword and didn't say: "If you don't, I will give you this opportunity?"

"No ... it's no need!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Then you can regret it!"

Through the Swiss, the scenarius moves all the space and time of the internally in place.

At that moment, the death of the death in the starry sky began to break.

There are also different time and space in the rest of the three major spaces, are also broken.

Only the regeneration of the original universe is left.

The king is the first found, can't help but see the sword. There is no sigh: "The sword is unparalleled, you just missed the best opportunity!"

"What opportunities?" The sword was not immersed in the moment of Vis, and he didn't understand the king.

Next, the king said after the structure of the present.

The sword is unparalleled.

Just Yisi made him shot, and he could kill the life.

And it will kill the ingeneration of the original universe.

He also doesn't have to bring the people of the old man with the old man.

"It turns out!" The sword is unlikely, and he has been in his consciousness as a opponent.

The indulgence of the original universe stayed.

It is a chance to give him.

Kill the opponent's last one.

"The king of the king, the original universe, how is the strength, is it so powerful?" The sword is unparalleled is still worried.

If you have just so powerful.

Then he can't go back right away.

Also, then practice.

After the king heard his words, it was laughing. "No, if it is so powerful, I am afraid that you have already fallen, which is just a lot of people, the strength is generally ! "

"General?" The sword is unparalleled, and I ask: "What is it general?"

The distance from the distance is slow, and the king is busy to hit: "The sky is not leaked!"

The sword has no double brow, looks at Vis, I am afraid that two people are deliberate.

It's not asking, as long as you have just been so powerful, he will further become a seven robbery, almost enough.

Even now, it is not impossible to go back.

Some things, there is no need to wait for all things.

Still want to give yourself some pressure.

Otherwise, the opponent is crushed, and it is not interesting.

It is precisely because of this, his opponents will continue to grow under his eyelids, and even surpass him.

If you are a little, there is so much happiness now.

The last one is left in the future.

There is also a fidelity in the same day.

In the temple of the original universe.

The life seemed to feel a powerful uneasiness.

Then the stock disappeared.

He looked at the temple in his eyes and did not find the reason.

Now in the original time and space.

The forces of the temple have been turtle into a group.

Million era past.

The original time and space now.

I have already been renewed.

The robbery can be seen everywhere.

The familiar people who have been in the sword have become the master of the universe.

Compared to ancient times, the original time and space is still tender.

Bulk is very rare.

It is still a lot of universe.

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